A Snapshot Inside My Mind - Part 2

I spend alot of time in my life being proud, proud of my beautiful daughter, proud of my niece, proud of my family and friends, proud of my football lads, but very rarely am I proud of myself.
For some reason I have always struggled to love, appreciate or feel proud of myself, I'm not sure why as I grew up in a very loving home with amazing parents but it has always been an issue for me. When I was younger I used to think I would grow out of it, I would learn to love myself but I still look in the mirror everyday and hate what I see.
That being said I am making some improvement, since having my daughter I have learnt to allow myself occasionally to feel proud of myself through her. When I see her being so kind and polite or when I see her out with her litter picker or trying her hardest to make her baby cousin happy instead of sad, all those little moments that make me not only immensely proud of the amazing little girl she is, but proud of myself as I am raising her alone.
I have come to accept I may not ever love myself the way I should and maybe that's the reason why I struggle to allow anyone to love or appreciate me, but I must be doing something right as my little girl is such an amazing little lady. I take my moments of pride through the beauty I created
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