abandon all hope

Catchy title isnt it.
I truly feel like the world has lost something very valuble,while bad things keep happening it's as if people walk by disasters in our own society's and pretend like the bad does not even exist. IT is all around us,as an american we have all been spoon fed a lot of bull crap about how we are great, everything is good,or how everything points to a positive future. it seems like the last 20 years the majority world view has been,well if I cannot do it somebody smarter will,and to put it simply we as a species are running out of the people capable of fixing the problems that we have,even something as basic as common sense has gone missing,from our own society as a whole.
I remember when I was 22 I dated a girl with a kid,and she thought it was impressive that I knew how to change a diaper already,but to me something like that was self explanitory.it seems like we are no longermoving foward Iin the way we are supposed to,the more people we save medically the more job that are required to be provided,if we come up with some kinda agricultural cure all to feed the world our population tripples.We as peoples are killing ourselfs,we know various chemicals that we have constant exposure to in our daily lives affect our future generations,yet over and over again we allow these things to come into contact with us.
I grew up with a developmental disorder,and well as the world and family completly against my basic instict for survival,as a kid I would live alone in the woods for weeks at a time,to me I was discovering something important,now as an adult I talk to other people,and I try to approach the subject as sensativly as possible. I will ask a co worker,do you like working here? almost always they say no,then ill ask do they have plans to make a career change to something more appropriate to their needs? at that point its 50 50,yet even the ones who do have future plans are either in suffocating dept,or completly relying on their parents,most people from what I understand experience each event separately,and develope memories of those said events based on how much of an impact they had,while with autism all moments have meaning and are therefore connected,even if not directly at first.
when I go to work,and people dont use common sense,or I hang out with friends who like to play magic,and 3 of them are pawning magic cards to pay for rent,trying to ask eachother for money,and when I talk about not having problems because I made the right decision the first time,I have to wonder just how big of a problem is ignorence in the world. I am a well traveled person I have seen many places,I have traveled to more than one country,so therefore I assume if I assume it is based on a logical perspective and therefore more than likely some what accurate. I went on a date with a nurse recently,and I "assumed" that because she was a nurse she had a certain level of basic processing skills,and her and I would be able to connect on an intelectual level,but unfortunately her first words were soooo uh I want a baby, like I really want a baby,and I was like woa I dont even know your name yet,but I bit I asked so you dont want a relationship,but you want a baby? she said no I want a relationshipits just no men anymore want one so im offering to give them sex after I find out whether or not I like them,and they will have visiting rights and have to pay child support......I walked away,and later that day I got a txt from her saying I just want you to know your an ass hole and im not a whore,I dont fucking get it. the world we live in is fucking crazy,I recently read a statistic that stated today 1 and 8 women will be or have been sexually molested by a family member,I dont know how you were raised but imbreeding makes dumb kids.I also read an article about a couple who preplanned being sexually involved with their future child,the agreement was if its a boy shell do it,if its a girl he can do it,you would think I would be suprised that humans would stoop so low,but no this messed up shit happen all the time. if it was not bad enough that they had the kid,and it was a girl btw,but the husband told the wife I want to let one of my friends get involved........and the wife said well sure I was uncomfortable but I was so in love with him.she said she loved her child molesting husband,and I see this stuff all the time,were people will get afantisized idea of the person they love and keep building on that idea with hopes and dreams with gundrops and ding dongs,to cover up for the fact their lover Is a monster. I can only imagin at that moment were u tell yourself that you would sexually molest your own child for the man you claim to love,you must be completly insane. Yet with 1-8 women being sexually molested one can only assume one of your friends is a pedophile,which doesnt mean you should leave all your friends,but you have to accept that these horrific things that are being comitted by our neighbors have been happening our entire life,and we simply chose to ignore it. when my own friend from work speaks openly about how her boy friend is so smart,yet tells her to her face shes a disapointment to him for not doing anything with her life,yet has a house and a car and a job paying 15 an hour for a 26 year old woman having had 2 dead boy friends thats pretty impressive. She thinks butterflies fly from his farts,I can never convince her hes just a dick and what she wants will not happen,but thats life. my problem is when im talking to her and shes saying how he told her she will never go to college because shes too stupid,and at that moment another 18 year old girl walks over and tells her about how because her eyes hurt that means shes really smart and she thinks that him telling her shes stupid makes him a wonderful candidate for a husband because hell keep her in line. It is when people say these idiotic things that I feel like forcing myself to throw up on people,just so they understand how fucked up they sound, but the thing is,it wouldnt make a world of difference,I could call that girl a fucking retard to her face,but I wouldnt get anywere getting mad,its like everywere I look I get these moments were I question myself wondering if the entire world is getting worse and worse,and because the average person typically follows the group everyone else is acting dumber in turn. I feel like the family unit has lost its potency, no longer demonstrating the advantage of kids being raised by their parents,sure we know having both parents creates a more stable upbringing. yet if you look back a thousand years we had familys to more effeciently protect and teach the younger generations,knowing by the time they grew up we would probably die,today to be successful usually you cannot apply yourself to your family,however to be there for your family,either you work from home or you dont work nearly as much.,either way its a disaster we are raised in a society based on monetary value,your social worth is typically based on how much you have,or your potential for making money. tasks are no longer accomplished for self respect,now a days just to go on a long distance hiking trip is cost thousands of dollars,the things that made family,and self respect what it was,has become restricted,while the things that cause us to want more,and act irrationally are cheaper by the dozen,even religion is only possible if you give yourself tunnel vision and ignore all other variables.so my judgement is considering every year since I was 16 these problems keeps multiplying,in severity and number,we are fucked unless large numbers of people seriously being to consider the ramifications of their actions towards others,and the impact it has on all of us,large scale changes need to happen,or quite litterally we will bring about our own destruction,im not exaggerating,or making scenarios up,the world will start to go crazy,im talking gory skull bashing,neighbor on neighbor homicide,massive rape and canibolism in the near future,all because morals have been abbandoned by many,so as humans we al really need to self reflect and ask ourselfs are the things surrounding our life really ok,and what can we do about it.