lovely moments with you

I look at you through the only eyes known to me in my entire life and see, only perfection,while others pass by such a treasure I stop and stare admiring the architecture of creation. I can only admire. long do I dream of the day were you could be but mine alone,the ways I would caress and adore every aspect of who you are, my love for you knows no bounds for it is infinite,and everlasting. I reach out to caress your soft tender cheeks and drink deeply from your ruby lips feeling your longing soul flow through melfilling me with such joy. that I would stand on a moutain top shouting out my love for you,so that the world might know the astronomical fathoms of my love for you.if but the world could seize but a single moment with you and I in eachothers arms forever as one surely that would be perfection to me,for I would love you an eternity and more
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