The Angel Keeper (Genesis)

~~There was a war in heaven. Michael gazed into his mirror before placing his winged helmet upon his golden hair.He held his lips pressed together, trying to stay strong for the other angels. After all he had to come through because he was their leader.No one else knew how truly he was upset over the actions of Lucifer. This was his brother. How could he betray God in such a way? Michael gave a deep sigh and then exited his chambers, shutting the large elaborate door made of black gold, and regular, and black diamonds.
Before him stood all of the angels of heaven chattering amongst one another about what was going on. "My brothers!" He trumpeted out to the angels. Michael had a loud and booming voice that would silence any crowd when it rung out.The angels instantly quieted their voices in order to hear what they had to say.
"What's going on Michael?" one of the angels spoke out. Once this angel had said that, alot of the angels started to chatter and agree with the question. Michael waved his hand over the angels, signaling them to settle down.
"There has been something that had happened in our kingdom." Michael explained to them. The angels listened attentively. "Our brother Luicfer has betrayed our God, as wel as us." Now the angels chattered once more. "God has instructed us to fight both him, as well as the other angels that have decided to follow him." Michael looked from spirit to spirit as he then proceeded to say: "If he be you, I suggest you speak now, or be outted by the almighty God himself." Everyone looked at one another to see if anyone would step forth.
Michael still searched the crowd. And then before him there was a rustling about the crowd. And behold, there emerged a gang of angels approaching Michael wearing the same winged helmet as God's angels, but in a red and black color that seemed to be almost old and rusted. While approaching Michael, they removed their helmets. The one leading them out of the crowd took his helmet off first. Michael's eyes were astonished. All of God's angels drew their weapens. Michael held his hand up to them for them to hold their attack.
"Our commanding officer has told us to come and speak with you." The devil's angel said in a horribly deep voice. His skin as well as the angels with him didn't have the light clay toned skin like God's angels, but because they crossed over to the dark side, they had a deep earth toned color about their skin that seemed to glisten black. Glistening as if it were sweat glistening from their skin.
"How dare you come before us and have the audacity to say you have another commanding officer other than the lord thy God!" Michael shouted.
"Michael, I truly am sorry!" one pleaded.
"Me too!" another on cried out. The one leading them turned toward them giving them both dirty looks.
"You know what, I too am sorry. But the truth of the matter is you're so caught up with worshipping the wrong person that you're apologizing to me, and I don't have the authority to even forgive you for such a thing! You have to talk to the almighty God about that!"
"Well unlike them, I know where my honor lies." The leader of them said with a smirk.
"Where your honor lies?" Michael said leaning in closer to his face and saying it a bit quiet. "If you had any sense at all, you would know that your honor should lie with God!" The devil's angel smirked again.
Just then God appeared before them. The angels that served God bowed before him including Michael. The ones against him still stood tall The three angels in remorse for their actions also bowed before him. God threw up his right hand binding the remorseful ones in chains, simply because they could not choose a side. "If you can't choose a side, then you shal await judgment!" These angels cried unto the lord. "RISE!" God told his angels. "The time is at hand!" God looked to the crowd as his angels began to stand. After raising to their feet, Not one soul moved.
"Aren't you going to tell them to attack?" God said crossing his arms talking to the lead of the dark angels. The demonic force looked at God as if he wasn't all knowing. Some of the angels began to look around. "Reveal yourselves!" the lord shouted with a mighty crack of thunder. Some of these angels that had bowed before the lord now showed themselves, taking on Lucifer's ugly form, just like the others that had spoke to Michael. But some of them even uglier than the ones they had just seen. God's angels gasped and quickly unsheathed their swords.
"Since you waited so long to attack, I guess that we will first." God's spirit said with his arms crossed and a laugh. "Attack them and do away with them from my kingdom!" All of the angels began to fight with their swords, sorcery, and magic.
"Michael! Go seek out Lucifer. Find him and do away with him!" Michael nodded once in a approval. He kneeled down, touching his right fist to the ground and then flew off to go seek him out. He flew from that particular area where they were fighting and flew towards the center of the kingdom fighting off demons on his way there. Slash them across their stomachs and watching them bleed black smoke into the atmosphere.
He thought to his self for a moment before striking another demon of where Lucifer could possibly be. A coward such as Lucifer wouldn't be fighting. He thought to himself. And then the thought crossed his kind to search God's place of worship in the heavens. He headed there just knowing for sure in his heart that Lucifer would be there.
After a little while of flying and finally reaching his destination, it would seem that the feeling in his spirit was correct. And there he was, in one of the heavens many places of worship.
Michael landed lightly to the ground, almost as if he had skipped in because of how fast he had been flying. He crept about the place to sneak up on Lucifer.He could here the noise within the place. The house of God was no longer bright and peaceful, but in stead took on the scenery of dark and gloomy. You could feel fearful and it bothered Michael's spirit to be there at that moment. Michael could no longer smell the sweet inscents that usually filled the air but only could smell dry air upon the place that was so ungodly it made his nose ache as if it were going to bleed.
Michael continued to make his way through the place and as he got closer to where Lucifer was, he could smell the oder of cigarettes and the smell only got stronger as he got closer. Then he could begin to hear the shy moan of a woman. Michael's face could not help but just be angry at was he was witnessing with his ears thus far. And soon enough, as expected, he heard Lucifer speaking out words of blasphemy.
"Ugh! That's right take this shit!" Lucifer said out loud. Michael hide behind a beam for a moment as he began to catch view of the table before the alter. Lucifer on top of the table, on top of the woman, before the alter. A cigarette in his left hand as he still proceeded to have sex with her. He must have finished up because now he climbed from off top of her, and stretched as he puffed some more of his cigarette, finishing it off and throwing it onto the elaboratre gold flooring before stubbing it out with his foot. Michael revealed himself to him as soon as he saw Lucifer do this.
The lady with him crossed her arms over her breats, a bit embarressed. Her name was Sadie. Sadie was the only woman angel in the kingdom, and it would seem that Lucifer made it his business to have her.
"What are you doing my brother?" Michael said unto him.
"What does it look like?" Lucifer said as he lite another cigarette, took a puff and then handed it off to Sadie so she could smoke it. She inhaled it, and as she did, her skin would burn a charcoal color, with red streaks just as if she were a volcano. This was nothing like Sadie to be this way at all. Sadie was one of the nicest angels in the kingdom of heaven.
"And you Sadie, can't you see that he's using you?" Michael told her. Sadie shrugged, not muttering a word.
"What the hell do you want Michael?" Lucifer told him, approaching him to talk to him face to face.
"How stupid could you be? You know exactly why I'm here Lucifer."
"Well......." Lucifer started with a release of air, "You want to join my alliance, and bring praise to me, the alpha and the omega!" He smiled and motioned to the sky as he said it. Sadie started to get dressed back into her robe, almost as if she were uncomfortable with which way the conversation was going.
"How dare you fix your mouth to disrespect God in such a way!" Michael said.
"Because I AM GOD, GOD DAMN IT!!!" he shouted pointing to his self. His words echoed through the room. Just then a roar of thunder sounded in the sky from God himself.
"DO AWAY WITH HIM!" he commanded Michael. Michael put out his hand and his spear appeared before his right hand glistening bright in his hand from its godly glory.
"I'm sorry brother." Michael said as he threw the spear into Lucifer's chest. Lucifer's face was rather surprised that his one of his own had thrown him from the heavens. When he threw it, Sadie tried to be a hero and jump in front of him saying "NO!!!" The spear nearly hit her. But her timing was too early and it only caught the hem of her robe, still striking Lucifer in the chest. His spirit fell as a strike of lighting he made it to the ground so fast and very hard at that. He had fallen to hard into the earth, he had no time to think let alonce breath.
Lucifer's body burned so hot with God's fury. Almost hotter than the earth's core. He shook in unbearable pain from the burning. Directly behind him came all of the other fallen angels from the kingdom of heaven that chose to follow Lucifer hitting hard into the ground with smacks. He still lied there trying to recover, now screaming and Sadie concerned asked, "Are you okay?"
"WHAT THE HELL OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY YOU DUMBASS!!!!" he said to her shoving her head back into the ground. He held his face where he had dropped and stood up slowly when the pain started to subside.He dusted off the debris he had collected afte crawling out the hole he had made from his fall.
Sadie followed behind him. "Now what are we to do?" she asked him.
"What the fuck kinda wuestion is that?" he told her. Sadie quieted once more. "Don't go getting all emotional on me now just because I fucked you!" he pointed at her walking away with the other angels. Sadir=e just stayed put next to the hole they had climbed out of. "Just start putting in work!" he shouted over to her as he walked away. "That was the plan in the first place anyway!" Sadie was completely puzzled and hurt but she knew she could figure out a way to please Lucifer.
"Like what?" Sadie asked.
"Evil shit!" Lucifer said as he left, his angels close behind. Sadie listened as they walked away hearing a voice off in the distance of the night time.
"What was that?" Eve said. "You heard that?''
"Ah, Our God is at work, go back to sleep." Adam mumbled in a yawn and went back to snoring.
That's when her mind came up with the evilest thought she had ever thought. She looked over at the forbidden tree. She doubled back again, trying to make a decision on which tree was the forbidden tree to make sure she had the right one to carry out her plans on. "I guess I'll just have to get them to eat from each tree until I find out which one is which." She told herself outloud.
That was when Sadie, one of the sweetest angels of the heaven decided to talk them into eating from that tree. She knew they wouldnt listen to her, so she got the idea of talking an animal into talking them into doing it.
And that's when all hell broke loose..............
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thank you so much for taking the time out to actually read this I know it was a lot lol this is actually an excerpt from a book and I am working On