The Angel Keeper (October 5th, 1973)

~~Sadie met Donna when she was about nince years of age. But the problem was, Donna had no clue that Sadie was one of the devil's angels. Sadie was very smart about how she would lead Donna astray.She stuck with the story that she was one of God's many angels, however, she still did things that were against God before Donna. Because Donna didn't know much about God to begin with, Sadie used this disadvantage of Donna's as her advantage. The sad part was that Sadie had done this a countless number of times to past generations of Donna's family and Donna had absolutely no clue of this either. And little did she also know that this was the fifth descendant she planned on making a mockery of. And here Donna was, 16 years of age and she still kept Sadie by her side.
Donna was one of the girls that was a sweetheart, just like Sadie once was, but ebery now and then, she dabbled with the wild side. Donna looked at the sky, shielding her eyes with her hand. It was a lovely day outside, birds chirping, the weather was just right. It wasn't this icky hot weather. It was just the perfect breeze that blew ever so nicely. As if this wasn't enough to make the perfect day, Donna felt even lovelier because she was high as a kite off of Mary J. She finally exhaled the smoke coughing, and burst out into giggles. She passed the joint over to another one of her buddies with shaggy hair, leaning back on his one hand as he began to inhale the smoke from the joint and en pass it around the circle again. They were all relaxing at that of a hippie protest. It was very peaceful as the lady on stage played the acoustic guitar at a slow steady beat. So,e people swayed to the music, while other sang along. Sadie sat upon them in the circle as well, and they didn't even know because only Donna could see her.
"Does your mom even know where the hell you are?" Joshua asked Donna, swinging back his shaggy hair behind his ear so he could see her, although he could still hardly see her through his hair.
"As a matter of fact, no she doesn't." Donna giggle and sat up now as she put the joint out. Donna's brown hair shined in the sunlight, and the wind blew ever so lightly, making her long hair sway. She had a flower band around her head, and when the wind blew, the sweet fragrance of the flowers carried through the air. The band seemed to keep her hair in place a bit so it wouldn't aggravate her. Donna gave a smirk at her friends as they also began to stand up. They began to walk off away from the gathering just to chat, but suddenly there was a sound of a glass bottle being broke onto the ground. The shatter echoed through the sky and all of them turned around to face a group of four people staggering drunk from liqour. Two women and two men.
They were very loud and made their way down the street laughing and snickering. Talking. Donna and her friends stopped moving and got out of the way splitting into two so the could make it pass them by going through the middle. Sadie stayed silent still, not really having anything to talk about. She just played in her long light brown hair, stroking it over her shoulder. She gave a deep sigh a bit bored. She always made sure to take on her angelic form around Donna, otherwise she would know she was demon.
Just then, a cop car drove past them slowly. Donna and he friends watched as one of the drunk hippies that had just passed them flipped off the cops. Another one of the men grabbed his groan and thrusted it at him as an insult. The police instantly stopped, and let his window down.
"I'm gonna ask you to calm down!" The officer pointed at the hippie. The two women behind their men hide their giggles with their hands over their smiles. The officer in the car became infuriated and his face turned red in embarrassment. He pulled out his baton, but as he exited the car, leaving the car door open behind him with his partner still in the driver seat, a hippie cried out into the crowd.
"C'mon man chill!" Joshua said over to the officer. He looked his way, and was almost about to take his advice, but then someone threw a half a bottle of whiskey at the officer, and it shattered at his feet, the stinky smell now in his nostrils, and the liquor on his standard issue shoes. This bottle of whiskey, is what made the officers not turn back because what was just a peaceful event, was now turning into a full blown riot. The officer in the driver seat called for back up on the radio.
"Shit!" Donna said. "We need to get the hell outta here!" Everyone scattered amongst the crowd to get away. And soon enough, more police officers showed up. They took away as many people as they could.
"What the fuck!?" Sadie exclaimed. "Who the fuck do they think they are!?"
"Sadie, let's just get home before my parents actually find out where I really am." Donna said. That's when Donna ran directly into a police officer. She fell to the ground when she did, and Sadie pulled her arm to try to help her up. Donna stared at the man she had just ran into. A very tall black police officer. She gave a gulp a bit afraid. He smirked at her and he reached out his big, rough, working man hands out to her to help her up. His hands were rough with calusus.
"And where do you think you're going young lady?" He told her giving her a stern look.
"Young lady? You're pretty young your damn self." She told him not really looking directly at him and nearly looking at the ground. He gave her a dull look. "I mean, I'm going home." Sadie bumps her warning her to be polite, and her body swayed from her bumping her. "Sir." She added. The officer noticed the swaying of her body, not seeing Sadie of course.
"Are you drunk?" He questioned her crossing is buff arms.
"Hell no!" She said. Sadie bumped her again making her sway.
"I mean no sir." She corrected her self.
"Why are you swaying then?"
"Ummm it helps me think." She said as she swayed. "Hmmmm, I think that I should go." She tried to step away but he held her back.
"Get your hands off me!" Donna said as she snatched away from him. Sadie then shoved him in an attempt to get away, but the officer has such quick reflexes and grabbed hold of Donna thinking it was her that did it. Soon enough Donna found herself upon hone backseat of a police vehicle being escorted to the police station.
"Sorry." Sadie said looking down, sitting next to her in the police vehicle. Donna said not a word to her. Mad because boy was she gonna get a punishment from her parents once they came to get her.