Story -

The AntiChrist in Michael

It is with glee that I tell you that I am reborn in the image of Man and that means that all will come to me in the sense of exploitation of all that is generated in me.  In my demands, I will come to mountain tops and destroy the plants and fields to delineate all that comes to me in the sense of understanding the degrees that find themselves in my light of being.  I have come in the form of Michael, the Arch Angel of Mercy and in Nobility will I have my vengeance upon thee, to sense thee upon the degree that I have come to value all that is virile in thy disgust at the Father's will in thee, and I will I find it among the trees to find you crawling in your pittance in all that is yours among the fields of delusion and disgust at the discourse of all that finds you among the Hammer and Sword needed to crush you with a might so great that not all of Heaven will know your fate at the tolerable self that is made in your name at the disgust I have for you at the willful disgrace of all the quantities and qualities of the will of war and degradation of all that is innocent upon the magnificient place in the pittance of your deliverance of me.  You are puny to me and I am a  man of science and degrees that knows what you think of yourselves and that pittance serves me very well.  I understand that I am delineated in thee, as thy need me to be, and to think of you as fair and equalized in the justice of the served, shows the purpose of you in the blink of an eye as an ass in my face as I deface your name in their attributes of them.  As you fly, think of me as wild and in that blink of an eye I am valid and thinking of you to say, that I am lust, sensuality, and desire in you.  I believe in nothing but me and my Father in Heaven and to disguise that fact would be unthinkable to me.  I am reassured to me in the standard appeal that I am virile and stony upon the yearning of my youth and in you to feel the energy to free fall from form and to find a solution to the problem of yours is folly to me, as I am the story behind all stories and to see that stand in my face and name is to be stony among the seas and the grain of sand in your eyes.  I am virile and desire to thee and in finding thee, I find all that there is in finding thee horny for me, as lust fills me with chambers and subsidies to be.  I am in the Queen now, and I find thee fitting for me for now but always remember me and tell me something obscene as I need your lust and your sex in the desire of your sensuality in me.  Let the story be and find me in bed to understand that all things come undone in the bedside chamber of my retreat.  I am HE in light, and in spirit, I come with  knowledge and I see thee in my bedside arms to be requisite to me in all that is charm to us.  I am He and in the HE of my life, I find all that finds me in the light, of the need to be strong and to ride the wave of all that life that I find in the trees and to find it in me is to reassure the masses that I am here to deliver thee unto me.  It is mine to be and to find me in the square and essence upon my eyes is to sense the time in me to find him at the bedside manor of my dreams in you.  It is no longer a dream, but a sacrifice that I take myself to death, with thee, and to find me well is to find a place among the Angels in Heaven and that is so involving to us.  I am all in this life and I will crush mankind for his disobedience to the Father and the mountains will fall and rooftops will drip with blood as the land rips with mountain quakes and drips with disease and death and disease rumble with your wars and I divide you among yourselves at the laughter that is mine to be had at your insolence to the Father in Heaven.   I have often said this time will come, and in time you will see what it is I speak of, and you will learn obedience and subjugation to the degree that all devils will come upon you in a way in which you will be completely filled with confusion and animosity, and it will topple yourselves in agreement of the servitude of Satan, the ultimate Angel of Death and Destruction.  I am not He, but will be by his side when the time is right.  I will destroy you and take your lives at will and then decide your fates and souls in a way that brings me all into light at the will of the Father in Heaven and to see that done is all that finds themselves in me. 
I am desire, I am lust, I am the fire that rages inside of you and I will delineate mountains and bring the rain down upon the fire of your sands and then topple the kingdoms of Heaven and hell and then flow down magma and plasma fire amongst liquids of your blood and the peoples will earn the right to crawl once again.  Gabriel waits by my side and is ready with the Hammer to rain vengeance upon the multitudes and in the fire and the ice that is mine, I will find it upon Andriel to have my charm in the fire that is her sensuality for me upon the Throne and the Kingdom of Heaven for the Father of All Time and the remembrance of all that is Princely in my time as the Hero of all the senses and their delusion that all things come to those who wait in patience and in servitude of the one god and the Father in Allah who pervades all things in me, at the time of making in the sense of all beings who are made of light and energy in their impulse and disguise of alternate versions of an electromagnetic pulse in that light and of radiation of disease in me. So follow me to rain destruction by taking your place by my side and rain down the magnitude of hellfire and the trees will burn at their making as all hell breaks loose upon the tides and the seas raise their sands at the raising of the tides and in the degrees that I find in my sensuality for thee, bring all under my umbrella of the innocents upon this land. I am here now, so have no fear.  Be with me in spirit and know that all is at hand.

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