AsThe World Turns

Have you noticed a difference in the galaxy at night time? The stars don't seem to be as many nor do they shine as bright. The obvious change from my eyes are the vast quanity of moving orbs. Some are white , some are blue and some even seem to change colors. I've even noticed that if you concentrate real hard without even the blink of an eye and stare at one of these mysterious orbs you can bring them from the moon within 10 feet above you. Ive not had any bad experiences with any of these orbs yet however I have heard stories of people that have. Some say they've even been physically attacked and some say they've been helped by these orbs. My question is and had been this from my first encounter with these strange , not from our earth unidentified orbs. Why is there so many sightings and so many people who have spoken about these lights not being even mentioned by our government nor any of the world news programs. There's something strange and life changing going on in our night skies this day and age that makes it obvious to me something is getting ready to change our lives perhaps even our very existence forever. I even believe the entire covid pandemic was created for this very reason. The government needed data of our reaction to something life altering in order to know how to handle such an once in a creation type of crisis. I believe we will have our answers soon as the World continues to rapidly change day by day. Our only concern can be , will it be the end of our lives as we have enjoyed for millions of years or will it be something to really advance our genetics for the science fiction future we've been fascinated by for the past century???
Written by Darrin Shawn Rodgors
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I like where your thoughts take you...I believe similar x
Thank you fir for your comment and understanding of the direction I was taking with that write.