Story -

Being Blunt

Being Blunt

We have all been there. Your friend is telling a story and drone on and on, probably like this story. And then just suddenly you've reached the end point and say something you shouldn't have (or maybe you should've.) We have all also been on the recieving end of things like that, you're trying to tell your friend a story about something stupid but it has a meaning you just can't get to yet. Then suddenly they tell you to please stop talking or just to shut up because they always talk way to much. Simply saying whatever comes to your mind is a two-way street. Telling people the truth or what you think about them hurts, you don't realize it but you're scaring them. For some, it'll last just for that moment. Others will have it stay in their head until they don't even realize how far back it was said to them. The worst part is, that you know this. You know how it feels, we all do. Yet you do it anyway, yes usually not on purpose, it just happens, and you probably don't realize you did what you did until later in the day.  But let me tell you something. Lot's of things 'just happen.' Too many things to count. But that really isn't an excuse. (Happy? I sound like your parent or teacher now!) Random things go through all of our heads literally 24/7 (or else you'd probably die when you brain stopped working.) The human race is lucky enough to have so many forms of language and talk in so many different ways, but the best thing is that we have the choice whether to say what we're thinking. Which is so incredible! Yet so often in life we blurt out anything on our mind.

Now listen i'm not hating on every person who has said something that hurt another person. The truth does need to be told. Sometimes people need to be told about a certain aspect about them. But not always! If it's obvious the person has grown up being very talkative and won't shut up, don't tell them this flatly! Just because someone has something about them that you don't like or find annoying don't just go up to them and outright tell them. It hurts. Because they can't change who they are (at least not in a day.) Changing youself is a part of growing up, but there will always be certain things about people that they had since they were little and will still be a part of them until their old and gray. Don't make people ashamed of who they are all because you find it annoying. Yes, if someone has a bad habit of something like biting their nails and spitting them out everywhere. Tell them for gods sake! Those are projectiles that could kill someone! (Not really.) But I hope you get my point. You may think you're helping them or better yet helping youself out of the situation. But you're not. People can't just get told straight to their face something that's been apart of them forever (or they didn't even notice) is annoying and that they need to stop. It leaves a mark. It gets obsessed over forever until one day if they realize they can't stop it breaks them a little more. And in case you didn't notice, a bunch of little things add up to one big thing. And can eventully make you finally crack under all the pressure of things. Being blunt is something that is needed in the world sadly. But not to be used lightly. As I said before; we've all been there. On both sides of the bluntness. Just remember this the next time your friend is chewing with their mouth open or if your friend is stuttering trying to tell you a personal story and you are irritated by the situation...major difference in how you should respond.

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