Story -



There once was a lion, who thought he was better than all. He knew how to hunt, he knew how to crawl.There came a day when he had a son, that is the day this story begun. 

"He will be the greatest" his father announced. He will be the mightiest warrior, the strongest leader, he said as he roared with a pounce. 

But his father quickly saw that the cub was not the best, when he tried to leap he could only fall. As much as he tried he could never amount, to everything that his dad talked about. 

He tried and he tried, his fathers lessons he borrowed but still his father announced "I will call you Benoni because you bring me great sorrow." 

When night came Benoni ran and ran, until he heard a voice perched above him. "Whoo, Whoo?" The voice called from the tall tree limb. Benoni looked up, "Hello?" He whimpered 

"Well hi there little one, whoo are you? Why are you here all alone? Don't you know the forest is no place for a child?"The Owl whispered

"My name is Benoni, who are you?" 
"Oh, well my name is Oli, yes Oli the owl. I sit here on my limb, it's what I do." Explained Oli  "But, you just sit there? All alone?! Squealed Benoni. Aren't you afraid?" 

"No, no. Not at all. I am here to watch over the forest. But  Why you may ask; because I care." "You  are very brave Oli", said Benoni. And with that, Benoni continued on.

Benoni walked and he walked until he began to tire of thirst, so he made his way to the pond, where another friend lurked. He was slurping the water, when he heard a small voice begin to utter. "Hello", the voice squeaked. 

"Oh Hi, said Benoni. Where are you?, I cannot see you." I'm right over here, the voice squeaked again, as the small turtle peaked. "My name is Thomas. You're here very late. Where were you headed?"

"I'm Benoni", he announced once more."I'm not sure where I'm going, because I am not great." "Now Benoni, I'm sure that isn't true. Said Thomas the turtle." "I'm sure it is" said Benoni, then he added "wait. . . Is there anyone here with you?"

"No" , said Thomas. "Here it is just me." "But why, why are you alone?", Benoni asked sadly. "I'm never quite alone said Thomas. I have many friends, this place is widely known. I have many stories to tell the young and old."

"You are very wise, Thomas" said Benoni. And with that he continued into the night.

Benoni spotted a beautiful meadow in the distance so he ran to this wonderful sight. He bounded through the tall grass, and frolicked among flowers as he let go of his past. The dawn slowly came and he watched in awe, then he couldn't believe what he saw! 

A spotted fawn bounded through the grass. Benoni watched and he smiled staying still in the grass. "Hi, there!" The mother deer said gently as she bounded up to Benoni. "Hello, I'm Benoni.",  He whispered as he gasped in their beauty. "It is wonderful to meet you, I mean that truly", she said. "My name is Diane, and this is Faith"  "Please stay safe.",Benoni told her "We are safe dear, our family is there"  Diane said pointing. 

"I wanted to make sure though, that you were safe as well"Said Diane "I am safe, I have my trail. "You are very loving Diane" Said Benoni . And with that Benoni walked away. 

Benoni was growing, becoming stronger and wiser than when he left the day before. He had learned so much, yet he wanted to learn much  more.  So Benoni continued on his trail, no longer afraid to fail. 

Benoni was walking along the riverside when his father ran up. "Benoni, Benoni!" He roared. "Father. . . " said Benoni reluctantly. "I do not know why you left, But I have heard of your travel, and the word is spreading." "Father, I have chosen to live my life constructively." Snapped Benoni. "I am sorry to have doubted you. But we need you back home, to show us all that you do." Said his father So Benoni agreed to go home with his father, he had no other choice because he could no longer  roam. 

There soon came a day that Benoni had a son of his own, he taught him to be king. He taught him the true meaning of strength and how to hear the wind ring. His son heard stories of the forest , and how it healed a hurting heart. Benoni's son became great, he grew strong and tall and he treated all with love, which is most important of all

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