Birth of In Vampire Zen

Approaching Halloween, a couple years back, I wrote this small history to my number one fan in England: A. K.
Alexandria Krysinski,
I always gotta break this ol' classic out for Halloween. What inspired it was so freaky deeky creepy cool ... my ass will never forget!
1992, blessed 'cause I'm tripping lovely on one right proper hit of acid, by m'self at the 99 cent movie theatre in Eustis, FL - close neighbor to my little hometown in central Florida, Tavares - fully into Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula. So into it that, when Van Helsing and his crew go down into Lucy's crypt to lop her lovely little head off, and quickly she puts the brave Doc in a trance - well, the acid had me so focused that she put me in a trance, and from the beginning of her trance till when it's cut short by one of Doc's Nite Dawgs (i.e., noble allies), I was caught in my own vampire trance; attached to her eyes, every syllable her voice spoke, her naughty smokin' hot gothic self, like a goddess mistress with powers not imagined!
The trance she had me in was broken at the same moment, on the screen, that Doc's trance was broken. Which totally blew me mind, as she had me, completely!, for what I calculated to be the better part of a whole minute in the common world.
The term In Vampire Zen was what I dubbed the trance I entered. Also, the intense passion of when Dracula took Lucy, (like a ravishing hawnry {def: simply horny and awnry at the same time} beast!!!) actually gave me that extra little gem that most me poetry in the 90s lacked, in my opinion, which was a good storyline.
Ya might can imagine the shocking wonder that hit me a few years later when I watched Dracula, as they say, 'sober', and saw that the trance scene, in common time, happens quick - probably 3 or 4 seconds from beginning to end!
So I'd like to thank The Lord Thy Goddha 'bout Fitty times for allowing me such awesome metaphysical experiences rarely granted to the average Joe in this tragically comedic macrocosm of mechanical monotony, Magic, and myriad madness; methodically mistaking misinformation for marvelous methods most mathematically meaningful, merely mechanized minds mysteriously misperceiving mirrored mental misconceptions mostly made manifest by our moon, Luna; Her manic motion most magnetic!
At any rate, this is for me Lady Love, Jaynel Becky:
Through darkness
walking through forest, blinded
Frightened she wanders
through tranquil night mutter
Afraid of the creatures
maliciously watching
from shadows around her
the black which is talking
A figure emerges
in path now foreboding
Darker than Nothing
he seeks
what runs
warm inside
To run she cannot
for something has caught her
A trance, not a touch
yet even more stronger
his eyes glow green
She slips
in a newfound dream
For this
is her final sin:
Loss of Self
in vampire Zen
No longer does she
fear this beast
Which lives and breathes
the rites of feast
The blood that flows
in her so strong
Inside her flesh
his death is long
No fear, nor pain,
nor thoughts construe
the way it feels
to not be you
A vacant state
hypnotic trance
An ancient legend
deadly dance
Ancestr¡al warning
no longer a fable
The pain she encounters
beyond any label
What she'd give
to taste his skin
To be again
in vampire Zen
His voice the fluent beast
adrift on his vocal rhythm
What am I, if I die?
she cries and cries
What am I if I die?
Slightly she slips
towards the absence
of knowing
by the monster
by his passion
Now two fading truths
vanish ….
Pain of the vampire life:
Not Living
She's finally found
her tortured twin
Her life's last rites
in vampire Zen
by Gentle
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