Carey Milton ©
12th September 2014
(The first of 4 chapters of my poetry story)
'The Battle Royale'
A wooden post, made from oak
Stood just outside the gates
And etched upon it's timber slats...
This was the only entrance
To the private town of Craye
Not many folk would visit
As it was just too far away
Yet a crowd had started gathering
As it was a different story today...
Quiet and quaint
Was this town by the sea
Relaxed and easy
Where the nights became breezy
But every day was warm and sunny
And every tale told
Always seemed to be funny
Miles away from any city
Most had no clue
Of the value of money
Except for 'The Mayor'
Whom had plenty to spare
Yet never spent a cent
Nor did he care to share
The thought of making
A quick piece of gold
Is where this story
Begins to unfold.....
Travellers from far and wide
Could not wait to get inside
This outcast city to the east
Had promised a tournament
To say the least
A spectacular battle
Between man and beast.
Every settlement across the land
Had invitation to this event, so grand
Excited, they waited with tickets in hand
There was hardly any place to stand
Every tavern and every inn
Was packed to the rafters
And full to the brim
Where patrons were drinking
And placing their bets
As inn keepers smiled
Upon every cent spent
For today would assure
Their busiest day yet
The town was alive
Full of laughter and cheer
As celebrations began
With bellies full of beer
Plastered upon each and every wall
Was a painted picture
Of a beast standing tall
With spear in hand
And the fists of man
Proposing the triumph
Of..'The Centaurian'...!
This Arcadian town
Was hustle and bustle
As busy bodies were...
Flexing their muscle,
Roasting and toasting
Dancing and boasting
For 'The Mayor' hoped of hosting
A magnificent sight
As he then yelled to the crowd...
"No seats are to be allocated tonight..!"
"So please sit where you will,
And stand where you might,
For the full moon promises
A fight to delight.!"
"Ignite the works of fires display
For the beast who walks
Upon hooves shall pay..!"
Did 'The Mayor' of Craye
Organize this display
Upon knowledge that a Centaur
Would arrive on this day?
Well these whispers did stray
From a masked man in white
Who was this stranger
With a secret insight..?
A year ago, from this very day
This man in a mask
Had made his way
Into the sleepy town of Craye
Over to 'The Mayor'...he crept
Where a detailed note would then be left
In the palms of 'The Mayor'
Whilst he blissfully slept
Upon the crack of dawn,
The very next morn
'The Mayor' sat up in bed
And stretched with a yawn
The crumpled paper then fell to the floor
And 'The Mayor' bent over
With an almighty...ROARRRRR....!
For his age was showing
And his body was sore
He then flopped himself
Once again, on the bed
Where he opened this note
While scratching his head...
Reading only two lines
He then threw it away
"Im gonna be rich....
All that his greedy old eyes could see
Were just a few short words
That made him VERY...happy.!
Yet if only he had read..ALL the note had to say
This 'Battle Royale' would not happen today
He then wrote down the date
And a brief note to himself....
'A Beast
And A Feast
And A Battle For Glory'....
Then he placed these words
Up high, on a shelf
"A Centaurian battle
Right here in Craye..
I can already smell
The gold coming my way...!"
For this creature had only been known to exist
In a far away forest....
Known and named...'The Abyss'
Where no one would dare
Set a foot anywhere
Near this location
Nor close to his lair
Veiled within a cloak of mist
Evil beings really did exist....
'The Dragonfly Queen'..and
'The Butterfly Girl'
Seductive Sirens even feared in hell
And finally...'The Centaur'
Only one of it's kind
A mythical monster?
Or a truly rare find...?
Now the warm summer sun
Shone down upon everyone
As the crowds made their way
To the main stadium
Where 'The Mayor' then prepared
For this celebration
A grin of delight
Shone upon his face
For the time had now come
As the note said would take place
'The Mayor' entered the ring
And the crowds started cheering
As he quickly announced....
'The Centaur' is now approaching.!
But his speech became fueled
By an overwhelming fury
While addressing the jury....
"Welcome one and ...ummm ...all
To our town of Craye...
Yes it may be small
But I am sure to deliver
A night to enthrall...!"
'The Mayor' then took a deep breath.....
Then coughed into his hand
Regained his composure
At the microphone stand
"To the victor...The spoils
As the challengers fall
So without further adieu.....
I am proud to give you..."
A sudden hush swept over the crowd
But the gait of trotting
Could not be heard...
Nor found..?
There alone in the ring
Was a masked man in white
Not a word was spoken
Not even a sound
There was a slightly...long pause........
Then a thunderous applause
Which echoed across the Arcadian Hall
And heads rose high
Upon tip toes tall
And folk of all ages
Fought their way to the front
For a ringside view....
Yet if only they knew
There would be no neigh
Or a Centaur to slay
Well at least not today
Thus to the crowds dismay
Many minutes had passed
This lonely stranger
Would unveil his mask...
Hisses and booze..(boos)
Were then hastily cast
As the man dressed in white
Cautiously removed his mask
Then the audience...GASPED>>!!
For this was no man at all
But a true...And pure
Centaurian standing tall..!
The patrons just stared
For a moment...or two
Blank faces and shrugs
Held no obvious clue
Why did this man wear a mask?
Well...if only they knew...
But a laughter uproared
Followed by an encore
Then a standing ovation
For the one on 'All Fours'
Pleased to see all was going to plan
Just as the note stated
Delivered by a masked man
But 'The Mayor' had no clue
It came from THIS...'Centaurian'..!
While he flicked his dollars from left to right
'The Mayor' quickly scampered
Backstage....Out of sight..!
But the Centaur had reason
For this phony facade
So why such a drastic
Show of charade?
Well this was the easiest way to persuade
The town of Craye
Soon to expect
Impending doom from
The gloomiest tombs...
Then as 'The Centaur' rose his spear to the crowd
Acknowledgement was given
To this beast standing proud
"I am 'TARCANE'...
King of 'THE ABYSS'
And I have come here today
To warn you all of the mist."
"I had need for the cities and towns to take heed
So we could all gather clandestine
Safe...for now
From evil's fear
Where I can now do what I must
All I ask of you now is a raw sense of trust
For their presence is near...
So listen close....
Do you hear?"
"I originally came from the forest of 'Varke'
Full of malevolent creatures
And black, tainted bark
I am now the only true and pure soul
Left to protect such a vicious hell~hole."
"Thus the town of Craye
Is the furthest away
From eminent danger
Coming this way..!"
Every face in the stands
Looked in total dismay
As a day of delight
Turned summer skies...grey
A swarm of murmurs then rose
As the sun slowly set
And the first star took pose
Then a boom bellowed loud
Above constant voices
As Tarcane proposed
All but no choices...
"We have but a matter of days,
As the fog grows thick
Spreading its haze
'The Abyss' has ways
Of twisting the minds
Of any beast
Of any kind
And I assure you my friends
She WILL seek your presence
For 'The Abyss' has penance
I have been wary of most she has planned
Thus I hope all will join me to reprimand
The evil about to be dealt on our land."
Questions were shouted from every direction
"When will this happen?"
"Do we have your protection?"
"We do still have a few days up our sleeves
But you must do as I say
And not as you please.
Now all of you go..
Get plenty of sleep
For tomorrow we meet...
At the first sign of dawn
So a good rest to all
Until we rise in the morn...."
And one by one the audience dispersed
Bewildered and scared
With empty purse....
The streets of Craye
Held an eerie silence
As the gates shut...closed
Against the raw iron fence
In hopes this defence
Would now guard their entrance
A full, pallid moon
Climbed high..into the sky
And the air became cold
For 'The Sun Of The Night'
Did not shine...nor was it bright
As moonbeams delivered
The dimmest of light..
Eventually.. all eyes were shut tight
Beneath a pale, overshadowed twilight
The Centaur...'Tarcane', had now disappeared
Out of sight....Not of mind
Now fulfilling new fears
For all had been written
In that note...
Just last year.
Carey Milton ©
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