I hope for a storm tonight......
Dusk is falling and the air is thick, warm and damp.
Gazing out my backdoor I feel myself drawn to roam amongst it.
Hastily, I extinguish the lights that plague my vision. I'm desperate to venture out there,
beyond my backdoor in to the vastness...
Barefooted and baring only a white satin gown I plunge myself into the open. Spongy cool grass consoles my footing and I feel myself drifting...but to where?....
Right here!..I pause...I'm illuminated by the moon's rays, under the spotlight I'm alone and have never felt so safe. My face is drawn to the heavens and my eyes wander aimlessly across a dimming sky. Clouds are slithering toward one another, forming new creations, somehow evolving into a stronger, fuller power. I invoke their energy then close my eyes....just for a moment.
Once again I explore the skies, noticeably clouds have dispersed, exposing the fullness of the moon.
I'm tingling, smiling, energized and wish for nothing more than to be here, sharing my excitement. Too good to go unnoticed I murmur my thoughts aloud, maybe to show my appreciation....
Then... so suddenly..before I could gather my senses clouds re enter the scene only this time they bestow a fierce intensity. I am hypnotized with anticipation, my surroundings have become anomalous...In an instant...darkness has engulfed my vision...There is no more light...I am no longer protected.
My eyes dart all around...a shape, a shadow? Nothing...Then an exhilarating significance I'm not sure I'm still alive?
And without warning an almighty blast of holy light accompanied by a thunderous cracking boom swallow my whole entire being....then silence. All I hear, all I fear is a questioning memory of my mortality in that darkness...
Now I am encased in the brightest of lights and I know I am no longer....
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Imagery amazing but found it had to follow your line of thought or understand if there was an underlying meaning. Felt a bit lost but could see grat potential in your writing.
Really appreciate your honest feedback...must admit this had a life of it's own but I was happy with where it went. I guess I tried to put the reader wanting to be consumed by a potential thunderstorm...when their life suddenly ends by a fatal lightning blast....obviously a little deeper than that but hope to improve on the way it was written maybe x thank you x
Awesome Lily Mae... I'm glad you liked it...this for me, is one of my fave pieces..Thank you :)