Story -

"Chameleon conspiracy" By Ben Goode 2016 (c)

The five reptilian representatives sat at a conference table together in a dimly lit room aboard their mother-ship. 
"So what is the progress of the political infiltration on the United States front Obama's’?" The leader asked.
"We have created civil and racial unrest to its peak. Although the impact was not as great as the twin towers destruction, there is still sufficient turmoil being created? We have been working on having their basic arms taken away from them, by their own laws"
"And what of the Islamic and Muslim crisis Muhammad?"
"We have been sending out the suicide and gunmen clones, as requested. And have been causing several effective tragic incidents. We have also plagued their social media, with negative and modified news posts, to spread the hatred of those religions"
"And what of the new Presidential candidates? Do we have influences placed on each of them yet?"
"All of the candidates of both Trump and Clinton have been modified accordingly. Certainly each of them have had our genetic offspring, so our youths, who they think are their own, will be well taken care of. The political agenda they have, is very subtly laced with our law. Just enough to make small and barely notable changes"
"These mammals are pathetic, as if they were some sort of two legged bovine. This planet is plagued with their kind. Certainly our saurian ancestors were never as successful."
"Who said their species were successful? Their lack of civil and racial tolerances, mixed with the chaos of their over popularization disadvantages even the greatest of species." 
"We can sit here all day and criticize an obviously very flawed species. They really only exist so we can use them to repopulate our own race. Extermination is neither effective nor practical. Survival of the fittest may be the first law of the jungle, but strangler figs which are a Terrain native tree are living proof that clever opportunists get along just fine, too. Several types of figs are called "stranglers" because they grow on host trees, which they slowly choke to death."
"An interesting comparison Zhaitan, I had no idea you were such a botanist, using the strategy of an ancient tree, to overwhelm a world of its most destructive mammal pestilence?" 
"Your flippancy is almost as slippery as your tongue, Allah. 
Watch yourself, or you will be assigned to one of the poorer mammalian cities. There is no room, and no time for homo-sapien influenced disputes here. Onto the more relevant issues, what of Kim Jong-unPutin and Vladimir Putin? Has there been any further threats, or actions taken on nuclear warfare, or civilian city bombing?"
"They remain as the most dangerous leaders in the world. We have spread enough paranoia and fear about them for now. Our focus is dismantling a united nations within European countries. And for all intents and purposes, it has been a more effective project, at this time."
"We have to proceed very carefully, there are pockets of humans who are very aware of our presence here. Their numbers are growing. However we have convinced and promised some of them to be relocated and immortalized. We will of course just take possession of them and keep their bodies for our own."
"Excellent my comrades, keep up the excellent work. We will proceed with the second part of operation chameleon. You are dismissed, until our next meeting" Zhaitan smiled.

"Chameleon conspiracy" Part II 
By Ben Goode 2016 (c)

The large spacious room was dim and featureless.
A long silver operation table stood within the room, with a Syrian man lying on it apparently unconscious. 
Two Saurian beings stood at the table looking at the man curiously.
"So this is a human clone terrorist? It looks a little too stereotypical to me. With all the features that these humans would expect and suspect as a terrorist" Allah scoffed with a hint of arrogance.
"Its their stereotypical expectations which I am relying on. As long as they don't suspect this subject is a simple clone. This is a single purpose semi human clone, which is only functioning with basic programmed thought. To destroy itself within the proximity of a crowd, of actual humans. It has no actual personality. And its life is inconsequential. Its objective has proven as the most effective fear and hatred creator within human society." Zhaitan explained.
"This whole conspiracy seems a little to obvious to me. How do they not suspect there is sabotage within their countries economy and politics?" Allah asked in exasperation.
"The humans are so corrupted with power and money that it makes them blind, and it is their undoing. Why war with a race that has no peace or comradeship anyway? They have warred amongst themselves for as long as they have existed. They murder each other and slaughter native animals. They pollute their own planet with monetary greed, which withholds more practical and friendly technologies. They fuel their transport units with the very oils of our ancestors. They are not worthy of this world. But they will sustain us as the mindless cattle they have proven to be!" Zhaitan explained.
"I don't even like mixing in with them. They smell like over-sized rodents, and their intelligence leaves a lot to be desired. I have to dumb myself down in my interactions" Allah complained.
"Patience Allah, you may use this subject for your next terrorist attack to vent your frustrations, if that is any compensation. Be sure the ISIS is notified before it happens as usual. It is ironic, and strangely coincidental that ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq, and Syria, and is an extremist militant group, that rules by Wahhabi/Salafi law. But it actually only stands for the Interactive Saurian Invasive Sect. We leave so many clues, and we are probably being too generous with those. However the human's perception is too closed minded to uncover us. Proceed with our operation Allah. I will eagerly await your updates.This Earth has certainly generously provided us with entertainment, as well as resources" Zhaitan smiled.

"Chameleon conspiracy" Part III 
By Ben Goode 2016 (c)

His house was an immaculate mansion. But only one room in it was ever occupied, and he preferred it that way.
Saju had surrounded himself with technology most of his life. 
His whole room was dedicated to his computer's and gaming technologies. He was a professional computer programmer, and in his spare time he was a ghost hacker called "Agamid " 
He had spent most of his time working from home, and he had gained significant wealth from his profession.
But he really didn't like going out to spend any of his riches.
Most of the time he had people, and his own employees deliver his needs and wants to his door. 
Saju really didn't like people at all, and he didn't really have any friends as a consequence. 
He had plenty of Facebook friends though who he often interacted with. In his posts he often spoke about some of his conspiracy theories. Strangely most of them had to do with the Saurian race and their invasive intentions. But nobody really took him seriously.
He really didn't expect them to, but he did want the attention of the actual Saurian spies. But he suspected they wouldn't be stupid enough to break their silence.
While he was producing his next post and blog one of his Facebook friends messaged him. The message box came up onto his screen. She was a very beautiful woman he had acquainted himself with over several years called Pachua.
"Hey Saju how are you?" She had typed.
"I've been very busy lately, how about you?"
"Busy?? :( Saju why do you write those silly blogs all the time? :/ Nobody really believes any of that stuff!"
"Well I do and I have proof. Can we not have this argument again please? I don't have much time to talk tonight I have another major project for another client. I am just taking a break from it atm"
"Sorry :( I didn't mean to upset you. Hey how would you like a special pic from me as a way to cheer you up? :P"
Saju took a deep breath and paused on his keyboard for a minute.
"Are you still there?" Pachua messaged him.
"I don't accept pics of that sort, you know that." Saju replied finally.
"I didn't say it was a pic of me naked Saju, its actually a special message just for you, and only you will understand it :)"
"Ok now you have my curiosity, whats the message?"
The screen went blank suddenly and then green, and suddenly the message appeared 
"Dear Agamid

01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01101001 01100100 01100101 01100001 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 00101110 00100000 01010011 01110100 01101111 01110000 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01101100 01101111 01100111 01110011 00100000 01101111 01110010 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101111 01110000 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110 00100000 01000001 01110100 01100001 01101100 01100001 01101110 01110100 01100001 00100000" love Atalanta xx"

Saju although quite surprised, quickly converted the binary message before it disappeared, and it read: 
"You have no idea who you are fucking with human. Stop your blogs or I will stop you"

"Chameleon Conspiracy" Part IV 
By Ben Goode 2016 (c)

There was a major political conference being held 
And there was at least five different types of alien ambassadors and representatives seated in different sections of the massive hall. 
They were all simply categorized as the Squirrel, the Feline, the Falcon's, the Aquatics, and the Canine. Each of them were humanoid in some way. And wore quite immaculate and formalized clothing.
They wore customized headsets, which were no doubt some type of language translator.
They had inbuilt microphones in them too, so they could speak when they were addressed in the conference. The conference appeared to begin with a light indicator, to perhaps signal general attention. 
A lead speaker stood at the front, to address the crowd at the podium. 
He was an Aquatic. He was fitted with some sort of breathing apparatus, perhaps to compensate for not being in his natural environment. But he spoke quite clearly.
"Greetings my fellow ambassadors. It is indeed an honour to stand before you and address this urgent conference. I would kindly ask you that any questions be asked when I have notified you in full of the urgent matters I am here to update you about. It is concerning Saurian plague which have infiltrated the Earth and its people..." The ambassador advised. 
But suddenly one of the Canine ambassadors rose furiously to interject, causing a disruption in the room.
"The Earth is irrelevant to our alliance Ambassador Gilman! There is no Saurian plague. It is a scare tactic!
Besides we have told you many times that we don't wish to be involved with the affairs of that planet!" Several other ambassadors shook and nodded their head with chatter among themselves.
"Silence in this room!" It is very relevant Ambassador Canine, especially when it concerns the Saurian invasion of their entire civilization." Ambassador Gilman continued.
"What are we supposed to do? Intervene and compromise our well-being?" Ambassador Canine interrupted again. “This is just your way of manipulating our governments to carry out your dirty work!”
"Please listen to what I have come here to say Ambassador Canine, or you may take leave of this conference and remain uninformed of our united planetary affairs. This is very relevant to your own world. For if the Saurian are left unchecked in their present assimilation of Earth, then they will once again rise in their numbers to cause a threat to us all. These creatures are pestilence. They blend into civilizations and cause anarchy, with terrorism, political upheaval and racial mayhem. Does that not concern your government?" Ambassador Gilman asked. 
"Depends on who is in government!" Ambassador Canine scoffed. He suddenly materialized a gun into his hand and aimed it Gilman. But before he could fire it, two armed guards disguised as ambassadors, seated nearby, sprang into action and disarmed him quickly. And they proceeded to arrest him.
The room had erupted into alarm, as several other ambassadors rose in concern, and their bodyguards moved closer to their side to protect them from harm.
More guards entered the room to escort the other Canine representatives out of the room as a precaution 
"Silence in this room!" Ambassador Gilman shouted as he tapped his hammer on the podium. The room ceased the chatter, and the guards took the struggling Ambassador Canine out of the room. 
"I apologize for that most unfortunate incident my comrades. I have been well aware for some time that the Canine system has been compromised by the Saurian's. And that is why we are all here now to prevent any further planetary infiltration of our own worlds. I ask that you all stand with me today, to work together to root out, and eliminate this horrendous, and disturbing infestation. We must not let them divide us with doubt, or inaction, as they have attempted to today. Our alliance must remain intact in order for us to succeed. But we must have a starting point. And I firmly believe that the starting point is with the Earth!"

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