Death doesnt knock

It's an eerie feeling when you're standing in a room full of seven people and you are the only one left breathing. You know damn well that each and everyone of those motherfuckers had it coming to them. Revenge feels so good in every way possible. I know and you know your not supposed to say it let alone act on it. It's always pushed aside and swept under the rug as soon as you start to talk out load about it. Everyone tells you that you shouldn't even utter the word in anger and despair. You come to realize it though, that in your heart of hearts you know damn well that inside there lies the bitter Sweet victory that you can only feel from true revenge. kill or be killed , eye for an eye , tooth for a tooth , my life or your life, what's it going to be?
That is the feeling I had on that autumn night in 1996 when I was awash in the warm blood and cold chills that came over me. Standing upright and looking down at those poor sons a bitches that thought it was a good idea to cross me.
Please let me know if you want more of this story..... I am trying this avenue to let out all my thoughts and demons. However, if this doesn't work or you don't like it I don't think I will care too much ... tough shit I suppose.
Thank you ,
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