Scriptures speak of the Spiritual as a gift, a witness bearer and a helper who pleads for us
How and Who?The searcher of hearts who knows all things
What all those assembled saw and heard were truly deep things of God
On the day of Pentecost a mighty rushing wind filled the upper room setting flames of fire upon them
Jehovah needed his Spirit to illuminate the heart's in order to receive the deep things of God for divine "IN AWE"
Honor And Beauty Surround Him In Glory
Strength And Beauty Are Is His Holy Sanctuary
Beauty Is His Fullness, And His Goodness will Present Themselves Upon The Paths Of His Righteousness
"Oh Sing Unto The Lord A New Song All The Earth Shall Sing Praises
He Maketh The Sun To Rise And Shine And Give His Sunset Upon The Going Down
Glorious Painting Of The Master Plan He Shows Forth His Glory In Splender Of His Golden Rays Of Light
In Awe Gripped By His Majestic Glories Sirredeemably And Greatness As King Of The Universe
May Your Beauty "Oh Lord Shine Within Our Fleshly Hearts Setting The Horizons Hidden
Mirrors Of Your Reflection As Our Inner Strength Revealing And Discovering Your Hidden Kingdom
Your Domain Your Holy Sanctuary That Fills Your Earthly Temple
In Awe of Your Beauty Filled With Divinity
Within The Eye Of It's Beholder
Simplicity Of Heavens Eternity With Man
You Are The Great "I Am "
For You Are Great And Do Wanderious Things Every Nation Will Bow Praising Your Holy Name
Your's Oh Lord Is The Greatness And Power And Glory
Victory And Majesty Holding All Things That's In Heaven And Earth
In Awe I look To Find You In Everything From The Waves Of The Sea To the Storms That Rage
This Sphere Your Throne Sets Above And Feet Rest Upon
The Mighty Arm Of Power igniting A Holy Flame, Angels Giving Honor Around Your Thone As King Above All
Scepter Of Sending Forth As The Morning Star Protector
You Lord Have All Dominion Blessed Are Thy Ways One Day Becomes As A
Thousand Before You
In Awe Of You Oh Lord I Stand
of Revelation
Speaking of the End days we now live An Angel of Destiny Foretold things to come in those of having Insight
These possess the inner deep things who will shine like the Brighteness of the Expanse
And those who will bring many to righteousness like the stars to time indefinite evermore
And the true knowledge will become abundant within the Kingdom of the Father Who is The Spirit of God
The invitation From the Anointed One having all Spiritual substance having the govering body
Prepare for meetings and programs fulfilling all Scriptural Assignment by supplying scriptural material
All personal impressions of the deep things through visions passages through the mind of the Spirit
Treasures Temples Inwardly Journals the knowledge of God A foreshadowing of what's to come
We shall receive in its proper time by the helper of deep things who is in Christ cooperating with the Spirit of Truth
Spiritual Reality the True Tent within Earthly temples Called Humanity
Deep Things belong to all who diligently Seek Him
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Profoundly beautiful
Thank-you so much I appreciate you
Merry Christmas to all