Dog Talk

Being a dog owner myself, being able to hear them, takes no special skill on my part. So it was reasonable for me to happen upon a dog on a leash, who was stuck between to old men talking. I had been approaching the trio from many steps back, and knew enough to know the dog was restless, seeing it was suppose to be his time out. To my amazement the dog let out a bark that to me sounded like a curse word. I chuckled as I walked off thinking the dog wanted to pee and poo, sniff and scratch, whereas his master had other plans, and those plans where not at all in keeping with what promises were made to the dog. So when a friend of mine's brother brought over his dog for her to watch, for a few weeks, some how the job became my issue until good bye set me free.
When the dog was brought to the house, with his master within view, the dog barked at me as if to let me know his master expected him to be a watch dog, and no matter his age, he was doing just that, as he warned me to step back. So after his master left, and the leash was handed to me, I was somewhat confused, for only moments ago sir pooch was having me at a stated distance. The leash meant only one thing, bitches! and he was all to happy to be about it, even if peeing and pooing was part of that package.
How a meet and greet for me, turn out to be a host and baby sitter had a lot to do with my joblessness and my hanging on to room and board by a shoe string. So there I was up and down eight flights of steps with Prince, so that he can get his authority on. Knowing dogs as well as I did, I knew enough to know that the dog with the greater scent rules the yard. So I made it my business to give Prince as much time out in the open air as I could stand. He was a dutch speaking dog, only because his master was dutch, so i knew he had to speak dutch. But I spoke no dutch, so... but I was more then happy to give him a crash course in English speaking.
Every time I went to the bathroom, i would speak to Prince from behind the bathroom door. The first few times, he only looked with amazement, for he felt that what would come next would be his bitch time. And sure nuff, the leash came out and keys were secured and off he and I went. He would pee here and there and everywhere, and pause only in certain spots where a female let her self go to his licking delight. This routine became fixed in by my bathroom getaway. And if I forgot about him, when i hit the bathroom door, his bark told me no sooner then i was finished he would be awaiting his turn at the open air. By the time I had realize what a monster I had created, he had my English down and i had his dog howls to his key note address.
On days it rained, it did not matter, he wanted to go out, and me knowing how crucial a diluting scent a scent meant keeping up appearances, that it was a must he had to keep up especially in the rain. So there i was with leash in hand, and Prince leading the way. I felt stupid, cause i was the only person walking a dog in the rain, but Prince made up for it, by walking in it as if a Spring day could offer no better. His sniff was not abated nor his lingering in sorted places and to my amazement, Prince was a dog that was more then willing to show off his authority.
Now if you know anything about dogs, reading the post is serious business. There was a tiny dog upstairs that had too much of Prince and his pee, and that dog wanted a piece of Prince so much so, that he made it known every chance he got. Now Prince had been dropped off on numerous times, but never in any set pattern. So the upstairs dog being the only one in the building was let lose about the time me and Prince was coming in the bottom door. I only got in some what when I hear the four legged steps of what sounded like a dog coming dowm with intentions. I managed to turn for the door just when the upstairs dog hit the boot step and slide into the wall running at top speed, giving me just the seconds i needed to have Prince out the door with it shut behind me. That dog had a cussing fit of his own and he hurled barks about Prince's momma and poppa...when the lady came out with him on the leash and blushed with her sorry, I called him Killer as he showed Prince teeth and tail.
Killer was a tiny thing, but he meant every bit of his speech and wanted a brief moment in time with Prince to question him about his peeing. This dog lived in the building and it was a bit much for Prince's pee to out weigh his, although I must admit I was to blame, but I could not say that to the Killer, cause he was an all Dutch speaking dog.
But for a few other dogs here and there, and long church services that made me late for our walks, Prince and I had a wonderful time, walking together. Although he was scandalous when it came time for his master to return. He plum acted like he didn't even know me and started barking at me as if to tell me back off. But me understanding dogs, cause me to not take it too personal. But as he was leaving I was reminded of his going blind in one eye, and knew his struggle to remain a watch dog, and the struggle just to keep up. This gave me a soft pillow for all the put downs.
Although time served came too quick to say goodbye, my friend and was leaving, what was meant to be, never developed wings, and our parting company gave rise to Prince finding another baby sitter. I never got to say goodbye to Prince, although he was much too into his master's return to even bother about me. I find dogs like people, when you give them time and space to be themselves, they appreciate it in their own way even if they don't show you how much. There were days i had to lift ole Prince up the steps as eight flights became a burden even for him, and there were times, i had to look away when in the presence of his master. So much so that his master had to at times, tell him to behave, I just winked at him to let him know he was being an awesome protector even if at my expense. Now that he is gone, and a new chapter in my experience awaits me, I still smile at the pup that had to curse at his master for not being so thoughtful as i was with Prince...nj