
I received some bad news yesterday when I went to the doctor. I have Emphysema. It's my fault. I did it to myself because I smoke. I quit smoking in May of 2019, but because my nerves are shot, I started back.
I want to take this opportunity to ask every reader who are non-smokers to stay away from cigarettes. They are dangerous. Cigarettes killed my uncle twenty years ago. I've got Emphysema and it can happen to you too if you smoke.
I'm also asking any readers who are smoking to quit. I know that it's difficult to stop smoking, but it can be done. All that you have to do is use nicotine gum, lozenges or patches. It also won't hurt if you ask the Lord to help you quit. But whatever you do, please don't try to stop cold turkey. I know from past experience that quitting cold turkey is very difficult.
When my nerves get a little better, I'm going to try to quit again. Hopefully, I'll be able to quit next month. Any prayers for me will be appreciated..
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