Liza sat listening to the country music , sipping wine, gazing into the starry sky, on an old rugged couch.Submerged deeply in vague thoughts ,she whispered sighing deeply ,."I wish to be a bird".Phone rang,"Liza, come down quickly, clients are waiting" a rude voice at the other end of the receiver" .".Okay Ann"!! she replied .Liza hurriedly ,done her touch ups concealing all blemishes,hastily went downstairs.Saw two men awaiting for her,one stout in his early 60's, another a young drug addict.Liza stood awaiting Ann ,as she was busy displaying the
rate cards .£150 for sensual services for 30 minutes ,£300 for intimate involvement lasting 45 minutes and £500 for full flung sex only for 90 minutes.This shift continue after a short break of 30 minutes for the whole night,if no customers girls can retire in their small rooms.
Liza is an escort girl since age 17 ,she joined prostitution to
meet her college expenses .She met many known faces from various walks
of life ,in 5 years as an escort.Many times she was just seen as an
erotic object .Slapped,boxed,kicked ,raped and thrown out of car.Liza
worked in the beginning as an on call but slowly drawn into the drain as
full time prostitute , due to the money earned.Its 5 am in the
morning,when Liza was relieved from her long12 hours shift. Over
strained and exhausted she lay on her bed gazing at the sky.A tear
trickled down her cheeks. As she remembered,how she left studies, as got
attracted to the hooking business.Initially ,people used to admire her
and acclaim her but now just a toy in many hands.
medical checks, on all escorts done including , Pap smear,a test to
detect cervical cancer ,came positive,in 3 girls including Liza .She is
now really apprehensive about her health and job. Sick workers won't
have any scope in this business,as they will be treated like weeds,
thrown out of job ,if of no use.Liza got the pinch of fate, engrossed
about her future ,Ann now a days babel more towards these three
girls.Liza looked at the two other girls and said," i wanna die
peacefully,I remember how brave Sara was rehabilitated by" THE FIRE"a
rehabilitation agency for sick and old sex workers.But getting in there
is crucial for our existence.Running away is the only preferred path
for freedom."....
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Your story gives an in-depth grief and pain of prostitute's life. Good and very narrative. You started it very nicely, followed by narrative style. Still Good. The illustration is superb. If it is from your own fist, it shows your artistic skill. Excellent. My applause ( I wish to reuse it for any of my poems with your kind permission ).
My vote and my nomination for the above story titled "AN ESCORT". I am planning for a new column in which I reserve your above story as the first to be analyzed and reviewed. I have not decided on the title of the new column. Probably it will be some what like STORY LINE or THREADS
Hi William thnxxx a million for liking the concept of the story and for nomination .I am humbled by your kind review.The painting is not by me.Its a photograph.But you can use it by all means.This topic was a Lil tough one I felt.As it's regarding prostitution.And actually I wanted to write more but I thought it will be too long.The life of an escorts looks colorful but they are just seen as a living sexual instrument without emotions.Even the men who are kind towards them still are not good as they have the parasitic unsatisfied last in them.They are social workers.I m not encouraging prostitution through this write but throwing a little light into their dark light...
Thanks for your observations and comments. Your start-up of this story is excellent. The subject or theme doesn't matter. By writing a story on prostitution, it doesn't mean that you are supporting that activity.
Even a writer in Malayalam named " Late Kesavadev " wrote a novel, after staying with a prostitute for many months to extract her life story. Another famous writer C. Radhakrishnan went to Mumbai's Red Streets to scribble a novel named ABISARIKA " (The Prostitute), later this novel was filmed with the old heroine Lilly Chakrabhaorthy from Bengal along with Malayalam actor turned film director Madhu during 1970's.
As I am planing to start another column titled as " STORY LINE " for review of stories appearing in COSMO, Piusha Singh's this story AN ESCORT has been picked by me to start with my column writing shortly. This is just to encourage our COSMO story writers.
Heyy dear..Very well written that I could'nt stop myself to read the whole story..!! A great topic and it really needs great efforts to write. Every other can't do it..You really have done a great job...by perfectly narrating the pain an escort suffers..I could feel it in your writing..:)
A well deserved nom..!! *5 absolutely from me..!!
Loads of love
Thnxxx dear Surabhi for your kind remarks and vote.
Love yaa