Everest College Guy = Motivational Spirit Guide

Hi there,
Im manpreet….That probably means nothing to you but Im here to do something I normally don’t do. I am going to summarize my day…the whole story.
I know what you are thinking “Oh great another dude who thinks his life is so awesome”.
Sir or Ma’am trust me with 10 dollars in my pocket I don’t think Im better than anyone.
It started at 4:30 am (Why you may ask…hold your horses im getting to that) when my alarm clock scared me.
Yes as it scared the bee jebizzes out of me cause I have it at an extremely high volume.
Why you may it…It only makes sense to wake yourself up with fear and your heart racing…..If you are an idiot….Hi.
From this I did my usually routine get clean, eat and out of the house.
On this particular day, I had an appointment to attend at 8 am (2 hour bus ride).
Personally since I am out of the house I enjoy hitting 2 birds with one stone.
So I decided that I was going to visit a friend today before I got home.
I thought this appointment was going to be done at 2 so I had everything planned.
Don’t you just hate it when things don’t go as planned…well you are not the only one.
Well this certain appointment ended..4 hours before I thought it was going to…you can just feel the excitement.
I thought to myself “I can do this….right?”.
From the office I went to the nearest mall because as a man you are always hungry.
It doesn’t matter if you ate an entire pizza if its offer you will utter the words “Another one please!”
At this mall I went to the closest taco bell and bought the best deal….(Why would you not look for the best deal?...Its economically incorrect).
From here I ate my food while I searched for wifi. (Oh the glorious wifi, finding it is like treasure….beautiful feeling).
As I sat there enjoying my food and talking to my bud I realized that from the table beside there was a man staring at me.
I began to wonder why…was It because I had something on my face….maybe….Was it because I was destroying this Spicy Big Bell Box (Product Placement)….maybe or was it cause Im a sexy lady killer and he just found this man crush…(Hey you have your opinion…I have my facts – The Lady Killer).
After eating I ran to the washroom to see what he was staring at….the walk wasn’t so pleasant. 2-3 others looked at me and stared…You can’t say one or two wasn’t cause im Saviour of Sexyness.
When I got there I realized I had tomato all up on my face.
Before I could even utter the word “Crap” I began washing it off and continue to move along with my day.
As I left I checked my phone believing 2 hours have passed…Nope only half a hour yes this all occurred in half an hour.
As I stood in the food court wondering if I should just go home and reschedule this meet up….A voice began talking in my head.
As I stood there in silence I heard the voice fade in “You keep procrastinating saying you’ll go visit next week, or the week after…NO DO IT RIGHT NOW!”.
I was stunned at what was played in my head.
It was the dude from the Everest College commercials (for those who don’t know I’ll post a link). He was in my mind, why I do not know but what I know was from that moment I did not see going home as an option I survived through the 4 hours of waiting for my friend to done with her placement for us to hang out for a hour.
You might be thinking did you really spend 5 dollars in bus money, 4 hours of your life, countless Tim Horton’s napkins and 14 dollars on food just so you could hang out with your friend for JUST a hour?.
Well I got a question for you….would you say no to him if you were in my shoes?Â
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