Experimental story Part two

I thought I saw a white light.
But I felt so much pain.
My vision slowly returned.
I turn my head the best I possibly can I see an I.V in my arm.
I see a Latino nurse. She fakely smiles at me. Mrs. Marrello. "Your awake I see?"; I didn't speak. just continued to look around; tried to figure out why I'm not dead. Then I saw it in my head. Gene's blood.
It was everywhere. I squinted my eyes shut as hard as I could and grabbed my head. I felt like all the blood vessels in my head where exploding like a giant aneurism.
I hear a mans voice.. "what's wrong with her, we got a nut in here?"
"Her names Janette Marrello. Goes by Janie. She's 22 years old, blonde hair green eyes. weighs 140 lbs. has a broken rib. And is our star suspect."
The two men smile at me with one of those 'were gonna get you' kind of smiles. still holding my head I ask in a raspy voice "suspect? for what?"
"Now don't worry doll. were just in here to ask a few questions." the other officer was a lot more heavy and honest. "Cut the shit jill"
"its Jane."
"I don't give a flying pansy what your name is. Heres the evidence. 6am 2 nights ago on April the 13th you were found lying on the ground with a broken rib in front of the trailview hotel which it appears you leaped from the roof, because your clothes were found atop the building. 2 hours after later. The body of Gene Flair was found in an Alley with a shot to the head. appearing to be shot within the past 12 hours. "
"So your implying that I killed Gene? "
the nicer cop looked at me "Well mam we just need your side of the story and any viable information that would prove your innocence."
I looked down at the bed and slowly closes my eyes. fiddling with my fingers. I was in shock. I almost spoke and the younger cop decided to cut me some slack. "Ms. Marrello. I am gonna be honest for you're favor. I don't think you should say a word until you get a lawyer."
my voice was raspy. "I'll speak alone. I didn't kill Gene.But I will tell you everything I do know."
I told them about Gene and me being coligues at work, About when I visited his mothers viewing after she passed like everyone else did. I told them that I didn't really have any friends but Gene would be the closest thing to one.
That part went okay...
What didn't go okay is when I told them I slept with Gene that night. And that I saw him die before running to the roof."
Both officers thought my story was bullshit.
The fat dick officer got in my face and whispered "You know what I think, I think YOU killed him. And out of guilt you tried to make it a murder suicide."
I hadn't realized how bad this looked.
Why didn't I see who the killer was?
Why did I jump?
fat cop spoke "Nelson. did you run her records?"
"Yes, Sir. Jenette Stella Marrello. Her records squeaky clean not even a parking violation."
"You're in the hospital but don't worry ms. Marrello. We will be back with a warrant"
I gulped so very loud I know for a fact they heard me gulp.
They heard my sweat drip.
I sobbed.
Why couldn't I have just shot myself in my bathroom that night? Gene would have never been in that alley.
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