Story -

Family that just keeps on growing

It's amazing to see that so much can happen in just 4yrs. My last story was a beggining of my epic battles of internal emotions. It feels as if a lifetime has lived since I let go of my woes and mentally unhealthy demons.

2013 was the year marked with another life change. Not only was I going to have another little girl. I was introduced to a long lost relative. One none of us had ever met. My mother you see had only 1 child we never had the chance to meet. My oldest sister given away through adoption so many years ago finally tracked down my mom.
It was an amazing thing to pop home for a visit one day and magically have another sibling we had never seen. Just found mom through truly unbelievable to think a family tree building website popped up a window for her to explore. Mom had made it a point never to actually look for her. Always kept her close at heart and we always knew her birthday. So as she opens her message on Ancestory she is confused at first as it was just a simple email to ask about her.
Apparently she had been waiting awhile to conact her. Had her name but was never sure of whether or not was a good time to ask cause after all my mom didn't exactly try looking for her ever. So she reached out do to the fact that my mom had listed our biological father on her tree as a person she had married and had kids with. Only 1 child was not through marriage and yet she was srill added to moms tree as an unknown person which sparked a curiosity. Hence the news that mom may have found her long ago daughter given up for adoption. She was never lost as mom said, only given away in hopes of having a good life as she was too young to take care of her according to the times rhat is.
So with a few questions and asking for pictures its was pretty clear that she was definitely a part of the family. Just for assurances though they did a genetics test for no mistakes. We at home already knew though who she was because just like all of the girls in our family we were spitting images of eachother. The first picture we got was of her at age 29. Same age I was when we got the news. So mom showed me a photo after showing my brothers and it was like a reflection of myself. Ironically I had just chopped my hair off to the same length that she had in her photo she sent, so when mom asked to take my photo it was easy to see how much we looked alike.
Next we got a few more photos from when she was little as well. We took a photo of me, my other older sister who had passed, my daughter and put all three next to eachother and sent them to her. We were all 4yrs old at the time and all had the same hair length for that age oddly. Whats even better was the fact that each and every one of us looked identical. 4 girls you couldn't tell apart unless you happened to know the differences between us all at a glance.
She was so anxious to meet us all that we met her in August of that year right before my daughters 5th birthday and before my 30th. That was when I got to meet my sister for the first time. It is amazing to see how similar we are even though not a single one of us knew anuthing about eachother beyond the fact that we were related to eachother.
she stayed only a few days, but in those few days we managed to cram a ton of family history into it. By that time I found out I was having a girl and decided to use her name in my daughters as a way to celebrate bringing family home. Just as I had with my other daughter to celebrate a life lost by using my other sisters middle name as her first name.
It is true that siblings are a lot alike even if they have never met. For a person I didn't know we sure liked a lot of the same things, but whats weirder was how we sounded the same. We also had similar characteristics. We both have a habit of rocking unconsciously. We didn't know we were even doing till my mom burst out laughing and mentioned we were both rocking in a chair opposite eachother as we ate dinner together.
We told all the stories and had a blast while she was here. The time lasted very short but since then she has come to visit a couple of times and we have all gotten really close.
Another chapter of my ever growing life that seems to plague me. Having a sister again after never getting the chance to truly know my other sister. Makes me wonder what will happen next. My youngest daughter was born on an epic year for me and she is more like me than the one that looks like me.
We got to meet her that year on a day I was not expecting at all. She was supposed to be my new years baby but instead she came early. My son was born in December as well and he was extremely premature. Lucky little guy to be so healthy as he is now. Big as can be and a wicked temper just like his momma.
I had another horrible day on December 16th. Feeling awful not eating or drinking anything and as a result visited the ER to get fluids. It was late in the morning and I figured I would be home after getting meds and fluids to eat. Hyperemesis Gravidarum not a pretty thing to ever experience and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. By 1 in the afternoon I was still feeling awful and was stuck on that horrendous monitor that is uncomfortable watching as the contractions just refused to go away.
I finally called my husband and said nope not coming home today pretty sure I am having a baby today. He was a little suprised. I said I was fine and don't rush cause the nurse I had was arfuing about sending me home.
That was an epic argument as she was convinced I was being discharged and I kept telling her if I was my Dr would have her job because I was that high risk and needed to have an epidural by 2cm for safety precautions. It was in my medical charts as well. She prepared my paperwork anyway and got ready to sign me off when low and behold a midwife who recognized me through the window saw my monitor saw me and knocked on the window and waved at me. I waved and she pointed at the nurse so I could get her attention and I told her she was being waved for.
She looked up and was told to come for a minute. She was asked for my info update and how long contractions were going on for. She was told they had been going on the whole time I was there. Was then asked if she had checked me to see if I was dilated and she said no. Something I had told her she needed to do. She then came back in and said she had to check and sure enough I was having true contractions. She then reported back and Said she was getting ready to discharge me home. I could see the scolding through the sound proof glass as she was laid into like a teenager who spent an all nighter drinking and was getting grounded for it. Then seconds later she came back and said looks like you get your way and are being admitted. She was not happy with me.
My midwife came in shortly afterwards and said guess were having a baby today huh? Around 5pm my husband showed up to see if I was alright and I was just getting prepped to go to a room. Then it hit me that tomorrow was my sons birthday and I was not going to be home.
My baby girl decided to have a difficult birth just like her big brother and just refused to be born. With a last ditch effort we tried a medicine to make contractions better. It took about 30 seconds for alarms to go off and I was prepped for surgery on my sons birthday to have his little sister.
So now I have 2 kids with the same birthday and a new sister all in the same year. This year marks a new year with another little one on the way hopefully not to be a December baby as well that is born on the same day as my other 2 kids.
My current youngest girl is so much like me and her brother. So independent and yet has curly hair blond and blue eyes. Looks just like her cousins. How oddly family genes seem to work.

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