Searching for happiness and meaning in life
Greetings little ones
When I look over this crowd I see the future. I see doctors athletes future moms and day all you will be adults and it will be your responsibility to do your part for the greater part of man kind. As I look at you now the expressions on your faces is of bewilderment and confusion. You don't fully understand what I am saying. That is alright, for it should be like that for you are all still innocent oblivious to the adult world,see as kids all you really worry about is my stomach hurts I want food or is it time to play yet, my favorite cartoon is on I want to watch it. This is all ok you should all be enjoying life taking advantage of your youth. And I know times get hard sometimes and some have more than others, but I am here to tell you deep down in each and everyone of us we are the same for god made us in his likeliness. What this means is we all have the makings of greatness. Each one of us is special in our own way. And it is our god given right to find this greatness with in our selves. Only when we find our true calling will we fully be happy and prosperous in life.I once read a saying" I f I assert you as you are I will only make you worse, but if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming then I help you become that".what this means is that it is our jobs as teachers ,adults and parents to help all children grow. So that when they are thrown out in to the world they have a fair chance to succeed. It is our job to take the time to help all you find your true calling like I've mentioned be fore some of you will be artistic others will be athletic some will love to use there mind others will love to work with there hands, some will love to read others write. We want you all to live and love life. Happiness is the greatest gift god ever gave us for when you are happy everything around you feels so good. You noticed the small things birds flying kids laughing. Everything has color and meaning you see the truth for happiness open something within us that allows us to see everything for what its real purpose on this earth is. But when you are sad and wallowing in your sorrow you close every one and every thing off. You see nothing but grayness and darkness engulfs your whole Ā life, it is like sitting in a room in the dark you see nothing all you have is your thought and if your thoughts are negative then your life will be negative. I believe each and every one of us have a purpose in this world. We are all like puzzle peaces when put together they reveal a picture and story. Ā I want to tell all you out there young and old who think there not special that god does not have a plan for there life. That you are wrong there is a place for each and everyone of us in this world. We just have to find that place. Life is truly like a puzzle, you don't always find the right spot for each peice the first time you will move peices Ā around and eventually will find there rightful spot. That is like life we will make mistakes and take wrong turn. But if we keep trying eventually we will find one peice that fits then two and before you know it you will start seeing a picture and it will become easier. And eventually you will put the last peice together and the complete picture will be revealed for you. That complete picture represents your calling in life. So along the journey as you complete your puzzle don't get discouraged and don't be afraid to ask for help or except a helping hand. Life is truly a gift from The Lord so graciously except life's ups and downs. And beleive with all your heart that god will not put nothing before you,that you can't handle. If you live by this saying you will surely grow and find your place on this earth.
For the love of my raza
Sent from my iPhone
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