Galaxy Boy (Volume I, Chapter I)

Chapter 1: Old Face, New Enemy
It was the year 2000 AD. A new century had begun. This was the time when a great hero was about to be conceived. I shall not just tell you their creation. However, I will show you how they came to be. It all started in Osaka City, a city within the Osaka Prefecture. This city was a place of unrest, inflation and worst of all: 'crime'. Yes, that's right. To add insult to injury, the rainy season started fairly recently. This had poor effect on Satsujin Kikku. He was a 17 year old boy who resided in Honmachi, a neighbourhood in the Chuo Ward. "Nearly home, just ten more minutes", Satsujin said with a struggle. Oh yes, did I forget to mention? Satsujin was carrying groceries (in heavy bags) in the cold rain. A great gust of chilling wind accompanied the wetness from the grey skies. "Is it me or has the rain gotten heavier this month?", Satsujin asked aloud. The cold drops pierced his skin like wasp stings. Yet, not all hope was lost. Satsujin spotted an alleyway. It was dark and shaded from the rain. The helpless boy went inside and seeked refuge.
He took of his drenched white hoodie and tied it to his waist once it dried a little. Then Kikku saw a dark void in front of him. This alley was clearly not lit. "Well, I suppose I should go deeper in this dark pathway of warmth." And Kikku did just that. Suddenly, the hairs on the boy's arms rose. Satsujin's muscles could feel the alley get colder. A breeze could be seen in front of our hero. "Something isn't right". Kikku placed the bags on the floor after he said that statement. He took a step forward. "Who's there?", Kikku called out. From the darkness, an animated silhouette was inching closer to our hero. "You know who I am boy", the shadow responded. Its voice was the sound of a man. From what Kikku could tell, the man was in his mid-30s. The shadow of the man came closer. His outline could be seen more clearly. "Y-you are Axel," Satsujin said with a stutter. "Hahaha, you are right", Axel responded with a chuckle. It seemed our hero knew this man. Axel came close enough so that Kikku could see him more clearly. "Wh-what are you doing in Osaka?", Satsujin asked with a sign of anxiety. "Trying to hunt you down, then ending your life", Axel replied with a gruff voice.
Kikku stood back. He wanted to escape from this new threat. "What d-do you have there?," Satsujin asked as he looked at Axel reaching out for something. "A gun with your name on it... Satsujin Kikku", Axel said coldly. This was definitely someone our hero once knew. "Any last words Satsujin?". "No...", our hero said quietly. "What was that, Satsujin?", Axel asked as he leaned forward.
"No!", Satsujin yelled with all his might. Axel saw himself get punched in the face. He kneeled down in great pain. Axel looked at Kikku's eyes. They were narrowed and hostile. "You will regret that Satsujin!", Axel started to fire his gun. Our hero then knocked the gun out of Axel's hand. It hit the ground and broke. Axel became angry. His green eyes became bloodshot and fiery. "Why you little-", Axel said before he started to beat up Kikku badly. His pathetic and insignificant form was damaged again and again. Our fallen hero fell to the ground and coughed up a phlegm-like substance. This was the moment Axel stopped. "What's up with you Satsujin?", Axel asked as he became calmer. Our hero looked up at his newfound adversary.
He was sickly. "I-I haven't been feeling too well. And... it would be nice if you spare me", Satsujin replied to Axel. The man with the broken gun seemed to stop being angry and showed sympathy. Axel looked over Kikku as he stood still. Everything was silent. Kikku lifted himself from the ground. He wiped his white shirt and trousers, then he tied his dusty hoodie around his waist again. Satsujin felt defeated, yet he never stood his ground. His subconscious allowed him to keep moving and not let Axel defeat him. Axel looked at Satsujin. He snapped out of his daze. "I would have killed you. But, since you aren't ready... I will spare you", Axel said to our hero before he disappeared. Kikku processed what happened. He gathered his grocery bags and headed home. Once he got out the alleyway, he was close to home. What had just happened? Satsujin thought about why Axel spared him and why he wanted to kill him in the first place. Why can a man from long ago be so hostile? What was he even doing in Osaka? I mean, Satsujin met Axel in the Aomori Prefecture. He served... Inei Kuro! "Axel must be mad at me for what happened to Inei Kuro", Satsujin said aloud as the rain stopped. I wonder what happened to Inei-san?
Hope you like this. This is a passion project of mine.
That is a great story and enjoyable. Thank you