Galaxy Boy (Volume I, Chapter II)

Chapter 2: Home Time
Honmachi was within Satsujin’s reach. The boy looked up at his apartment complex. It hasn’t looked that good since 1999. The building was greyish and appeared to be run-down even if there were many inhabitants. "Wonder what went wrong with Osaka", Satsujin said before entering the building. He unlocked the red door that connects to his residence. Then he went inside and took a deep breath. He placed the heavy bags of groceries and rested on the apartment's small sofa. He took of his blue-lens eye contacts. He revealed his eyes of a luminous white. They were clearly not human. Then, the question is: 'What is Satsujin? Why was he so unlike other Japanese people?' Another question is: 'Was he even Osakan or was he even a person?'. I mean, he had brown hair, rounded eyes and dark skin. The only Japanese people (I can think of) with darker complexions are usually people from the countryside. I am not entirely sure, but I am willing to gather much information for you dear friend. "Is that you Kikku?", a voice called out. "Yes I am", Satsujin responded with enthusiasm. It was Ms Narumi! She was the guardian of Kikku.
She was a single mother who wore a green apron, a grey headscarf and brown loafers. She raised Kikku and her own daughter: Hanako. Speaking of Hanako, she was in her room working on an invention. Kikku decided to see her after talking to Ms Narumi. "I got the groceries as promised," Satsujin said exhausted and in pain. Ms Narumi tilted her head. She was concerned. "Are you okay Kikku? You look like you had a rough journey home", Ms Narumi said with a tone of worry. Kikku nodded. "I am okay. I'll talk all about it later", He responded to Ms Narumi. Satsujin's guardian smiled as her blue eyes glittered in the evening twilight. Satsujin went to Hanako's room. He gently opened her door. There, Satsujin found Hanako working on her invention. It was nearly completed! "Hey Hanako. I wanted to see how you were doing", Satsujin told her. "I see," Hanako replied as she never made eye contact with Kikku. It seemed Hanako was rather invested in her work. "What were you working on again?" Satsujin asked stupidly. "For the last time Kikku-kun, I am working on a power suit. And it's not what: 'I', am working, it is what: 'we', are working on," Hanako said in disbelief.
Oh, I get it. Kikku helped Hanako build this. But what role did our hero play? Hanako turned to Kikku and said: "You gathered the materials from that nice stranger's scrapyard and helped with the metal work." Kikku apologised to Hanako for asking such a silly question. Kikku looked at Hanako and thought about how she resembles her mother almost perfectly. Fair skin, long black hair, blue eyes and other unnamed traits is what Hanako possessed. "You can stop staring now Kikku. Go and help mother with dinner or something", Hanako said as she noticed Kikku was looking at her for a prolonged period. Satsujin left embarrassed and decided to help Ms Narumi with prepping dinner. The three Honmachi dwellers ate their food with lines of grace. Hanako, Kikku and Ms Narumi even used Japanese etiquette which really brought peace and unity between the household. "Narumi-san, could we talk about what we discussed earlier?", Satsujin resquested to Ms Narumi as he broke the vocal silence. Ms Narumi nodded as she stopped eating. Hanako was too focused to even listen to what Satsujin and Narumi were saying.
"Okay", Satsujin prepared to tell Ms Narumi what happened. "I-I was attacked in an alleyway when I was returning home." Ms Narumi listened more carefully. Her eyes narrowed as she leaned towards Kikku's projection. "It was by an angry man with... dark curly hair, brown skin and fiery eyes of a dark green", Satsujin said trying not to stutter. Ms Narumi responded with: "What did the man do to you?" "H-he beat me up and never explained why he did such terrible things", Satsujin added. Ms Narumi rubbed her eyes and sighed. "What's wrong mother?", Hanako asked as she stopped living in her own world of inventions and technology. "Kikku had gotten in a fight with a hostile man. From what I can tell he sounds like a gaijin. A foreigner", Ms Narumi said in a monotone voice. Kikku confirmed Ms Narumi's statement. "You look quite upset. Was Satsujin hurt?", Hanako said showing concern after all this time. "Yes. What's worse is, Satsujin has a rare illness. It is clearly alien and not much is known from medical records in Japan and beyond", Ms Narumi said looking away from Hanako. Hmm... this is rather interesting information. Ms Narumi got up from the dining table and walked to the front door.
She informed Hanako and Satsujin that she will be filing a police report and that the two should go to bed. Hanako took Kikku to her bedroom. She asked Kikku what happened so she fully understood what occurred. Kikku gulped. He was shy and scared from telling Hanako what the horrible man did to him. Our hero took a breath. He then started to talk. "Axel Mogensen tried to kill me. He had a gun and wanted to take my life with it."
Hanako's blood started to run cold. "A-A-Axel?! That horrid cronie of Inei Kuro? Wh-why did you not tell my mother that man was Axel Mogensen?", Hanako said with fear and frustration. "Mother now has to file a report with little information. You are an idiot Kikku for not mentioning that monster's name!". Hanako was upset. "Leave my room this instant! We will talk in the morning." Hanako did not want to see Kikku anymore.
Kikku left the room. He regretted his incompetence and vague description on what happened. Meanwhile, Ms Narumi was at the police station. She was speaking to Officer Shiro, a loyal member of the Awaza Police Station. "So let me get this straight. A gaijin with a gun attacked your foster kid in an alleyway near your neighbourhood", the officer said to confirm Narumi's claims. "Why of course. It seemed that Kikku was shaken up. He was quite brief in his explanation", Ms Narumi told Officer Shiro. "Well we can make a police report for you. But we cannot catch the assailant because of funds, evidence and rising crime rates", Officer Shiro said so. Ms Narumi nodded. She returned home after the exchange with Officer Shiro. That was the end of that event, for now.
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I am having technical issues with editing my work. I apologise if the quality is shoddier than usual. I promise to try and make better chapters with quality like the first chapter (which I am very proud of).