Gods Working the lost and Found

Many people of today, don’t believe in God. They will insist that there is no scientific proof that He exist.
God is not a mouse that can be boxed in and studied under a microscope.
I can suggest that the reality of God’s existence can rather be measured by incidences of His intervention into people’s lives, in their time of need.
My personal faith is based on what the bible testifies about God, not on my personal experiences.
But my experiences with God’s intervention in the affairs of my life, reenforces that He is a God of mercy and love.
So, I want to share with you this incredible and factual story. that the event will testify to the sceptic that God is a real living being.
This event took place in the month of September of the year 1994. I remember the weather being warm during the day but turn cold when the sun went down.
At the time, I worked for a sign manufacturing and installation company.
Now each day, would start with shop chores, my was sweeping the floors, collecting and disposing of the trash form the wastebaskets of the shop.
My counterparts’ chore was to check and top off the automotive fluids of the company vehicles.
During this week, my counterpart, was working with a senior company employee
on a project located out of state. So, none preformed his morning chore.
The day of this event took place was on a Friday. The owner of the company tasked me to drive up to norther New Jersey to deliver some vinal lettering to a customer.
While traveling up the New Jersey turn pike, the trucks engine seized up!
Evidently someone did not top off the fluids of the company vehicles.
Now the event took place in history before cell phones were commonly owned and used.
So, the first obstacle to conquer was to find a phone and call my shop to alert them that the truck has broken down and I am stranded on the turn pike. So, I noticed from my line of sight from the truck that there was a housing development down a hill from my location.
To get to the housing development I had to cross six lanes of traffic (without getting hit by a vehicle) then scale two fences.
I walked up to the first house that had a car or two in their driveway. I rank the doorbell, and a Japanese elderly lady answer the door, who spoke no English. But her granddaughter spoke English.
I explained my predicament and asked can I use their phone to call my company to inform them of my situation. They graciously accommodated me.
So, the owner of the company instructed me to go back to the truck, that he was sending His bother in law to come get me.
Not to long after I made my way safely back to the truck, a New Jersey state trooper pulls up and informs me that the truck must be towed off the turn pike to a garage in the nearest town.
When this is all transpiring, my company has closed for the day, and now I am at a garage that has impounded the truck in their yard, and they are in the middle of closing their shop.
So here I am standing t outside a closed auto motive repair shop, located across from a graveyard. The sun is going down, and the temperature is dropping. Thank God there `was a pay pone where I was stranded.
But to my despair, everyone I called, no one was coming to get me. The company owner probably thinks I and the truck are still located on the New Jersey turn pick. When I called his house, his son said his dad was at a basketball game.
I call my dad, who was up from Florida to check in on the health problems his mother was having. Me and my bother were trying to help her with needs, but we could not give her the intensive care she needed. So, we call our father and informed him of her situation
My dad told me he could not help me, he had to stay with his mother.
The storm clouds of doom and gloom are starting to get heavy. How is the brother-in-law going to find me? He is going to give up searching for me when he can’t spot the company truck stranded on the turn pike.
So, I sent up a Flare toward Heaven in the form of a prayer.
Here is how God answer my prater.
The brother and law did give up his search for the missing employee and company truck. He decided to get as pizza for dinner before he headed home. The town he made the pit stop at, was the town I was in.
He drove right pass me in his car. He probably did not see me running after his car, it was a poorly lighten road. On his way to head home, he drove down the same road I was on again.
He drove pass me a second time, but at the last second, he saw me in his rearview mirror.
So, he backed up his car and picked me up. I was safely in my home by 10pm.
God had directed events, to lead a person to the exact location of a missing truck and follow employee.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo 1/28/2022
Thank you for writing this. If people knew how much God is involved in our every moment they would not worry so much. Working a level one trauma ER and also as a healer, I am witness to so many miracles and His presence being shown in every day life. From the simple to the extremely detailed occurrences where His hand was obviously involved.
Thank you again.
God bless!