He's not a tyrant
I'll be honest. I was very disappointed by the election results. I didn't want Hillary Clinton to win the Democrat nomination and I didn't want Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination. I wanted two different people to run for President.
But I can tell you about three people who were originally against Trump but now want him to win. Those three people are: myself, my cousin and a friend of mine. When Trump said that he can get prayer brought back to schools, I became his supporter. My cousin once called Trump 'The Devil', but after he took the time to re-examine things, he changed his mind.
I also like that Trump says that he will help our vets if he wins. Our veterans fought and were prepared to die to maintain our freedom. Out of all of the people in the USA, our veterans deserve to be helped the most.
Yes, Trump has his shortcomings. Two of which are his temper and he loves to shoot his mouth off. Trump has his shortcomings but he isn't a tyrant like many people claim. My late dad had a temper and he loved to shoot his mouth off but he certainly wasn't a tyrant. I'm getting sick of people comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler. Trump isn't another Hitler and people know it.
Trump also has other shortcomings but Hillary Clinton also has a bunch of shortcomings. Let's forget about the charges she has been facing for a moment. Even if she hadn't faced those charges, she still has shortcomings. Two of which are that she's racist and she's a bully. Hillary admires Margaret Sanger enormously even though Sanger said that black people should be exterminated. That is racist. Many years ago, Hillary referred to some mentally challenged children as 'F****** retards'. She bullied sweet, innocent children. Children who were mentally challenged.
But candidates have flaws. If Hillary wins, she will not be a better President than Trump. I'm not saying that Trump would be a better President than Hillary but he sure wouldn't be worse.
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Hello Randy...
Chances are you'll change your mind over a hundred times before it's all over...
He's blaming Clinton for the problems over seas she's not even President yet...
They should stay on topic and track...
There's so much wishy washy going on all over the place...
Get on the fence and stay on it...
Choose a side and stick to it...
We have to look at the big picture...
He's changed his words so many times he's got my head spinning...
Great write!
P.S. Either way we're facing hell in a hurry...
Because if any of them in the future can show us Heaven...
I am patiently waiting...
Besides, we can see heaven for 8 years at best and someone will be in line to mess it up again...
No matter what...
We have to do the best we can with the decisions they make...
Love the reply sparrowsong....
Hey Randy,
Hope all is well and really, enjoyed the point of view taken but being a vet myself, i wouldn't and couldn't vote for someone whom will say anything to get a vote, he don't give a dam about you the person let alone me. Trump seems to think he's a gift that keeps on giving but if by any chance he had the "luck of the Irish" to win, all that he promised he would not be able to achieve, are would just come up with an excuse on why it wasn't delivered...Donald Trump has no presidential sense about him, let alone common sense, he wants to talk big but he reminds me of a coward who will pay someone to fight a battle he himself started, because of his ignorance to the facts and the ability, not to be able to beat his way out of a wet paper bag. He's a loose no cannon who tends to think the position of the presidency, is a spin off from his silly show,(the apprentice)...How can any complain about the 49ers quarter back being UN-patriotic for his not standing for the national anthem and the American flag, because he feels the flag doesn't fly for the African American, such as it does for white America? As stated,I am a vet and it is not (us) that he is protesting its the law makers up on capital hill, more or less (the republicans), who will, (with every law), they (the Democrats), try to pass for all people, its being fought, tooth and nail.If this be his belief, allow him to exercise his constitutional rights. You have people in this country, that burns the American flag and don't get the attention that this did As for myself, i need no flag to stand for my beliefs, my beliefs are for all people,(red,white,black,green or brown)..Yet people such as he,(Donald Trump) wanting to praise the tyrant and dictatorship of Putin, turning his back on not only our president but the country as well. Back in the day, his ass would have been picked up by the secret service in the wee hours of the night and charged with slandering his commander in chief or even treason against his own country and president, not necessarily just the flag. Trump,(just as the republican party), truly don't acknowledge the people they represent, their biggest concern is just to see how many constituents they can get in the senate and house of representative, not to mention the presidency...This isn't a game, although trump and his wayward supports seem to think so, the gestures made directly behind him , by his followers depicts how they themselves is taken back by the ignorant comments he makes. He reminds me of the pied piper and sad to say, he truly have people believing the rhetoric he spews...He has no experience what so ever but now Hillary on the other hand,(all the experience in the world).In fact more experience than any prior president as well as present. He reminds me of a wanna be mob boss are a Kim Juan Yun whom don't have sense enough to realize it don't take but (2) ignorant individuals to push the button,(one on their side and one on ours), to destroy the world as we know it. The republicans don't even have a stable party and the (few) that is backing trump, is because they don't have anything to cling too, are even claim as a pliable candidate....Trump is a joke, that truly keeps on giving on a daily basis and his surrogates each day after his insertions of non-sense, has to try and clean up his mess, which is why, everything that comes out of his mouth, allows more and more room for his foot to fit..Love you and your works my friend but just my opinion...Jim