I live on the shores of a non-braided river, where the willows watch the trout and the
shag dives and the fish perish. The dragonflies hover low above the river, unaware of the
boys who are quietly observing the water. The little fish hide from the boys because they
know they will not give up until their tiny feet start turning blue; funny how little boys carry
their gumboots as if they are only an emergency tool.
Time moves without pressure for my little boys, and timeless for the river-
flowing slow or running fast, or the ducks, in and out to and fro.
I live on the shores of a non-braided river, and it’s here where I found my home.
--Bernadete van der Wielen
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hello Bernadete, im janie
this poem and Tell her and I Don’t Know How are my favorite poems on here, i really like your writing style
Hi Janie,
Thank you for the kind words. I am thrilled you like
my poems.
I know that feeling .. and I'm pretty sure I know that non-braided river too .. a real treat to wade in write over the top of my gumboots .. Neville