
I am so fucking sick of this wait
These sadistic acts of man.
Filling faultless hearts with hate
Come and set these fuckers straight.
The misleaders of our nation
Bringing fourth global devastation
The scum of the earth
The flawed creation
Our earth whipped clean of these immoral bastards
Is what i long to see
Time will tell, let's just wait patiently
Generations of corrupted souls ruling over this world
When will the madness end
When theres nothing left to defend.
Spineless cowards hide behind the walls, barricaded and protected from the outside world
Ordering their political puppets to do their dirty work.
Seeing no value in life
They suck resources from the weak and leave them to rot.
Deceitful bastards warp the truth
And feed you lies
So you remain stupid
So they remain in control.
Open your troubled eyes to see the truth.
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