To Live A Lie

Mindlessly living life, following the rest of the herd
Thinking for yourself is overratedĀ
Media does the thinking for you, making your decisions.
Dictating your thoughts.
Subliminal messaging through tv and radio, Forcing us to live a certain lifestyle.Ā
Using religion to control the populous, when will this bull shit end?
Hypocrite leaders, speak nothing but lies, false holy men preach with blasphemes mouths, spewing fourth lies and deceit, with no intensions of bringing you salvation. Innocent minds molded to believe untrue words. Poison on market shelves.
Chemical toxins throughout the food pyramid leading to cancerous sickness nation wide. Taking the lives of the innocent, carelessly keeping the pharmaceutical companies permeating with wealth. Who do we look to for help, when the ones we seek help from are the miscreants?