"The house of the unrest"

As i sat slumberly, in a chair of  favorance of my late mom, in the living room lost in thought of the recent death of my mom, i felt myself slowly drifting off into a long over due and once unattainable moment of sleep but for some unsettling reason, sleep wasn't to be of any renderance to me, on this memorable day, due to constant waves, of sudden and extremely cold gushes of  continuous and for unknown reasons air, that harbored no apparent reason for its present existence.It appeared that each time i closed my eyes, not only was i a recipient of these winds of unknown origins but with them began also, strange occurances of doors opening and closing right in front of my eyes and  a person with a hospital blanket wrapped around her resembling the same blanket my mom had on her, that i had personally placed, the day of her death.To began this strange occurance, i was sitting in her chair falling asleep yet eyes still opened focused on the television by the front door when all of a sudden on a night where there existed no wind, the front door,(which was completely secure),door knob turned as i was looking at it for no apparent reason and as it was opening, i began to ask myself, who had the audacity to open my door without knocking, while i was siting right in the living room.So i asked who was at the door and there was no answer and the curtains on the door were sheer curtains, so i could clearly see that there was no one there and the door began to open at the width of about(1) foot wide extremely slow and as i stood to approach the door, it came to a complete stand still and then all of a sudden, it began to close, just as slow as it began to open and to my astonishment, the door knob turned and the door completely secured itself, with force behind its closing.So i locked the door went to set down once again in my moms chair, amazed at what had just transpired and began to continue watching television.About (20)minutes after the first incident, i closed my eyes for a few minutes and it started to get extremely cold in the area of the chair where i was sitting, so as i opened my eyes gradually to turn the central air and heating on, my mom walked passed the chair i was in, wrapped in the blanket that was placed on her at the time of her death in the hospital and she went directly into the room she had slept in, while she was alive.Me totally taken away over what i had just seen, got up from the chair and went to her old room and normally her room is kept spotless while she was a live, and that was how i would keep it on a daily basis after her death, not allowing the door to be opened are anyone to enter into it, yet once i opened the door i could swear i saw my mom setting on the side of her bed, with her head down, looking at the floor, then she all of a sudden disappeared.As i entered her room approaching her normally perfectly straight and neatly made bed, i could see where someone had in fact set on the side of the bed with palm and hand prints on each side of the area where she had been seated.When i went to get my wife in order to explain to her on what had transpired with the door and now with the visual sighting of my mom walking to her room, right in front of me, she to began to explain to me of occurances she had experienced after the death of my mom, that took her breath away and she was not sure she should saying anything to me because she felt that i would not believe it.This was one of my moms other rooms, we had moved her into before her death, due to voices being heard and recorded in her original bed room and you could hear someone kicking the wall in her closet of her old room, whereby the past owner had sufficated his wife in this room and decided to hang himself in the closet when both bodies were found by the authorities....Before my mom passed away, she had told me that she had seen the old owner of this house on several occasions and he would pin her to her bed at night, whereby she could not say anything nor move, until she mustered up enough energy, to shake off what was pinning her down and he entered the room from the closet area and then would leave through the same area,(the closet). One night he came through her room, floating about,(from what she stated) 12'' above the floor, turned and faced her and called out to her,(hello Leola), a name that only her family members knew her by and she had not been called this name, for almost (40) years.It scared her so bad, that she would sleep (only) with the bible on her stomach or back,which ever is exposed from the top view.It had gotten to the point where she had became an insomniac because she was afraid to attempt sleep and this lady was a strong in belief minister but could not break free from what was haunting her..I knew she was not stretching the truth because the house i own, had a murder attached to it before i moved in it and as i attempt to sleep at night in that house, i could literally feel something crawl across my bed and pin me to the bed and hold me there and i could not move nor say a word, although my eyes are wide open and when i put forth all effort possible, i would shake what ever there was on me off me and would lay there all night, not able to go to  and one night it happened with my wife laying right beside me and as soon as i got it off my back, she awakened and asked if it had happened again, and all i could say was yes it did and i was not able to wake her during this entities visit not one time, as if she was meant to remain asleep, as it did what it did.But back to my mom, i hope now she is able to sleep peacefully and without the daily pain she had to endure, while she was a live her last months on this earth and as for me, those little bumps that i have come accustom to hearing not only at night but in the day as well, aren't just little bumps but i have found them too be accompanied with occurances of the afterlife, wanting to be heard are seen, depending on whether the recipient of its focus, is willing to be opened minded or interested in its attention seeking....In my moms case, this is only a returning (Angel)to her home but as for him, time will tell, as i plan on spending many nights in this house, to find his motives for truly wanting to still be here, being that one was to antagonize my mom to her death...As long as she was in that home ,she stayed desperately ill but when taken to the hospital and even though they did nothing for her but allow her to rest, in the hospital, she appeared a brand new woman, up until she returned back home......  Jim
 All copyrights Reserved to the author of this poem.
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Wow! I am happy to see you are back on here writing. What I read gave me the chills. I used to be skeptical about spirits or ghosts as some say but I have to admit I have seen and heard things before that cannot be rationally explained. I hope you are feeling better. You still remain in my prayers every night. May you find peace and happiness. I know you will. You are so very strong and I am blessed to know you.Â
With Love,
Val ♥
...and that video! Wow...
Some parts were so creepy! I loved the angels though.
Hello Val. and thank you for the extremely heart warming welcoming back to Cosmo, hope all is well and has been for you and it is a wonderful thing to know you are still the bubbly lady you have always displayed yourself to be and the prayers are most welcome and mine stayed in tact for you as well. On the contrary, it is you, that i am blessed to been acquainted to know and learn from as a very strong individual and lady of high merits.I have a whole lot of catching up to do, as apposed to, reacquainting myself to the works of you all, yours especially my friend..This house of hers,(late moms) is a real trip and tends to carry on a life of its own but who's afraid of the big bad wolf, (smile)??? I am beyond proud of the mark you have made on this site and still there appears to be, no stopping you in your game, your smile continue to be as bright as the north star and your heart, (as opened as always), to all as a wonderful book, of must read and with no ending in sight, to its most enjoyable reading...One welcoming coming from you, is like a welcoming from all on this site and i thank you dearly, for the smile of humbleness you have bestowed  from yourself to me this day...We all are allowed at least one a day and you dear lady have given me mine...Thanks Val....
Your sincere friend and follower,
Jim A. Â
Flowers of Purrple,
Thank you for the lovely response to this eerie situation and it was more than an honor, to once again hear from you..Hope i found you to be in very good spirits?? You always was and are, at the top of your class in all that you say and do and the prayers you have rendered, is a humble gesture of a lady with a great big caring heart and that to i thank you for.This old house, packs a lot of memories good through my mom and bad, through the occupant that once resided, yet feels he still does..
Thank you once again,
Wow Jimmy this was a real treat to read...and paranormal experiences have occurred in my life always...I m not scared of spirits anymore...as I see death on a normal basis ....
Appreciate the reponse Piusha and as you stated, nothing to be scared of, just aware of...
Cheers dear lady,