(The Story of a Psychopath) “The point where Black night, doesn't turn, to Blue day I’ll always lay.”

(The Story of a Psychopath) “The point where Black night, doesn't turn, to Blue day I’ll always lay” The point where Black night, doesn't turn, to Blue day I lay, looking emphatically down from up above, I view thoughts of acclamation to fame, through effervescent, yet boastful, poignancy of solitude, once I lived in blissful heretic, by birth, this in general,would automatically thrust you, within limes light, yet human eye, has me elusively stealth, on ground. If the only thing that is holding us together is my past, for lust of pain, we by far, should not be as one or together but as the seeker and sought after, from this day forward. A lot of analytical thoughts floating, on a daily basis, in the mind of a psychopathic killer. In this head, I thee wed, and with thee, I have locked away, many of my most poetic unjustices, of my crimes of choice, to the heart, mind and without further ado, the density, of your natural soul. The point where Black night, doesn't turn to Blue day I lay, flushing thoughts of my “adventures beginnings,” of my earlier days of dastardly deeds, owed, is so many, to look back upon and baste in the glory, of my, “flawless than a diamond,” virtues of gain and taste of quenceful, glory. A calculative collection, of perverted criminal instincts, bottled in an explosive conglomeration, of a blatant disregard, to the rights of another human being…….A sick man, am I and for all the right reasons, missed that med dose, (twelve days) in a row and counting. Leaves your mind playing tricks on you and rest assured, it sure takes its toll, on a clinically proclaimed sick man. Seeing things that surely aren't there, hearing the dastardly deeds of others whom again, gather nor claims, any physically compounded substance…. The point where Black night, doesn't turn, to Blue day I lay, Can’t count the sheep, all the sheep, (wouldn't you know it), they too, I have slaughtered. Ah but tonight’s still young and a life’s song, (by me), has not yet been won, “life’s song” not to be confused, with any musical tribute but instead, (their mortal soul). So again I must go bleeding the night, out of all day, waiting for my next carefully selected victim, as they squander the dark streets, some intoxicated, drug drunk and unsure, others none to be night walkers, children of the scorn are they, (trollops) to a life leading to nowhere but straight to, my front door and their demise ….Sounds of sickness and emotions of sorrow, for the faint at heart, may you say but for me, this is my life’s, worthiness of living… (No) empathy have I and a distinct neurodevelopmental brain disorder, which allows me to feel so matter of fact of the many, thus thrives to (hoard), whole heartedly, my many, anti-social attributes, not to mention, a poor response to fear and distress and a lack of self-conscious emotions, such as guilt or embarrassment. The signs of my traits Emotional outbursts, violent behaviors, Disregard for laws and rules, Disregard for the rights of other individuals. Five (5%) of your population, demonstrates my psychopathic tendencies. My symptoms manifest during adolescence, approximately at age 15. In most cases, the violent rage continues until a certain age, 50 at average, before it diminishes. My first symptoms include, cruelty to animals, and a lack of remorse after offending or hurting a fellow individual. While some individuals understand, that what they did is wrong, we do not show appropriate responses even after being reprimanded by others. These are my many Characteristics: It will behoove you to study them carefully and learn them against my defense. Primary Psychopaths These are individuals who are immune to disapproval, punishment, stress or apprehension. Incapable of experiencing any emotion, primary psychopaths do not have a clear plan in life. Secondary Psychopaths Known to be risk-takers, secondary psychopaths do react to stress. They often worry and waddle in guilt. Despite this, they thrive in living a life of temptation and adventure. Distempered Psychopaths These individuals often burst into a fit more easily than other psychopaths. They have strong sexual urges, apparent in their habits of pedophilia, illegal indulgence and drug addiction, among many others. They love the ‘high’ associated with risky activities. Charismatic Psychopaths True to its name, these psychopaths are very appealing and attractive. Somehow gifted, they use their talents to manipulate other individuals. Viewed as irresistible, charismatic psychopaths often take the form of dangerous cult leaders. Psychopaths, the other hand, often participate in schemes. Usually driven by revenge or greed, they often commit premeditated crimes with manageable risk. They usually calculate the risks in order to avoid exposure and incriminating evidence. The point where Black night, don’t turn, to Blue day I’ll always lay, be the mind set, of a stone cold psychopath. Psychopaths, often participate in schemes. Usually driven by revenge or greed, they often commit premeditated crimes with manageable risk. They usually calculate the risks in order to avoid exposure and incriminating evidence. Sociopaths often commit opportunistic crimes, calculated yet violent offenses, as well as fraud. A pressing mental condition, there are several facets that set psychopaths apart from sociopaths. By knowing these signs and symptoms, you can be able to diagnose yourself, just as I , thus leading me and leaving me at The point where Black night, don’t turn, to Blue day and yes, I’ll always lay waiting…… (fictional)
All copyrights Reserved to the author of this poem.
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Hello my friend and brother,
Thank you for the comment Chris,part of a short story i was working on and decided to pull small inserts from it, in order to get others opinion on it. Very much dark and morbid my friend is this piece and a new avenue to venture down and attempt to master, such as you and the rest of the multi-task authors, we are pleasured with on this site.I tell you partner, it is quite a feet, to go from sane to senester when delving into the mind of the criminally insane are corrupt and would never want to trade places with one..There are a lot of power packed ladies of poetry,art,and stories on this site, doing their thing partner and doing it well and you my friend, There is no stopping you in your many endeavors and you sir, seems to be the power pack, of the gentleman on this site ,for you are our pride and you dear sir, wear it very well.I try and sat,(when i am not running and ripping),to read what has been posted and come to realize, that there is quite a lot of catching up i need to do and will..Take care my friend, for you are a gentleman and a scholar in all you do and say..
Cheers my friend,
Wow Jimmy your Mind is on fire I think reading your work will really help me tap into areas I've yet to unlock in my creative insanity of a mind. I could definitely use a mentor. Great sorry story. ... take exudes from you brother
Hey Stephen,
On the contrary sir, your works are those of a waiting conglomeration of fireworks ready to explode into action, as soon as the reader pays homage to their presence...Yours are words of pure and intense responses, equally to the opposition you are opposing in your writes. I am sure we can learn a thing are two from each other and to you I beckon your continuation of writing both your stylish way of poetry and your attention seeking stories, that has an uncanny tendency, to hop up and bite those, whom pay (not), them the attention they truly deserve...A poem/story truly deserving of (5's) all across the board and I most definitely enjoyed and eagerly awaits the next episode....Job well done and a true to life applause, for the most rigorous transition you had to make coming from there, to your native home land of America....I salute you for all reason proper and give praise, for all honors very well earned...A honest to goodness true soldiers story….
Welcome home,
So twisted yet informal. I really enjoyed this, I would love to see more of it!
Or even see more of this character in other formats!
Keep it moving Jim, you're doing great!
Thanks a bunch Emma and i haven't been here for a while and want to start by sending a formal welcome to you on Cosmo Funnel. Twisted was a grand word to use to describe this character and sad to say, this is just the beginning of his reign and you will encounter more of his mischief and mayhem. All criticism is encouraged by all and again thank you Emma for your compliment and suggestive thoughts...
Warm regards,
Hey Susan,
And you as well, is and always have been, "Spot On" and that was exactly the comparison i place upon this character, his brother the sociopath....I like this one,(unless of course you ARE one and then it would be just natural)..You have away of leaving a reader sad and with sorrow on one hand and on the other, you leave them in stitches,(with laughter).You are that of a once cocooned butterfly, whom now allows all of her illustrious colors to show to all of the world to see.... I Kinda, wonna try and tip toe, into another realm of reading, with this one,trying to improve in my versatility of writing, such as yourself Mrs. Versatility....Thank you once again and you are more than an inspiring person, you are a heart warming friend as well, to all that ventures this site....
Thanks Dear Lady,
Happy Thanksgiving and this line still has me looking for needle and thread, due to the stitches from a side torn laughter, you have catapulted me into.....Very funny Susan!!!!!!!!
Happy Thanks giving Emma,Valerie,Shah Chris,Shirley,Susan,Rachel and all the rest of the Cosmo Crew.......
Sorry for the late reply! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
You as well....Better late than never..
Take Care,
Good job Jimmy, I enjoyed reading your story it was very interesting to understand the mind of a psycho path.
Thank you very much Kiesha T. i enjoy your works of poetic art as well and will do my civic duty and pay the homage,as it relates to the comments they truly deserve . Again thank you...