I miss you

Β Β Β I guess you don't know that I miss you like crazy. I love you so much. I can tell you that I hate you, but my heart feels the pain of losing you. I feel like I lost everything. I lost a peace of mind and a piece of happiness. I loved being your FreeMind. I loved being you girlfriend. We were suppose to be a team. We were suppose to be happy. But how could we be happy if we have so much going on. I miss you, and it kills me. I miss talking to you, I miss video chats. I miss warm hugs and kisses. I miss the passion we use to have. I miss making bets on if I could stay up all night before you got off of work, knowing good and darn well I fell asleep around 10:30. I miss our special dates and the special hugs. I miss the great laughs and the talk about the future. I miss how I could tell you EVERYTHING!!! and I mean EVERYTHING!!! I miss how we fought but fixed it that day. I miss kissing you every time we went on a date. I miss going to the movies and cuddling so close. I miss holding your hand. I miss you carrying me down the stairs. I miss grabbing your big head and kissing your little lips. I MISS YOU HANDS AND HOW THEY WERE SO PLAYFUL WHEN THEY TICKLED ME. I miss saying... "BABE I'M SAD BECAUSE I'M HUNGRY!!" I miss going to church with you on Sunday. I miss praying with you. I miss you so much, it's causing a downward spiral in my life. I'm suffering so bad, to the point where I don't know what else to do. I'm stuck being alone. Yes I have family but the love you had for me was PERFECT!!! it was better then anything I could imagine. But now we have to go our separate ways. Please don't forget me, because I know I won't forget you. You can never forget your true love.