Molly six years old
Wanting to enter her home after being at school or just outside playing or exploring...
The yelling coming out from the inside was loud, scary, and someone is going to get hurt soon...
You could hear it three blocks away...
She always tried to pretend she didn't live there if anyone was around and they were watching to see if she was going to the loud house...
A few good moments...
Special if she wanted to call it that...
But, with the good always came really bad as soon the bell rang, the door opened, or stepped out into the hallway...
Lunch and Recess...
Nothing good...
All the way to her next class...
It never stopped...
She had rules set by her mother who was a little more than three decades older...
Molly would have to dress a certain way to school...
It made her look odd compared to the other kids...
Mix that with her small frame, very thin but, she didn't have an eating disorder, she was born small and for her first six years of life she couldn't eat solid food...
The Doctors said she won't likely live past the age of four...
I guess no one told Molly that...
There were no feeding tubes, just a digestive problem or something...
In and out of the Children's Hospital where you could find her most of the time if she wasn't at home...
No one gave her a chance to explain her side...
She dressed funny and being small...
She began to think her Mother had set her up making her dress that way...
She pleaded with her Mother everyday for three years to please let her wear what she wants...
She promised it wouldn't be anything she couldn't wear at Church or in front of her Grandmother...
Finally, her Mother agreed...
But, it was too late...
There was nothing she could say or do...
She wasn't telling her teacher...
She knew the odds of making it worse were much higher than anything good would come out of that...
She was getting to her breaking point...
She held herself back from the rage that she could feel building up on the inside...
Fortunately, for everyone's sake a secret her parents never knew...
They decided to move...
Bad timing...
High School Sophomore year January
Middle of the School year and Molly was so ready to pounce but, she didn't get to go back to that School...
I wonder if her parents knew somehow she was getting to her breaking point...
The first time she stood up to her Dad she was eighteen years old and she had her own apartment...
She graduated high school and found herself in another broken promise...
She become a Mom and she didn't want to be a single parent family but, when the choice is made by two...
Have to do what's best...
Together he wasn't ready...
No one thought she could do it...
They knew her but, apparently they didn't know her that well even though it was her family who was doing the negative talking...
She showed them she can without saying a word...
Molly turned into an adult...
It takes a lot to get her mad...
She can get her feelings hurt but, you would have had to do something or say something that was very cruel or any of her few deal breakers...
She is able to forgive but, she will never forget...
If you lose her trust chances are...
She's done...
If you're being bullied it's beyond hurtful...
But, the bullied one who has control is very strong...
Both sides takes courage...
If you're the bullying type...
Please try and turn one mean thing you would say or do into a kind gesture...
Get a Notepad...
Keep track daily...
Write down every time you changed from mean to kind...
Hopefully, you will achieve the goal of a Great Award that you don't know when or where it's coming from...
It will one day just appear...
May you always feel your healing soul...
It's an awesome feeling!!
Kindness=Never hurts...
Molly knows...
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What a story and necessary reminder on just how fragile life is and how we all could be more caring and humble ourselves.
Hello Rob...
Very true!
Your kind comment and generous support is appreciated more than you could know...
Thank you very much!
Best wishes and blessings!