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Inside the Mind of the Comic Super villain: Chapter 3

Scarlet watched as the sun rose in the horizon, now far from the city. The fields went on for miles behind her, and a forest laid beyond her. The soft oranges and pinks from the horizon made her smile as she looked on it from a bird’s eye view of the whole world, leaving trees as tiny ants among the ground in a cloudless day. 
Despite the beauty, cloudless days were Scarlet’s least favorite. The air around her was crystal clear, and if she could see the ground, the ground could see her. Her ship was rather large after all, filled with many workers repairing and maintaining the monolith. At the control panel at the front stood Carl in his small and rotund form. He had a neon green tee shirt coupled with a pair of dark navy jeans. He doesn’t wash himself much, evident from the greasiness of his thin black hairs. His face was rounded and soft, framed with the large headset he donned as he manned the floor with ease. 
Scarlet looked at Carl, moving to him. “How far are we from the cave?” 
“Not far at all, Scarlet. We’re almost there.” His high, almost robotic whirring voice didn’t make it far, but it was clear and concise in Scarlet’s ear. 
“Perfect,” Scarlet muttered with a smirk. 
It didn’t take long before they landed in the entry to a large cave full of channels and rooms dug inside of a mountain far from any urban life. It looked more like a city than a hideout, full of life and chaos. There were medics, poison masters, black market sellers. All the bells and whistles. A villain’s paradise. 
Scarlet entered with dignity, weaving through the bustling life of thieves, scoundrels, fences, and dealers. The few people that looked at her made sure to respect her, moving out of her way and giving her plenty of room to get where she was headed. 
She went down, eventually reaching a room deep down. She didn’t knock before entering the room, its warmth enveloping her as she entered. It was an office, the cherry wood desk at the center with a large cork board behind it with a map of the area filled with little pins at different locations; Scarlet figured they were recent jobs he had. There were no windows, but the walls were covered in lots of pictures and newspaper ads, including one that brought many memories to Scarlet: “Teenager recently kidnapped by Hammer.” She could not read the article, only see the headline and a picture of her developing self. It all filled her with a sense of nostalgia. 
An old man sat at the desk, looking through some files. He had fading grey hair and a scarred face almost beyond recognition. His once brown eyes were basically black, and his figure was nothing as it once was. His age appeared to be around seventy, but Scarlet knew that wasn’t his actual age. She didn’t know how old he was—no one did. However, some of his notable crimes go back at least a hundred- and fifty-years. He looked up at Scarlet with a dignified stare. “Ah, Scarlet. What brings you here?” 
“I got your stuff, old man.” Scarlet smirked at him while dropping the purse on to the desk, allowing him to look at the spoils of her work. 
He peered down into the bag. “Not bad. Were there witnesses?” 
“Not really. Carl was a little slow, so the police saw me, but not enough happened to track me down here.” 
“I trained you well,” Hammer added, the slightest smile spreading across his thin, wrinkled lips, “You will get the reward soon. You ordered a shipment of parts, right?” He flipped through a file, looking at what seemed to be a chart. 
Scarlet nodded. “Maintenance work.” 
“I’ll send those out to you before you leave.” 
“Thanks, old man.” Scarlet smiled at him but paused for a moment. “How long has it been since we spent time together?” 
Hammer looked up at her. “Scarlet,” he frigidly said, “we’re business partners, not family. You are my subordinate. It has always been this way.” 
Scarlet nodded, smiling at him. “I’ll see you soon. Let me know when you need another break-in.” 

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Dmitri Rudder

"We're business partners, not family."

"Daddy? Papa, dearest, wouldst thou not love a saddened waif like I?"



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