Death is upon us

Six hours left.
That was how long we had before the world was blown up by an asteroid. I still couldn't get it through my head, that this was it. This was the end. When I first heard the news five days ago, that we were all doomed, I had suddenly felt disconnected from my body. I was devastated.
Five hours left.
It was strenuous knowing that I only had a few hours until my death, my last breath. The most appropriate place for me to be seemed to be in the panic room. I had my knees tucked against my chest with my arms wrapped around them as I mindlessly rocked myself back and forth. If my family could see me now they would think that I was on the brink of insanity.
Four hours left
The panic room was silent besides the ticking of my watch and the ringing in my ears. I stopped rocking myself back and forth and I was now sat up leaning against the wall. I regretted not driving up north to say goodbye to my family. I had thought dying alone would be easier, but I obviously thought wrongly. It was torturing. There was no one to talk to and no one to mourn with. Dying surrounded by loved ones would have been better.
Three hours left.
Tic-tock, tic-tock. The ringing in my ears had stopped but the ticking of my watch seemed to be getting louder and louder. It was not the only thing getting louder. My heart was pounding quickly and loudly. I was terrified of death. Was there an afterlife? Or do we not go anywhere from here on? How are my family coping? Are they coping with all of this better than me or worse? There were so many questions but not enough time.
Two hours left.
My back was aching from sitting against the wall for so long. I was too exhausted to move from my spot, I had not slept in days. I did eat though, I devoured majority of the food in my kitchen. I tend to stress eat. It was my way of coping with things.
One hour left.
1 hour. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. Death was approaching, and fast. I held on firmly to the necklace I had around my neck as I shut my eyes tightly and I patiently waited. 'Deep breaths.' I told myself. I was not ready for death, but who really was? 3-Ā BreatheĀ in -2-Ā BreatheĀ out -1 It was time.
Nicely written. I fell right into the story line. It really took me there
Thank you :)