Jesus Must Die Again

NYC City Police Report
July 5 10 a.m.
Police officer Smith took the initial call and responded to report of a disturbed indivual walking about South Bronx naked, bleeding and screaming gibberish. Smith approached the subject, who was wandering the streets, screaming. Subject was 6 foot tall, of possible Middle Eastern descent. Subject was wandering the street looking intently to automobiles as if he had never seen an automobile. Subject appeared to be on drugs or undergoing a psychotic break down. Subject was unable to communicate in English, Spanish or Arabic. Subject had no identification or money on him. Subject appeared to be dehydrated and in considerable pain from what looked like whip marks. Subject was bleeding from many wounds but appeared to be otherwise healthy. Subject refused to cooperate, and back up was called. Patrol Smith radioed the station for advice. Lt. Amos contacted Bellevue Hospital and arranged for an emergency incarceration, as the subject was clearly a danger to himself and others. Four police officers approached the subject and subdued him with a tazer. He was brought to Bellevue and admitted at 1130 a.m. Dr. Johnson was the admitting physician.
Case closed July 5 11 a.m
Dr. Johnson Case notes Case of John Doe, Aka Bleeding Man from the Bronx Aka Jesus
July 5 1130 a.m. Subject was found wandering around South Bronx this morning muttering gibberish to himself. Subject was clearly delusional, and appeared capable of becoming violent and was brought to the hospital for evaluation. Subject was bleeding from various wounds that appeared to have been caused by whips. Subject appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent but did not seem to communicate in Arabic, English, Spanish or any other language. Subject was taken to the clinic for first aid treatment, x-rays, blood tests, and x-rays. Subject was also given a DNA screening and fingerprinted. Subject was then given sedatives and allowed to sleep.
My assistant, Dr. Amerada, suggested that he be allowed to interview the subject. Dr. Amerada said that he thought the subject might be speaking Amharic, which is spoken in his native land.
The interview was taped. Transcript follows:
Dr. A: Hello. Can you understand my language?
Subject: Yes, praise the lord, finally someone I can talk to. Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here? Why am I here?
Dr. A: Okay, good. Let's start at the basis. I'll answer your questions after you answer a few of mine. Okay?
Subject: Fine. Ask me anything.
Dr.A: Okay, what is your name? Where are you from? What were you doing in the Bronx? How did you get those wounds? What is your usual occupation?
Subject: Okay. My name is Jesus Nazarene. My father was Joseph of Nazarene. I was a carpenter. I was also a part-time preacher. I got into trouble with the local authorities because I had denounced the corruption in the Temple and the unholy alliance with the Roman authorities. Some of my followers thought I was the son of God. I do admit that I seemed to be able to sense divine will and had preached that the Messiah would come soon. However, the Son of God? Therefore, my followers sold me out to the Romans and I was condemned to die. I was whipped, flogged, and left to die nailed to a cross on a hilltop. The next thing I knew I found myself in your city streets. I was confused – I had never seen so many people and strange carts. Everything was just too much. I screamed out thinking I was in some sort of Hell. Then uniformed soldiers shot me at with some strange weapon and I found myself here. I still do not know where I am or why I did not die that day.
Dr.A: You claim you are Jesus. The Jesus born of Mary and Joseph that the Gospels talk about?
Subject: My name is Jesus. My father was Joseph, my mother was Mary, and my brother is James. However, I do not know what these Gospels are that you mentioned.
Dr. A: Okay. Let us see. You were left to die on that cross when?
Subject: In the springtime. I do not know the date exactly but it was early spring. There were quite a few other so-called criminals put to death that day by order of Pontius Pilate, the corrupt ruler of Jerusalem. The Priests wanted me to be killed as they thought I was a troublemaker and would ruin their cozy relations with the Romans. All I was preaching was that the end times were coming and that we must rise up against our oppressors. Can I ask you a few questions?
Dr. A: sure.
Subject: Okay where am I? What is this city? Am I on the planet Earth? Am I in heaven or Hell? Why was I brought here?
Dr. A: Okay. You are in a city called New York City. It is on the planet Earth. The Roman Emperor fell 1500 hundred years ago. When Jesus died, his followers founded a religion that has flourished since then. Most people in this country believed that Jesus was the Son of God and that he died for our sins. If you are that Jesus, it is a miracle that you have come back after 2000 years. However, I think it is more likely that you are suffering from a mental illness and we will help you recover your real identity. However, you have to help us. Can you tell us where you were living before you went to the Bronx yesterday?
Subject: I am not crazy. My name is Jesus but I do not know if I am the Jesus that you speak of. The Roman Empire is no more? 2000 years passed? I do not know how I got here. I have never been to this city and this country. I was living in Jerusalem when I was arrested
Dr. A: Okay. Let's take a break. Would you like to eat something?
Subject: yes. Some fish, bread and rice would be nice.
Dr. A: Okay, I will order in.
Subject: How did you do that? What is that device? Who are you people?
Dr A: It is a telephone – a device that allows us to communicate long distances. It was invented 200 years ago. If you are who you claim to be, you have a lot of catching up to do. We want to help you discover who you really are.
Subject: I am Jesus, that is all. I am not the Son of God. I am a simple carpenter and a prophet of God. That's was my mission. I want to know more about the people who call themselves Christians.
Dr. A: Well, we can give some reading material once you are able to read and write. Can you write?
Subject: Yes, I can read and write Latin and Hebrew and Greek too. I liked to read as a hobby. What language are you speaking?
Dr. A: English, the major world language today. It is derived from that spoken by those people living in Britain in your era.
Subject: I want to rest. Tomorrow can I go out into the city and walk around? I want to experience my new surroundings. In addition, I want someone to start teaching me how to speak and read your language. I believe that my mission is to spread the word to your people. I have so much to learn and do.
End of Interview with Subject
Dr. Tom Johnson was watching the interview via a one-way mirror. He was moved deeply by the experience as he was raised as a Catholic but was no longer church going. Just too busy and besides he was pretty skeptical these days, particularly with the radical Christians making inroads into every profession including the mental health field, which had for a long time been dominated by agnostics and non-religious secularists. The radical right was forever denouncing the evils of secular humanism. Tom did not know what that was exactly other than it seemed to described him and his friends.
That night Tom went out to a party and mentioned to several of his friends at the party that he had interviewed the "bleeding man from the Bronx"
"I think he is suffering from some religious delusion. He was found wondering the streets muttering gibberish and bleeding from wounds. He did not seem to understand any language we tried until my college, Dr. Amerada tried speaking Amharic. The subject understood that and claimed that he was Jesus, and was crucified by the Romans for being a troublemaker and formatting revolution. Complete nonsense of course. "
Sara, a fellow psychologist who had a private practice specializing in cases of religious delusions was fascinated. She asked Tom for more details. Tom demurred, saying that he had probably already said too much.
Sara called the next day and offered to treat the Bleeding man pro bono provided they could find some place he could stay, as the 72 hours of involuntary commitment would run out soon.
Tom called Dr. Amerada into his office.
Tom started by asking for an update on the Bleeding man case.
Jerry responded,
" Well, you may find this hard to believe but I am inclined to believe him. Either he is who he is claiming to be or this is one of the most unusual religious delusion cases I have ever heard about. I understand that our friend Sara is interested in meeting him?"
"Jerry, Sara has even offered to treat him pro-bono if we can find a place for him to stay. What I want to do is get him out of her before the media descends upon us with stories of 'Jesus being locked up in Bellevue' etc get out. I figure we have probably until the end of the day before someone talks to the media. Any ideas?"
"Well, since I believe him I would like to help. I think some of my Coptic Christian friends can hide him away in the Bronx. You know that reporters usually do not like to go over there – too dangerous etc. My friends could put him up and help by having someone teach him English and basic survival skills. However, to pull this off we need a plan – let me talk to my friends. Do not worry I will not talk to the press and my friends well some of them are afraid of immigration so they will want to keep him hidden as well. One thing we could do though is have our police friends run a fingerprint and record search – see if any missing person reports match up and see if there are any immigration records with his fingerprints on it. However, if he is an illegal may be no record. Who knows?"
"Jerry, I'll leave the details to you but make sure no one talks. We will say if asked that he was released in the custody of his cousin who claims that he took some illegal drugs and had a bad trip. He is no longer dangerous and therefore had to be released. Standard policy etc. I'll talk to my friends in the police and see if we can get a discrete record check done."
About 5 pm that night Jerry Amerada had made arrangements. Several Coptic Christians came to the hospital in a van and after filling out the paperwork took the bleeding man from the hospital. He was marked down as "released to relatives. Identity not confirmed. No longer dangerous to self or others. Relatives promised to pay hospital bills which will be sent to them."
Jesus was taken to the South Bronx and to a Coptic Christian Church. He was given a room and a tutor. Dr. Amerada came by daily to catch up on him. After several weeks had gone by, Tom was feeling pleased. The media had forgotten the story. No one seemed to have spoken out of school and Tom thought to himself that it was just another weird case and he vowed to call Sara up one of these days to see if she had indeed met the bleeding man. Tom still could not bring himself to call him Jesus.
Jerry was profoundly affected by Jesus and he believed him and wanted to help him in his new ministry. The Coptic Christian church members were all sworn to secrecy by Jesus himself. Jerry had explained a bit about contemporary Christian society and the divisions between Catholics, Orthodox, and the many different types of Protestants.
Jesus was making considerable progress in learning English and could communicate basic English and had started learning to read. Jesus told the church one Sunday that he felt he should help the church out and offered to pay for his room and board as the repairperson for the Church.
The Chief priest had to explain to Jesus the facts of life.
"Jesus, if I hire you I have to prove that you are here legally. You have no ID, no history, and no records. If you start working, you would draw attention to yourself. DHS might even come by to talk to you. You
might even be arrested. Once you are arrested if you claim to be Jesus we will not be able to help you. Half the population in this country will think you are a fraud, the other half will want to worship you as the son of God. Everything you say will be written down and interpreted. "
Father Azeri, I appreciate your help. I appreciate you taking me in, feeding me, and putting up with me. Nevertheless, I cannot live off your charity any more. I know I was brought back for a reason. It is to combat the same sort of people that were ruining the Church in my days. The money changers. The philistines. They have sold my religious teachings out. They did not understand me then and they do not understand me now.
Let us make a deal. I will stay here quietly for six more months until I can communicate my message in English and until I understand a bit more about modern society and life. In the meantime, my tutor tells me that there are fake ID's and identity documents I can obtain? "
"Jesus, my friend, you make it difficult to say no. Okay, you stay here for six months more as our guest. At that point we will get you some sort of paper work and see what we can do to get you a job and money. "
"Dr. Azeri. There is something more you can and will do for me. Once I am ready to begin my campaign to clean up Christianity you will support me in all that I do. It will be dangerous. I think the enemies of the truth faith are all around and have taken over the true faith. Once I start preaching it will become very dangerous."
Dr. Azeri assured him that he would have his support and told his staff that Jesus would be staying for six more months as their guest and that he will start preaching again in six months time.
During the next six months, Jesus works hard on his English and learning all he could about the modern world including the history of religion. He is dismayed and mortified at what had been done in his name and in the name of God. Jesus knew in his heart that he was brought back to purify Christianity and to unify mankind by preaching a new religious message. He began to deeply delve into Islam and Buddhist teachings and spent his days on the internet or in the library. He visited mosques and Buddhist temples in NYC.
Jesus signed up for various e-mail religious sites and began posting messages on various bulletin boards. Word slowly began spreading out among various belief sites that a man calling himself Jesus and claiming to be the one true messiah had come back and was living in NYC waiting to begin his mission to planet earth.
Leaders of the Christian coalition, right wing Christian groups and the Catholic Church in Rome soon heard from their followers that someone claiming to be Jesus was on the internet denouncing modern day Christian leaders for betraying the true meaning of Christianity.
One of Jesus's postings got Rev. Jones, the leader of the new Christian movement in the U.S. very angry. Reverend Jones had spent ten years trying to bring together the various right wing Christian groups together into a new unified movement which he labeled the "new Christian movement". His goals as listed on his web page was simple"
We aim at nothing less than a take over of the US Government by the Christian movement and the establishment of a biblical centric government in the U.S.
The US will become a shining star spreading Christian values worldwide.
We will ban all immoral conduct and shut down the adult entertainment industry.
We will clean up America by banning drugs, alcohol and tobacco products.
Premarital and extra marital sex will be illegal and severely punished.
Homosexuality will be illegal and punished by death.
Abortion will be illegal.
We will make Christianity a State Religion. Non-Christians will be free to worship at home, but will not be allowed to publicly recruit. The Islamic faith will be made illegal and all Mosques will be shut down and all Muslim believers will be given a choice – convert to Christianity or leave the U.S. They will be given one year to comply.
Immigration laws will be made fairer – workers will be allowed to come but only Christians of good character will be allowed to become citizens.
NYC City Police Report
July 5 10 a.m.
Police officer Smith took the initial call and responded to report of a disturbed indivual walking about South Bronx naked, bleeding and screaming gibberish. Smith approached the subject, who was wandering the streets, screaming. Subject was 6 foot tall, of possible Middle Eastern descent. Subject was wandering the street looking intently to automobiles as if he had never seen an automobile. Subject appeared to be on drugs or undergoing a psychotic break down. Subject was unable to communicate in English, Spanish or Arabic. Subject had no identification or money on him. Subject appeared to be dehydrated and in considerable pain from what looked like whip marks. Subject was bleeding from many wounds but appeared to be otherwise healthy. Subject refused to cooperate, and back up was called. Patrol Smith radioed the station for advice. Lt. Amos contacted Bellevue Hospital and arranged for an emergency incarceration, as the subject was clearly a danger to himself and others. Four police officers approached the subject and subdued him with a tazer. He was brought to Bellevue and admitted at 1130 a.m. Dr. Johnson was the admitting physician.
Case closed July 5 11 a.m
Dr. Johnson Case notes Case of John Doe, Aka Bleeding Man from the Bronx Aka Jesus
July 5 1130 a.m. Subject was found wandering around South Bronx this morning muttering gibberish to himself. Subject was clearly delusional, and appeared capable of becoming violent and was brought to the hospital for evaluation. Subject was bleeding from various wounds that appeared to have been caused by whips. Subject appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent but did not seem to communicate in Arabic, English, Spanish or any other language. Subject was taken to the clinic for first aid treatment, x-rays, blood tests, and x-rays. Subject was also given a DNA screening and fingerprinted. Subject was then given sedatives and allowed to sleep.
My assistant, Dr. Amerada, suggested that he be allowed to interview the subject. Dr. Amerada said that he thought the subject might be speaking Amharic, which is spoken in his native land.
The interview was taped. Transcript follows:
Dr. A: Hello. Can you understand my language?
Subject: Yes, praise the lord, finally someone I can talk to. Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here? Why am I here?
Dr. A: Okay, good. Let's start at the basis. I'll answer your questions after you answer a few of mine. Okay?
Subject: Fine. Ask me anything.
Dr.A: Okay, what is your name? Where are you from? What were you doing in the Bronx? How did you get those wounds? What is your usual occupation?
Subject: Okay. My name is Jesus Nazarene. My father was Joseph of Nazarene. I was a carpenter. I was also a part-time preacher. I got into trouble with the local authorities because I had denounced the corruption in the Temple and the unholy alliance with the Roman authorities. Some of my followers thought I was the son of God. I do admit that I seemed to be able to sense divine will and had preached that the Messiah would come soon. However, the Son of God? Therefore, my followers sold me out to the Romans and I was condemned to die. I was whipped, flogged, and left to die nailed to a cross on a hilltop. The next thing I knew I found myself in your city streets. I was confused – I had never seen so many people and strange carts. Everything was just too much. I screamed out thinking I was in some sort of Hell. Then uniformed soldiers shot me at with some strange weapon and I found myself here. I still do not know where I am or why I did not die that day.
Dr.A: You claim you are Jesus. The Jesus born of Mary and Joseph that the Gospels talk about?
Subject: My name is Jesus. My father was Joseph, my mother was Mary, and my brother is James. However, I do not know what these Gospels are that you mentioned.
Dr. A: Okay. Let us see. You were left to die on that cross when?
Subject: In the springtime. I do not know the date exactly but it was early spring. There were quite a few other so-called criminals put to death that day by order of Pontius Pilate, the corrupt ruler of Jerusalem. The Priests wanted me to be killed as they thought I was a troublemaker and would ruin their cozy relations with the Romans. All I was preaching was that the end times were coming and that we must rise up against our oppressors. Can I ask you a few questions?
Dr. A: sure.
Subject: Okay where am I? What is this city? Am I on the planet Earth? Am I in heaven or Hell? Why was I brought here?
Dr. A: Okay. You are in a city called New York City. It is on the planet Earth. The Roman Emperor fell 1500 hundred years ago. When Jesus died, his followers founded a religion that has flourished since then. Most people in this country believed that Jesus was the Son of God and that he died for our sins. If you are that Jesus, it is a miracle that you have come back after 2000 years. However, I think it is more likely that you are suffering from a mental illness and we will help you recover your real identity. However, you have to help us. Can you tell us where you were living before you went to the Bronx yesterday?
Subject: I am not crazy. My name is Jesus but I do not know if I am the Jesus that you speak of. The Roman Empire is no more? 2000 years passed? I do not know how I got here. I have never been to this city and this country. I was living in Jerusalem when I was arrested
Dr. A: Okay. Let's take a break. Would you like to eat something?
Subject: yes. Some fish, bread and rice would be nice.
Dr. A: Okay, I will order in.
Subject: How did you do that? What is that device? Who are you people?
Dr A: It is a telephone – a device that allows us to communicate long distances. It was invented 200 years ago. If you are who you claim to be, you have a lot of catching up to do. We want to help you discover who you really are.
Subject: I am Jesus, that is all. I am not the Son of God. I am a simple carpenter and a prophet of God. That's was my mission. I want to know more about the people who call themselves Christians.
Dr. A: Well, we can give some reading material once you are able to read and write. Can you write?
Subject: Yes, I can read and write Latin and Hebrew and Greek too. I liked to read as a hobby. What language are you speaking?
Dr. A: English, the major world language today. It is derived from that spoken by those people living in Britain in your era.
Subject: I want to rest. Tomorrow can I go out into the city and walk around? I want to experience my new surroundings. In addition, I want someone to start teaching me how to speak and read your language. I believe that my mission is to spread the word to your people. I have so much to learn and do.
End of Interview with Subject
Dr. Tom Johnson was watching the interview via a one-way mirror. He was moved deeply by the experience as he was raised as a Catholic but was no longer church going. Just too busy and besides he was pretty skeptical these days, particularly with the radical Christians making inroads into every profession including the mental health field, which had for a long time been dominated by agnostics and non-religious secularists. The radical right was forever denouncing the evils of secular humanism. Tom did not know what that was exactly other than it seemed to described him and his friends.
That night Tom went out to a party and mentioned to several of his friends at the party that he had interviewed the "bleeding man from the Bronx"
"I think he is suffering from some religious delusion. He was found wondering the streets muttering gibberish and bleeding from wounds. He did not seem to understand any language we tried until my college, Dr. Amerada tried speaking Amharic. The subject understood that and claimed that he was Jesus, and was crucified by the Romans for being a troublemaker and formatting revolution. Complete nonsense of course. "
Sara, a fellow psychologist who had a private practice specializing in cases of religious delusions was fascinated. She asked Tom for more details. Tom demurred, saying that he had probably already said too much.
Sara called the next day and offered to treat the Bleeding man pro bono provided they could find some place he could stay, as the 72 hours of involuntary commitment would run out soon.
Tom called Dr. Amerada into his office.
Tom started by asking for an update on the Bleeding man case.
Jerry responded,
" Well, you may find this hard to believe but I am inclined to believe him. Either he is who he is claiming to be or this is one of the most unusual religious delusion cases I have ever heard about. I understand that our friend Sara is interested in meeting him?"
"Jerry, Sara has even offered to treat him pro-bono if we can find a place for him to stay. What I want to do is get him out of her before the media descends upon us with stories of 'Jesus being locked up in Bellevue' etc get out. I figure we have probably until the end of the day before someone talks to the media. Any ideas?"
"Well, since I believe him I would like to help. I think some of my Coptic Christian friends can hide him away in the Bronx. You know that reporters usually do not like to go over there – too dangerous etc. My friends could put him up and help by having someone teach him English and basic survival skills. However, to pull this off we need a plan – let me talk to my friends. Do not worry I will not talk to the press and my friends well some of them are afraid of immigration so they will want to keep him hidden as well. One thing we could do though is have our police friends run a fingerprint and record search – see if any missing person reports match up and see if there are any immigration records with his fingerprints on it. However, if he is an illegal may be no record. Who knows?"
"Jerry, I'll leave the details to you but make sure no one talks. We will say if asked that he was released in the custody of his cousin who claims that he took some illegal drugs and had a bad trip. He is no longer dangerous and therefore had to be released. Standard policy etc. I'll talk to my friends in the police and see if we can get a discrete record check done."
About 5 pm that night Jerry Amerada had made arrangements. Several Coptic Christians came to the hospital in a van and after filling out the paperwork took the bleeding man from the hospital. He was marked down as "released to relatives. Identity not confirmed. No longer dangerous to self or others. Relatives promised to pay hospital bills which will be sent to them."
Jesus was taken to the South Bronx and to a Coptic Christian Church. He was given a room and a tutor. Dr. Amerada came by daily to catch up on him. After several weeks had gone by, Tom was feeling pleased. The media had forgotten the story. No one seemed to have spoken out of school and Tom thought to himself that it was just another weird case and he vowed to call Sara up one of these days to see if she had indeed met the bleeding man. Tom still could not bring himself to call him Jesus.
Jerry was profoundly affected by Jesus and he believed him and wanted to help him in his new ministry. The Coptic Christian church members were all sworn to secrecy by Jesus himself. Jerry had explained a bit about contemporary Christian society and the divisions between Catholics, Orthodox, and the many different types of Protestants.
Jesus was making considerable progress in learning English and could communicate basic English and had started learning to read. Jesus told the church one Sunday that he felt he should help the church out and offered to pay for his room and board as the repairperson for the Church.
The Chief priest had to explain to Jesus the facts of life.
"Jesus, if I hire you I have to prove that you are here legally. You have no ID, no history, and no records. If you start working, you would draw attention to yourself. DHS might even come by to talk to you. You
might even be arrested. Once you are arrested if you claim to be Jesus we will not be able to help you. Half the population in this country will think you are a fraud, the other half will want to worship you as the son of God. Everything you say will be written down and interpreted. "
Father Azeri, I appreciate your help. I appreciate you taking me in, feeding me, and putting up with me. Nevertheless, I cannot live off your charity any more. I know I was brought back for a reason. It is to combat the same sort of people that were ruining the Church in my days. The money changers. The philistines. They have sold my religious teachings out. They did not understand me then and they do not understand me now.
Let us make a deal. I will stay here quietly for six more months until I can communicate my message in English and until I understand a bit more about modern society and life. In the meantime, my tutor tells me that there are fake ID's and identity documents I can obtain? "
"Jesus, my friend, you make it difficult to say no. Okay, you stay here for six months more as our guest. At that point we will get you some sort of paper work and see what we can do to get you a job and money. "
"Dr. Azeri. There is something more you can and will do for me. Once I am ready to begin my campaign to clean up Christianity you will support me in all that I do. It will be dangerous. I think the enemies of the truth faith are all around and have taken over the true faith. Once I start preaching it will become very dangerous."
Dr. Azeri assured him that he would have his support and told his staff that Jesus would be staying for six more months as their guest and that he will start preaching again in six months time.
During the next six months, Jesus works hard on his English and learning all he could about the modern world including the history of religion. He is dismayed and mortified at what had been done in his name and in the name of God. Jesus knew in his heart that he was brought back to purify Christianity and to unify mankind by preaching a new religious message. He began to deeply delve into Islam and Buddhist teachings and spent his days on the internet or in the library. He visited mosques and Buddhist temples in NYC.
Jesus signed up for various e-mail religious sites and began posting messages on various bulletin boards. Word slowly began spreading out among various belief sites that a man calling himself Jesus and claiming to be the one true messiah had come back and was living in NYC waiting to begin his mission to planet earth.
Leaders of the Christian coalition, right wing Christian groups and the Catholic Church in Rome soon heard from their followers that someone claiming to be Jesus was on the internet denouncing modern day Christian leaders for betraying the true meaning of Christianity.
One of Jesus's postings got Rev. Jones, the leader of the new Christian movement in the U.S. very angry. Reverend Jones had spent ten years trying to bring together the various right wing Christian groups together into a new unified movement which he labeled the "new Christian movement". His goals as listed on his web page was simple"
We aim at nothing less than a take over of the US Government by the Christian movement and the establishment of a biblical centric government in the U.S.
The US will become a shining star spreading Christian values worldwide.
We will ban all immoral conduct and shut down the adult entertainment industry.
We will clean up America by banning drugs, alcohol and tobacco products.
Premarital and extra marital sex will be illegal and severely punished.
Homosexuality will be illegal and punished by death.
Abortion will be illegal.
We will make Christianity a State Religion. Non-Christians will be free to worship at home, but will not be allowed to publicly recruit. The Islamic faith will be made illegal and all Mosques will be shut down and all Muslim believers will be given a choice – convert to Christianity or leave the U.S. They will be given one year to comply.
Immigration laws will be made fairer – workers will be allowed to come but only Christians of good character will be allowed to become citizens.
NYC City Police Report
July 5 10 a.m.
Police officer Smith took the initial call and responded to report of a disturbed indivual walking about South Bronx naked, bleeding and screaming gibberish. Smith approached the subject, who was wandering the streets, screaming. Subject was 6 foot tall, of possible Middle Eastern descent. Subject was wandering the street looking intently to automobiles as if he had never seen an automobile. Subject appeared to be on drugs or undergoing a psychotic break down. Subject was unable to communicate in English, Spanish or Arabic. Subject had no identification or money on him. Subject appeared to be dehydrated and in considerable pain from what looked like whip marks. Subject was bleeding from many wounds but appeared to be otherwise healthy. Subject refused to cooperate, and back up was called. Patrol Smith radioed the station for advice. Lt. Amos contacted Bellevue Hospital and arranged for an emergency incarceration, as the subject was clearly a danger to himself and others. Four police officers approached the subject and subdued him with a tazer. He was brought to Bellevue and admitted at 1130 a.m. Dr. Johnson was the admitting physician.
Case closed July 5 11 a.m
Dr. Johnson Case notes Case of John Doe, Aka Bleeding Man from the Bronx Aka Jesus
July 5 1130 a.m. Subject was found wandering around South Bronx this morning muttering gibberish to himself. Subject was clearly delusional, and appeared capable of becoming violent and was brought to the hospital for evaluation. Subject was bleeding from various wounds that appeared to have been caused by whips. Subject appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent but did not seem to communicate in Arabic, English, Spanish or any other language. Subject was taken to the clinic for first aid treatment, x-rays, blood tests, and x-rays. Subject was also given a DNA screening and fingerprinted. Subject was then given sedatives and allowed to sleep.
My assistant, Dr. Amerada, suggested that he be allowed to interview the subject. Dr. Amerada said that he thought the subject might be speaking Amharic, which is spoken in his native land.
The interview was taped. Transcript follows:
Dr. A: Hello. Can you understand my language?
Subject: Yes, praise the lord, finally someone I can talk to. Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here? Why am I here?
Dr. A: Okay, good. Let's start at the basis. I'll answer your questions after you answer a few of mine. Okay?
Subject: Fine. Ask me anything.
Dr.A: Okay, what is your name? Where are you from? What were you doing in the Bronx? How did you get those wounds? What is your usual occupation?
Subject: Okay. My name is Jesus Nazarene. My father was Joseph of Nazarene. I was a carpenter. I was also a part-time preacher. I got into trouble with the local authorities because I had denounced the corruption in the Temple and the unholy alliance with the Roman authorities. Some of my followers thought I was the son of God. I do admit that I seemed to be able to sense divine will and had preached that the Messiah would come soon. However, the Son of God? Therefore, my followers sold me out to the Romans and I was condemned to die. I was whipped, flogged, and left to die nailed to a cross on a hilltop. The next thing I knew I found myself in your city streets. I was confused – I had never seen so many people and strange carts. Everything was just too much. I screamed out thinking I was in some sort of Hell. Then uniformed soldiers shot me at with some strange weapon and I found myself here. I still do not know where I am or why I did not die that day.
Dr.A: You claim you are Jesus. The Jesus born of Mary and Joseph that the Gospels talk about?
Subject: My name is Jesus. My father was Joseph, my mother was Mary, and my brother is James. However, I do not know what these Gospels are that you mentioned.
Dr. A: Okay. Let us see. You were left to die on that cross when?
Subject: In the springtime. I do not know the date exactly but it was early spring. There were quite a few other so-called criminals put to death that day by order of Pontius Pilate, the corrupt ruler of Jerusalem. The Priests wanted me to be killed as they thought I was a troublemaker and would ruin their cozy relations with the Romans. All I was preaching was that the end times were coming and that we must rise up against our oppressors. Can I ask you a few questions?
Dr. A: sure.
Subject: Okay where am I? What is this city? Am I on the planet Earth? Am I in heaven or Hell? Why was I brought here?
Dr. A: Okay. You are in a city called New York City. It is on the planet Earth. The Roman Emperor fell 1500 hundred years ago. When Jesus died, his followers founded a religion that has flourished since then. Most people in this country believed that Jesus was the Son of God and that he died for our sins. If you are that Jesus, it is a miracle that you have come back after 2000 years. However, I think it is more likely that you are suffering from a mental illness and we will help you recover your real identity. However, you have to help us. Can you tell us where you were living before you went to the Bronx yesterday?
Subject: I am not crazy. My name is Jesus but I do not know if I am the Jesus that you speak of. The Roman Empire is no more? 2000 years passed? I do not know how I got here. I have never been to this city and this country. I was living in Jerusalem when I was arrested
Dr. A: Okay. Let's take a break. Would you like to eat something?
Subject: yes. Some fish, bread and rice would be nice.
Dr. A: Okay, I will order in.
Subject: How did you do that? What is that device? Who are you people?
Dr A: It is a telephone – a device that allows us to communicate long distances. It was invented 200 years ago. If you are who you claim to be, you have a lot of catching up to do. We want to help you discover who you really are.
Subject: I am Jesus, that is all. I am not the Son of God. I am a simple carpenter and a prophet of God. That's was my mission. I want to know more about the people who call themselves Christians.
Dr. A: Well, we can give some reading material once you are able to read and write. Can you write?
Subject: Yes, I can read and write Latin and Hebrew and Greek too. I liked to read as a hobby. What language are you speaking?
Dr. A: English, the major world language today. It is derived from that spoken by those people living in Britain in your era.
Subject: I want to rest. Tomorrow can I go out into the city and walk around? I want to experience my new surroundings. In addition, I want someone to start teaching me how to speak and read your language. I believe that my mission is to spread the word to your people. I have so much to learn and do.
End of Interview with Subject
Dr. Tom Johnson was watching the interview via a one-way mirror. He was moved deeply by the experience as he was raised as a Catholic but was no longer church going. Just too busy and besides he was pretty skeptical these days, particularly with the radical Christians making inroads into every profession including the mental health field, which had for a long time been dominated by agnostics and non-religious secularists. The radical right was forever denouncing the evils of secular humanism. Tom did not know what that was exactly other than it seemed to described him and his friends.
That night Tom went out to a party and mentioned to several of his friends at the party that he had interviewed the "bleeding man from the Bronx"
"I think he is suffering from some religious delusion. He was found wondering the streets muttering gibberish and bleeding from wounds. He did not seem to understand any language we tried until my college, Dr. Amerada tried speaking Amharic. The subject understood that and claimed that he was Jesus, and was crucified by the Romans for being a troublemaker and formatting revolution. Complete nonsense of course. "
Sara, a fellow psychologist who had a private practice specializing in cases of religious delusions was fascinated. She asked Tom for more details. Tom demurred, saying that he had probably already said too much.
Sara called the next day and offered to treat the Bleeding man pro bono provided they could find some place he could stay, as the 72 hours of involuntary commitment would run out soon.
Tom called Dr. Amerada into his office.
Tom started by asking for an update on the Bleeding man case.
Jerry responded,
" Well, you may find this hard to believe but I am inclined to believe him. Either he is who he is claiming to be or this is one of the most unusual religious delusion cases I have ever heard about. I understand that our friend Sara is interested in meeting him?"
"Jerry, Sara has even offered to treat him pro-bono if we can find a place for him to stay. What I want to do is get him out of her before the media descends upon us with stories of 'Jesus being locked up in Bellevue' etc get out. I figure we have probably until the end of the day before someone talks to the media. Any ideas?"
"Well, since I believe him I would like to help. I think some of my Coptic Christian friends can hide him away in the Bronx. You know that reporters usually do not like to go over there – too dangerous etc. My friends could put him up and help by having someone teach him English and basic survival skills. However, to pull this off we need a plan – let me talk to my friends. Do not worry I will not talk to the press and my friends well some of them are afraid of immigration so they will want to keep him hidden as well. One thing we could do though is have our police friends run a fingerprint and record search – see if any missing person reports match up and see if there are any immigration records with his fingerprints on it. However, if he is an illegal may be no record. Who knows?"
"Jerry, I'll leave the details to you but make sure no one talks. We will say if asked that he was released in the custody of his cousin who claims that he took some illegal drugs and had a bad trip. He is no longer dangerous and therefore had to be released. Standard policy etc. I'll talk to my friends in the police and see if we can get a discrete record check done."
About 5 pm that night Jerry Amerada had made arrangements. Several Coptic Christians came to the hospital in a van and after filling out the paperwork took the bleeding man from the hospital. He was marked down as "released to relatives. Identity not confirmed. No longer dangerous to self or others. Relatives promised to pay hospital bills which will be sent to them."
Jesus was taken to the South Bronx and to a Coptic Christian Church. He was given a room and a tutor. Dr. Amerada came by daily to catch up on him. After several weeks had gone by, Tom was feeling pleased. The media had forgotten the story. No one seemed to have spoken out of school and Tom thought to himself that it was just another weird case and he vowed to call Sara up one of these days to see if she had indeed met the bleeding man. Tom still could not bring himself to call him Jesus.
Jerry was profoundly affected by Jesus and he believed him and wanted to help him in his new ministry. The Coptic Christian church members were all sworn to secrecy by Jesus himself. Jerry had explained a bit about contemporary Christian society and the divisions between Catholics, Orthodox, and the many different types of Protestants.
Jesus was making considerable progress in learning English and could communicate basic English and had started learning to read. Jesus told the church one Sunday that he felt he should help the church out and offered to pay for his room and board as the repairperson for the Church.
The Chief priest had to explain to Jesus the facts of life.
"Jesus, if I hire you I have to prove that you are here legally. You have no ID, no history, and no records. If you start working, you would draw attention to yourself. DHS might even come by to talk to you. You
might even be arrested. Once you are arrested if you claim to be Jesus we will not be able to help you. Half the population in this country will think you are a fraud, the other half will want to worship you as the son of God. Everything you say will be written down and interpreted. "
Father Azeri, I appreciate your help. I appreciate you taking me in, feeding me, and putting up with me. Nevertheless, I cannot live off your charity any more. I know I was brought back for a reason. It is to combat the same sort of people that were ruining the Church in my days. The money changers. The philistines. They have sold my religious teachings out. They did not understand me then and they do not understand me now.
Let us make a deal. I will stay here quietly for six more months until I can communicate my message in English and until I understand a bit more about modern society and life. In the meantime, my tutor tells me that there are fake ID's and identity documents I can obtain? "
"Jesus, my friend, you make it difficult to say no. Okay, you stay here for six months more as our guest. At that point we will get you some sort of paper work and see what we can do to get you a job and money. "
"Dr. Azeri. There is something more you can and will do for me. Once I am ready to begin my campaign to clean up Christianity you will support me in all that I do. It will be dangerous. I think the enemies of the truth faith are all around and have taken over the true faith. Once I start preaching it will become very dangerous."
Dr. Azeri assured him that he would have his support and told his staff that Jesus would be staying for six more months as their guest and that he will start preaching again in six months time.
During the next six months, Jesus works hard on his English and learning all he could about the modern world including the history of religion. He is dismayed and mortified at what had been done in his name and in the name of God. Jesus knew in his heart that he was brought back to purify Christianity and to unify mankind by preaching a new religious message. He began to deeply delve into Islam and Buddhist teachings and spent his days on the internet or in the library. He visited mosques and Buddhist temples in NYC.
Jesus signed up for various e-mail religious sites and began posting messages on various bulletin boards. Word slowly began spreading out among various belief sites that a man calling himself Jesus and claiming to be the one true messiah had come back and was living in NYC waiting to begin his mission to planet earth.
Leaders of the Christian coalition, right wing Christian groups and the Catholic Church in Rome soon heard from their followers that someone claiming to be Jesus was on the internet denouncing modern day Christian leaders for betraying the true meaning of Christianity.
One of Jesus's postings got Rev. Jones, the leader of the new Christian movement in the U.S. very angry. Reverend Jones had spent ten years trying to bring together the various right wing Christian groups together into a new unified movement which he labeled the "new Christian movement". His goals as listed on his web page was simple"
We aim at nothing less than a take over of the US Government by the Christian movement and the establishment of a biblical centric government in the U.S.
The US will become a shining star spreading Christian values worldwide.
We will ban all immoral conduct and shut down the adult entertainment industry.
We will clean up America by banning drugs, alcohol and tobacco products.
Premarital and extra marital sex will be illegal and severely punished.
Homosexuality will be illegal and punished by death.
Abortion will be illegal.
We will make Christianity a State Religion. Non-Christians will be free to worship at home, but will not be allowed to publicly recruit. The Islamic faith will be made illegal and all Mosques will be shut down and all Muslim believers will be given a choice – convert to Christianity or leave the U.S. They will be given one year to comply.
Immigration laws will be made fairer – workers will be allowed to come but only Christians of good character will be allowed to become citizens.
NYC City Police Report
July 5 10 a.m.
Police officer Smith took the initial call and responded to report of a disturbed indivual walking about South Bronx naked, bleeding and screaming gibberish. Smith approached the subject, who was wandering the streets, screaming. Subject was 6 foot tall, of possible Middle Eastern descent. Subject was wandering the street looking intently to automobiles as if he had never seen an automobile. Subject appeared to be on drugs or undergoing a psychotic break down. Subject was unable to communicate in English, Spanish or Arabic. Subject had no identification or money on him. Subject appeared to be dehydrated and in considerable pain from what looked like whip marks. Subject was bleeding from many wounds but appeared to be otherwise healthy. Subject refused to cooperate, and back up was called. Patrol Smith radioed the station for advice. Lt. Amos contacted Bellevue Hospital and arranged for an emergency incarceration, as the subject was clearly a danger to himself and others. Four police officers approached the subject and subdued him with a tazer. He was brought to Bellevue and admitted at 1130 a.m. Dr. Johnson was the admitting physician.
Case closed July 5 11 a.m
Dr. Johnson Case notes Case of John Doe, Aka Bleeding Man from the Bronx Aka Jesus
July 5 1130 a.m. Subject was found wandering around South Bronx this morning muttering gibberish to himself. Subject was clearly delusional, and appeared capable of becoming violent and was brought to the hospital for evaluation. Subject was bleeding from various wounds that appeared to have been caused by whips. Subject appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent but did not seem to communicate in Arabic, English, Spanish or any other language. Subject was taken to the clinic for first aid treatment, x-rays, blood tests, and x-rays. Subject was also given a DNA screening and fingerprinted. Subject was then given sedatives and allowed to sleep.
My assistant, Dr. Amerada, suggested that he be allowed to interview the subject. Dr. Amerada said that he thought the subject might be speaking Amharic, which is spoken in his native land.
The interview was taped. Transcript follows:
Dr. A: Hello. Can you understand my language?
Subject: Yes, praise the lord, finally someone I can talk to. Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here? Why am I here?
Dr. A: Okay, good. Let's start at the basis. I'll answer your questions after you answer a few of mine. Okay?
Subject: Fine. Ask me anything.
Dr.A: Okay, what is your name? Where are you from? What were you doing in the Bronx? How did you get those wounds? What is your usual occupation?
Subject: Okay. My name is Jesus Nazarene. My father was Joseph of Nazarene. I was a carpenter. I was also a part-time preacher. I got into trouble with the local authorities because I had denounced the corruption in the Temple and the unholy alliance with the Roman authorities. Some of my followers thought I was the son of God. I do admit that I seemed to be able to sense divine will and had preached that the Messiah would come soon. However, the Son of God? Therefore, my followers sold me out to the Romans and I was condemned to die. I was whipped, flogged, and left to die nailed to a cross on a hilltop. The next thing I knew I found myself in your city streets. I was confused – I had never seen so many people and strange carts. Everything was just too much. I screamed out thinking I was in some sort of Hell. Then uniformed soldiers shot me at with some strange weapon and I found myself here. I still do not know where I am or why I did not die that day.
Dr.A: You claim you are Jesus. The Jesus born of Mary and Joseph that the Gospels talk about?
Subject: My name is Jesus. My father was Joseph, my mother was Mary, and my brother is James. However, I do not know what these Gospels are that you mentioned.
Dr. A: Okay. Let us see. You were left to die on that cross when?
Subject: In the springtime. I do not know the date exactly but it was early spring. There were quite a few other so-called criminals put to death that day by order of Pontius Pilate, the corrupt ruler of Jerusalem. The Priests wanted me to be killed as they thought I was a troublemaker and would ruin their cozy relations with the Romans. All I was preaching was that the end times were coming and that we must rise up against our oppressors. Can I ask you a few questions?
Dr. A: sure.
Subject: Okay where am I? What is this city? Am I on the planet Earth? Am I in heaven or Hell? Why was I brought here?
Dr. A: Okay. You are in a city called New York City. It is on the planet Earth. The Roman Emperor fell 1500 hundred years ago. When Jesus died, his followers founded a religion that has flourished since then. Most people in this country believed that Jesus was the Son of God and that he died for our sins. If you are that Jesus, it is a miracle that you have come back after 2000 years. However, I think it is more likely that you are suffering from a mental illness and we will help you recover your real identity. However, you have to help us. Can you tell us where you were living before you went to the Bronx yesterday?
Subject: I am not crazy. My name is Jesus but I do not know if I am the Jesus that you speak of. The Roman Empire is no more? 2000 years passed? I do not know how I got here. I have never been to this city and this country. I was living in Jerusalem when I was arrested
Dr. A: Okay. Let's take a break. Would you like to eat something?
Subject: yes. Some fish, bread and rice would be nice.
Dr. A: Okay, I will order in.
Subject: How did you do that? What is that device? Who are you people?
Dr A: It is a telephone – a device that allows us to communicate long distances. It was invented 200 years ago. If you are who you claim to be, you have a lot of catching up to do. We want to help you discover who you really are.
Subject: I am Jesus, that is all. I am not the Son of God. I am a simple carpenter and a prophet of God. That's was my mission. I want to know more about the people who call themselves Christians.
Dr. A: Well, we can give some reading material once you are able to read and write. Can you write?
Subject: Yes, I can read and write Latin and Hebrew and Greek too. I liked to read as a hobby. What language are you speaking?
Dr. A: English, the major world language today. It is derived from that spoken by those people living in Britain in your era.
Subject: I want to rest. Tomorrow can I go out into the city and walk around? I want to experience my new surroundings. In addition, I want someone to start teaching me how to speak and read your language. I believe that my mission is to spread the word to your people. I have so much to learn and do.
End of Interview with Subject
Dr. Tom Johnson was watching the interview via a one-way mirror. He was moved deeply by the experience as he was raised as a Catholic but was no longer church going. Just too busy and besides he was pretty skeptical these days, particularly with the radical Christians making inroads into every profession including the mental health field, which had for a long time been dominated by agnostics and non-religious secularists. The radical right was forever denouncing the evils of secular humanism. Tom did not know what that was exactly other than it seemed to described him and his friends.
That night Tom went out to a party and mentioned to several of his friends at the party that he had interviewed the "bleeding man from the Bronx"
"I think he is suffering from some religious delusion. He was found wondering the streets muttering gibberish and bleeding from wounds. He did not seem to understand any language we tried until my college, Dr. Amerada tried speaking Amharic. The subject understood that and claimed that he was Jesus, and was crucified by the Romans for being a troublemaker and formatting revolution. Complete nonsense of course. "
Sara, a fellow psychologist who had a private practice specializing in cases of religious delusions was fascinated. She asked Tom for more details. Tom demurred, saying that he had probably already said too much.
Sara called the next day and offered to treat the Bleeding man pro bono provided they could find some place he could stay, as the 72 hours of involuntary commitment would run out soon.
Tom called Dr. Amerada into his office.
Tom started by asking for an update on the Bleeding man case.
Jerry responded,
" Well, you may find this hard to believe but I am inclined to believe him. Either he is who he is claiming to be or this is one of the most unusual religious delusion cases I have ever heard about. I understand that our friend Sara is interested in meeting him?"
"Jerry, Sara has even offered to treat him pro-bono if we can find a place for him to stay. What I want to do is get him out of her before the media descends upon us with stories of 'Jesus being locked up in Bellevue' etc get out. I figure we have probably until the end of the day before someone talks to the media. Any ideas?"
"Well, since I believe him I would like to help. I think some of my Coptic Christian friends can hide him away in the Bronx. You know that reporters usually do not like to go over there – too dangerous etc. My friends could put him up and help by having someone teach him English and basic survival skills. However, to pull this off we need a plan – let me talk to my friends. Do not worry I will not talk to the press and my friends well some of them are afraid of immigration so they will want to keep him hidden as well. One thing we could do though is have our police friends run a fingerprint and record search – see if any missing person reports match up and see if there are any immigration records with his fingerprints on it. However, if he is an illegal may be no record. Who knows?"
"Jerry, I'll leave the details to you but make sure no one talks. We will say if asked that he was released in the custody of his cousin who claims that he took some illegal drugs and had a bad trip. He is no longer dangerous and therefore had to be released. Standard policy etc. I'll talk to my friends in the police and see if we can get a discrete record check done."
About 5 pm that night Jerry Amerada had made arrangements. Several Coptic Christians came to the hospital in a van and after filling out the paperwork took the bleeding man from the hospital. He was marked down as "released to relatives. Identity not confirmed. No longer dangerous to self or others. Relatives promised to pay hospital bills which will be sent to them."
Jesus was taken to the South Bronx and to a Coptic Christian Church. He was given a room and a tutor. Dr. Amerada came by daily to catch up on him. After several weeks had gone by, Tom was feeling pleased. The media had forgotten the story. No one seemed to have spoken out of school and Tom thought to himself that it was just another weird case and he vowed to call Sara up one of these days to see if she had indeed met the bleeding man. Tom still could not bring himself to call him Jesus.
Jerry was profoundly affected by Jesus and he believed him and wanted to help him in his new ministry. The Coptic Christian church members were all sworn to secrecy by Jesus himself. Jerry had explained a bit about contemporary Christian society and the divisions between Catholics, Orthodox, and the many different types of Protestants.
Jesus was making considerable progress in learning English and could communicate basic English and had started learning to read. Jesus told the church one Sunday that he felt he should help the church out and offered to pay for his room and board as the repairperson for the Church.
The Chief priest had to explain to Jesus the facts of life.
"Jesus, if I hire you I have to prove that you are here legally. You have no ID, no history, and no records. If you start working, you would draw attention to yourself. DHS might even come by to talk to you. You
might even be arrested. Once you are arrested if you claim to be Jesus we will not be able to help you. Half the population in this country will think you are a fraud, the other half will want to worship you as the son of God. Everything you say will be written down and interpreted. "
Father Azeri, I appreciate your help. I appreciate you taking me in, feeding me, and putting up with me. Nevertheless, I cannot live off your charity any more. I know I was brought back for a reason. It is to combat the same sort of people that were ruining the Church in my days. The money changers. The philistines. They have sold my religious teachings out. They did not understand me then and they do not understand me now.
Let us make a deal. I will stay here quietly for six more months until I can communicate my message in English and until I understand a bit more about modern society and life. In the meantime, my tutor tells me that there are fake ID's and identity documents I can obtain? "
"Jesus, my friend, you make it difficult to say no. Okay, you stay here for six months more as our guest. At that point we will get you some sort of paper work and see what we can do to get you a job and money. "
"Dr. Azeri. There is something more you can and will do for me. Once I am ready to begin my campaign to clean up Christianity you will support me in all that I do. It will be dangerous. I think the enemies of the truth faith are all around and have taken over the true faith. Once I start preaching it will become very dangerous."
Dr. Azeri assured him that he would have his support and told his staff that Jesus would be staying for six more months as their guest and that he will start preaching again in six months time.
During the next six months, Jesus works hard on his English and learning all he could about the modern world including the history of religion. He is dismayed and mortified at what had been done in his name and in the name of God. Jesus knew in his heart that he was brought back to purify Christianity and to unify mankind by preaching a new religious message. He began to deeply delve into Islam and Buddhist teachings and spent his days on the internet or in the library. He visited mosques and Buddhist temples in NYC.
Jesus signed up for various e-mail religious sites and began posting messages on various bulletin boards. Word slowly began spreading out among various belief sites that a man calling himself Jesus and claiming to be the one true messiah had come back and was living in NYC waiting to begin his mission to planet earth.
Leaders of the Christian coalition, right wing Christian groups and the Catholic Church in Rome soon heard from their followers that someone claiming to be Jesus was on the internet denouncing modern day Christian leaders for betraying the true meaning of Christianity.
One of Jesus's postings got Rev. Jones, the leader of the new Christian movement in the U.S. very angry. Reverend Jones had spent ten years trying to bring together the various right wing Christian groups together into a new unified movement which he labeled the "new Christian movement". His goals as listed on his web page was simple"
We aim at nothing less than a take over of the US Government by the Christian movement and the establishment of a biblical centric government in the U.S.
The US will become a shining star spreading Christian values worldwide.
We will ban all immoral conduct and shut down the adult entertainment industry.
We will clean up America by banning drugs, alcohol and tobacco products.
Premarital and extra marital sex will be illegal and severely punished.
Homosexuality will be illegal and punished by death.
Abortion will be illegal.
We will make Christianity a State Religion. Non-Christians will be free to worship at home, but will not be allowed to publicly recruit. The Islamic faith will be made illegal and all Mosques will be shut down and all Muslim believers will be given a choice – convert to Christianity or leave the U.S. They will be given one year to comply.
Immigration laws will be made fairer – workers will be allowed to come but only Christians of good character will be allowed to become citizens.
NYC City Police Report
July 5 10 a.m.
Police officer Smith took the initial call and responded to report of a disturbed indivual walking about South Bronx naked, bleeding and screaming gibberish. Smith approached the subject, who was wandering the streets, screaming. Subject was 6 foot tall, of possible Middle Eastern descent. Subject was wandering the street looking intently to automobiles as if he had never seen an automobile. Subject appeared to be on drugs or undergoing a psychotic break down. Subject was unable to communicate in English, Spanish or Arabic. Subject had no identification or money on him. Subject appeared to be dehydrated and in considerable pain from what looked like whip marks. Subject was bleeding from many wounds but appeared to be otherwise healthy. Subject refused to cooperate, and back up was called. Patrol Smith radioed the station for advice. Lt. Amos contacted Bellevue Hospital and arranged for an emergency incarceration, as the subject was clearly a danger to himself and others. Four police officers approached the subject and subdued him with a tazer. He was brought to Bellevue and admitted at 1130 a.m. Dr. Johnson was the admitting physician.
Case closed July 5 11 a.m
Dr. Johnson Case notes Case of John Doe, Aka Bleeding Man from the Bronx Aka Jesus
July 5 1130 a.m. Subject was found wandering around South Bronx this morning muttering gibberish to himself. Subject was clearly delusional, and appeared capable of becoming violent and was brought to the hospital for evaluation. Subject was bleeding from various wounds that appeared to have been caused by whips. Subject appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent but did not seem to communicate in Arabic, English, Spanish or any other language. Subject was taken to the clinic for first aid treatment, x-rays, blood tests, and x-rays. Subject was also given a DNA screening and fingerprinted. Subject was then given sedatives and allowed to sleep.
My assistant, Dr. Amerada, suggested that he be allowed to interview the subject. Dr. Amerada said that he thought the subject might be speaking Amharic, which is spoken in his native land.
The interview was taped. Transcript follows:
Dr. A: Hello. Can you understand my language?
Subject: Yes, praise the lord, finally someone I can talk to. Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here? Why am I here?
Dr. A: Okay, good. Let's start at the basis. I'll answer your questions after you answer a few of mine. Okay?
Subject: Fine. Ask me anything.
Dr.A: Okay, what is your name? Where are you from? What were you doing in the Bronx? How did you get those wounds? What is your usual occupation?
Subject: Okay. My name is Jesus Nazarene. My father was Joseph of Nazarene. I was a carpenter. I was also a part-time preacher. I got into trouble with the local authorities because I had denounced the corruption in the Temple and the unholy alliance with the Roman authorities. Some of my followers thought I was the son of God. I do admit that I seemed to be able to sense divine will and had preached that the Messiah would come soon. However, the Son of God? Therefore, my followers sold me out to the Romans and I was condemned to die. I was whipped, flogged, and left to die nailed to a cross on a hilltop. The next thing I knew I found myself in your city streets. I was confused – I had never seen so many people and strange carts. Everything was just too much. I screamed out thinking I was in some sort of Hell. Then uniformed soldiers shot me at with some strange weapon and I found myself here. I still do not know where I am or why I did not die that day.
Dr.A: You claim you are Jesus. The Jesus born of Mary and Joseph that the Gospels talk about?
Subject: My name is Jesus. My father was Joseph, my mother was Mary, and my brother is James. However, I do not know what these Gospels are that you mentioned.
Dr. A: Okay. Let us see. You were left to die on that cross when?
Subject: In the springtime. I do not know the date exactly but it was early spring. There were quite a few other so-called criminals put to death that day by order of Pontius Pilate, the corrupt ruler of Jerusalem. The Priests wanted me to be killed as they thought I was a troublemaker and would ruin their cozy relations with the Romans. All I was preaching was that the end times were coming and that we must rise up against our oppressors. Can I ask you a few questions?
Dr. A: sure.
Subject: Okay where am I? What is this city? Am I on the planet Earth? Am I in heaven or Hell? Why was I brought here?
Dr. A: Okay. You are in a city called New York City. It is on the planet Earth. The Roman Emperor fell 1500 hundred years ago. When Jesus died, his followers founded a religion that has flourished since then. Most people in this country believed that Jesus was the Son of God and that he died for our sins. If you are that Jesus, it is a miracle that you have come back after 2000 years. However, I think it is more likely that you are suffering from a mental illness and we will help you recover your real identity. However, you have to help us. Can you tell us where you were living before you went to the Bronx yesterday?
Subject: I am not crazy. My name is Jesus but I do not know if I am the Jesus that you speak of. The Roman Empire is no more? 2000 years passed? I do not know how I got here. I have never been to this city and this country. I was living in Jerusalem when I was arrested
Dr. A: Okay. Let's take a break. Would you like to eat something?
Subject: yes. Some fish, bread and rice would be nice.
Dr. A: Okay, I will order in.
Subject: How did you do that? What is that device? Who are you people?
Dr A: It is a telephone – a device that allows us to communicate long distances. It was invented 200 years ago. If you are who you claim to be, you have a lot of catching up to do. We want to help you discover who you really are.
Subject: I am Jesus, that is all. I am not the Son of God. I am a simple carpenter and a prophet of God. That's was my mission. I want to know more about the people who call themselves Christians.
Dr. A: Well, we can give some reading material once you are able to read and write. Can you write?
Subject: Yes, I can read and write Latin and Hebrew and Greek too. I liked to read as a hobby. What language are you speaking?
Dr. A: English, the major world language today. It is derived from that spoken by those people living in Britain in your era.
Subject: I want to rest. Tomorrow can I go out into the city and walk around? I want to experience my new surroundings. In addition, I want someone to start teaching me how to speak and read your language. I believe that my mission is to spread the word to your people. I have so much to learn and do.
End of Interview with Subject
Dr. Tom Johnson was watching the interview via a one-way mirror. He was moved deeply by the experience as he was raised as a Catholic but was no longer church going. Just too busy and besides he was pretty skeptical these days, particularly with the radical Christians making inroads into every profession including the mental health field, which had for a long time been dominated by agnostics and non-religious secularists. The radical right was forever denouncing the evils of secular humanism. Tom did not know what that was exactly other than it seemed to described him and his friends.
That night Tom went out to a party and mentioned to several of his friends at the party that he had interviewed the "bleeding man from the Bronx"
"I think he is suffering from some religious delusion. He was found wondering the streets muttering gibberish and bleeding from wounds. He did not seem to understand any language we tried until my college, Dr. Amerada tried speaking Amharic. The subject understood that and claimed that he was Jesus, and was crucified by the Romans for being a troublemaker and formatting revolution. Complete nonsense of course. "
Sara, a fellow psychologist who had a private practice specializing in cases of religious delusions was fascinated. She asked Tom for more details. Tom demurred, saying that he had probably already said too much.
Sara called the next day and offered to treat the Bleeding man pro bono provided they could find some place he could stay, as the 72 hours of involuntary commitment would run out soon.
Tom called Dr. Amerada into his office.
Tom started by asking for an update on the Bleeding man case.
Jerry responded,
" Well, you may find this hard to believe but I am inclined to believe him. Either he is who he is claiming to be or this is one of the most unusual religious delusion cases I have ever heard about. I understand that our friend Sara is interested in meeting him?"
"Jerry, Sara has even offered to treat him pro-bono if we can find a place for him to stay. What I want to do is get him out of her before the media descends upon us with stories of 'Jesus being locked up in Bellevue' etc get out. I figure we have probably until the end of the day before someone talks to the media. Any ideas?"
"Well, since I believe him I would like to help. I think some of my Coptic Christian friends can hide him away in the Bronx. You know that reporters usually do not like to go over there – too dangerous etc. My friends could put him up and help by having someone teach him English and basic survival skills. However, to pull this off we need a plan – let me talk to my friends. Do not worry I will not talk to the press and my friends well some of them are afraid of immigration so they will want to keep him hidden as well. One thing we could do though is have our police friends run a fingerprint and record search – see if any missing person reports match up and see if there are any immigration records with his fingerprints on it. However, if he is an illegal may be no record. Who knows?"
"Jerry, I'll leave the details to you but make sure no one talks. We will say if asked that he was released in the custody of his cousin who claims that he took some illegal drugs and had a bad trip. He is no longer dangerous and therefore had to be released. Standard policy etc. I'll talk to my friends in the police and see if we can get a discrete record check done."
About 5 pm that night Jerry Amerada had made arrangements. Several Coptic Christians came to the hospital in a van and after filling out the paperwork took the bleeding man from the hospital. He was marked down as "released to relatives. Identity not confirmed. No longer dangerous to self or others. Relatives promised to pay hospital bills which will be sent to them."
Jesus was taken to the South Bronx and to a Coptic Christian Church. He was given a room and a tutor. Dr. Amerada came by daily to catch up on him. After several weeks had gone by, Tom was feeling pleased. The media had forgotten the story. No one seemed to have spoken out of school and Tom thought to himself that it was just another weird case and he vowed to call Sara up one of these days to see if she had indeed met the bleeding man. Tom still could not bring himself to call him Jesus.
Jerry was profoundly affected by Jesus and he believed him and wanted to help him in his new ministry. The Coptic Christian church members were all sworn to secrecy by Jesus himself. Jerry had explained a bit about contemporary Christian society and the divisions between Catholics, Orthodox, and the many different types of Protestants.
Jesus was making considerable progress in learning English and could communicate basic English and had started learning to read. Jesus told the church one Sunday that he felt he should help the church out and offered to pay for his room and board as the repairperson for the Church.
The Chief priest had to explain to Jesus the facts of life.
"Jesus, if I hire you I have to prove that you are here legally. You have no ID, no history, and no records. If you start working, you would draw attention to yourself. DHS might even come by to talk to you. You
might even be arrested. Once you are arrested if you claim to be Jesus we will not be able to help you. Half the population in this country will think you are a fraud, the other half will want to worship you as the son of God. Everything you say will be written down and interpreted. "
Father Azeri, I appreciate your help. I appreciate you taking me in, feeding me, and putting up with me. Nevertheless, I cannot live off your charity any more. I know I was brought back for a reason. It is to combat the same sort of people that were ruining the Church in my days. The money changers. The philistines. They have sold my religious teachings out. They did not understand me then and they do not understand me now.
Let us make a deal. I will stay here quietly for six more months until I can communicate my message in English and until I understand a bit more about modern society and life. In the meantime, my tutor tells me that there are fake ID's and identity documents I can obtain? "
"Jesus, my friend, you make it difficult to say no. Okay, you stay here for six months more as our guest. At that point we will get you some sort of paper work and see what we can do to get you a job and money. "
"Dr. Azeri. There is something more you can and will do for me. Once I am ready to begin my campaign to clean up Christianity you will support me in all that I do. It will be dangerous. I think the enemies of the truth faith are all around and have taken over the true faith. Once I start preaching it will become very dangerous."
Dr. Azeri assured him that he would have his support and told his staff that Jesus would be staying for six more months as their guest and that he will start preaching again in six months time.
During the next six months, Jesus works hard on his English and learning all he could about the modern world including the history of religion. He is dismayed and mortified at what had been done in his name and in the name of God. Jesus knew in his heart that he was brought back to purify Christianity and to unify mankind by preaching a new religious message. He began to deeply delve into Islam and Buddhist teachings and spent his days on the internet or in the library. He visited mosques and Buddhist temples in NYC.
Jesus signed up for various e-mail religious sites and began posting messages on various bulletin boards. Word slowly began spreading out among various belief sites that a man calling himself Jesus and claiming to be the one true messiah had come back and was living in NYC waiting to begin his mission to planet earth.
Leaders of the Christian coalition, right wing Christian groups and the Catholic Church in Rome soon heard from their followers that someone claiming to be Jesus was on the internet denouncing modern day Christian leaders for betraying the true meaning of Christianity.
One of Jesus's postings got Rev. Jones, the leader of the new Christian movement in the U.S. very angry. Reverend Jones had spent ten years trying to bring together the various right wing Christian groups together into a new unified movement which he labeled the "new Christian movement". His goals as listed on his web page was simple"
We aim at nothing less than a take over of the US Government by the Christian movement and the establishment of a biblical centric government in the U.S.
The US will become a shining star spreading Christian values worldwide.
We will ban all immoral conduct and shut down the adult entertainment industry.
We will clean up America by banning drugs, alcohol and tobacco products.
Premarital and extra marital sex will be illegal and severely punished.
Homosexuality will be illegal and punished by death.
Abortion will be illegal.
We will make Christianity a State Religion. Non-Christians will be free to worship at home, but will not be allowed to publicly recruit. The Islamic faith will be made illegal and all Mosques will be shut down and all Muslim believers will be given a choice – convert to Christianity or leave the U.S. They will be given one year to comply.
Immigration laws will be made fairer – workers will be allowed to come but only Christians of good character will be allowed to become citizens.
e to the true Jesus. He denounces the false Jesus killer as a dangerous secular humanist who was working with the Democratic National party to discredit the real lord Jesus. . Rev Jones announces he will hold a funeral ceremony for the Jesus, who will be buried in Colorado Spring, which will be, renamed New Jerusalem in honor of the True Jesus, who will truly come again when we are ready to receive him. Until then we will wage a revolution against the enemies of the True Jesus preparing ourselves for his return. God Bless America. Good Night. “
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