Story -

The Last Train. Second and Last Part.

The Last Train. Second and Last Part.


"A last train traveling within a last dream, a single train with two destinations, a pleasant journey into a valley of love and peace, or to a turbulent and frenetic trip through anger and hatred towards the depths of the abyss"

The Last Train.

The Last Train. Second and Last Part.

The two friends in just a few minutes tried to tell one another what had been their lives up to that time of the fortuitous meeting in desolate station, Shannen leaving fake and the astonished eyes of his friend broke into a bitter tears, among a wave of bitter sobs is honest with her friend and told him all the truth Shannen Sally confessed his true intentions that night at the railway station, Sally visibly frightened and deeply saddened hugged her while trying to console her:

Sally-. You have always been much more strong and intelligent that I, you came out teeth as the indifference and contempt towards you by your family grew, you always were over the harassment, humiliation, abuse and offences that you have always been subject, and after the two assassination attempts by two of your most ungrateful lovers... what you can surprise people or? from men? I can't believe that you've decided to throw in the towel, that you have failed to do, you are a living example of survivor how to make nothing and no one can end up with you or with your desire to fight and love, but primarily that, with your lust for life.

Shannen, much quieter by words of encouragement from her friend told her that she was single, broken, crushed and sunk, that in suicide much more thought about euthanasia, Sally began to laugh as he embraced it, laughingly asked him to Shannen why wouldn't be lesbians, the problems that had been removed from above if they had been able to do without selfishness without limit or extent of the hearts of men. The sound of an incoming message on the cell phone of Sally did this caught him with the decision who expects a call, clicked and opened a window on the device of the latest generation, as Sally read the message his friend gave an explanation:

Sally-. Paul Phillips, he had been with him in the coffee shop across the Street makes more than half an hour, and he asks me where I am, I will send you a message, wait:

Sally says:

I found a friend and I have to take my home, take the car and we pick up at the door of the train station, leave it at home and then we will do the Okey?

Paul says:

I have been here for more than 40 minutes waiting for you, you're a casual, you know that I tell you... that you pick up your aunt.

Sally says:

Watch Tyler's ass, there are two types of women, integrates them, including myself, and heavy strokes that by a guy that just know her best friend hung, to never leave and not bother re, according to closing session you will say goodbye also on Facebook, and when you feel like that you already know you do bite the heart and you fuck your mother.

Sally looked at her contrite friend and he felt like heart was filled with joy, pulled out a small notebook from her handbag and while Shannen looked at her grateful he wrote some notes on it, then both women stood up and walked out of the ugly and archaic building of the station. Sally said Shannen I was writing poetry in a blog, that whenever an idea it happened pointed it in a booklet, and corrected and passed to clean once published it on the Internet.

Arm caught as if the two friends not be had separated never laughing crossed throughout the city until you reach House of Sally, forgotten in the dock was old Shannen suitcase as a silent witness of the event, what happened and what had taken place. Who the next morning found her surprised little weight, but the surprise gave way to bewilderment when to open the worn suitcase to examine their content they found absolutely nothing inside.

The long journey to Sally House served the friends finally get a day in the life of one and another woman, Shannen felt curiosity for the note of poetry that Sally wrote a few hours earlier when they left the station, he asked his friend to read it, I wanted to give you an opinion, Sally took the book bag It looked for the note and solemnly began to read:

* The Last Train *

In an old station,
Stopped a strange train,       
With solitary passenger,
And among them you found.

A ghost station,
For a last train,
Circulating sad at dawn,
Tralhuen coal.

A trip by emotion,
In a last train,
It runs through a takedown,
Bordering a deal.

A dark station,
For a sinister train,
With solitary travelers,
And among them you found.

Lucas Lazar. Telling Stories.


* El Último Tren *

En una vieja estación,
Se detuvo un extraño tren,
Con solitarios pasajeros,
Y entre ellos te encontré.

Una estación fantasma,
Para un último tren,
Que circula al alba,
Con carbón de tralhuén.

Un viaje por el plasma,
En un último tren,
Que transita por el alba,
Bordeando un terraplén.

Una oscura estación,
Para un siniestro tren,
Con solitarios viajeros,
Y entre ellos te encontré.

Lucas Lazar. Contando Historias.

The story that began with a markedly melodramatic tone gradually evolved towards a more friendly tone, humorous and much closer, history could have ended in many different ways, but have preferred to send a hopeful message in that eternal friendship without barriers or measures, and that despite the rare and hard to find, actually exists.

Terrible end today not fictions are needed, just watch, read or listen to any global news to be able to contemplate the reality most sordid, terrible and cruel in any of its manifestations more cruel and perverse.

Dedicated to Luke Rocío and the absurdity of the suicide.

"A train called death stands in the barriers of the destination, inside all is silence, uncertainty, confusion, restlessness, travelers know that there is only a ride without the possibility of return, the smoking craters of footballer hell"

A Last Train Bound for Hell.


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