
We live life each day looking for miracles and yet simply take for granted the fact that just existing and having the chance to savor this experience of being human is in itself a miracle. The fact that the complex nature required to sustain us, the fine chemical balances and and intricate Eco system matrix required for our continual survival is in place each day on this planet is a miracle.
Yet we appear for large periods of our life to take this for granted. We decide rather than to be happy and thankful for the chance to enjoy and appreciate this miracle we choose to fill our days with self induced drama’s and stress. Allow our selves to be so affected by the negative aspects of life that invariably are man made that we end up suffering.
Yet if we take a step back we would see the wonderful thing that is life and the environment around us. We would see the beauty of nature hear the sounds and feel the pleasure and joy of just being and existing in each present moment. However we choose to live mostly in the past or wish our life away dreaming of a future that we can not depend on. We take for granted once again the present moment.
And yet choosing to spend a moment abiding and dwelling in each present moment can fill us so full of energy, happiness and calmness. It helps us find momentarily that peace from the drama’s that is life and once we experience this we want it more.
Many of us use the excuse that we do not have the time in our busy day and yet that is the perfect reason to make time and to slow down, smell the coffee and realize that just because we stop to take a moment out nothing is going to fall apart. it will all still be there when we return to it.
It is a sad thing that we live this miraculous life and yet we do not see it as that, feel it as that or understand that. Why we choose to live it unhappy holding grudges, judging others or being less than benevolent each day is a mystery to me. Why we take sides and wage wars, why we allow ourselves to be divided by religion, colour, borders, anthems and flags is to me ridiculous.
In doing this we miss the wonders nature has to offer. The amazing uniqueness that can be seen among the other species that we share this earth with. The climate changes across different continents and the delicate and precious plants that grow.
This is just a reminder of how amazing living this miracle can be, all we need to do is appreciate this and enjoy it and live life based in love, bliss and grace.