Mom and King Solomon

This article is about my late mother and King Solomon as well. My mother turned out to be a better person than King Solomon. When Solomon was young, he was a very good man. But when he got older, he became a jerk.
Mom was a wonderful woman. But when she was a young woman, she started hating men. She hated men because her dad and my dad were less than kind to her at times. Mom hated men so much that if she was walking down an aisle in a store and a man started walking down the same aisle, she would turn and walk down another aisle so that she wouldn't have to pass that man while walking down the aisle.
At the time, my brother and I were boys. Mom didn't have a problem with boys. She only had a problem with men. God could foresee a future problem and he gave Mom a warning. God told her "Don't hate men. Rick and Randy will be men one of these days and if you're not careful, you'll end up hating them too". That warning scared Mom out of her wits. She didn't want to end up hating Rick and I. She dropped her hatred of men right then and there.
Back during the days of King Solomon, God allowed men to have multiple wives. Solomon decided to get several wives. God was fine with this but Solomon decided to get foreign wives. Because they were foreign, God knew that they would worship a false god instead of him. God asked Solomon not to marry foreign women but Solomon ignored him. God was afraid that those foreign women would convince Solomon to worship their false god, and that was exactly what happened. Solomon's wives convinced him to worship Baal.
God was really good to Solomon. God gave him incredible wisdom, wealth and made him a king. After receiving those wonderful blessings from God, Solomon not only stabbed God in the back, he came back and twisted the knife.
If you had a ten month old bag of garbage sitting on your porch, it would be smelly, rotten and disgusting. But that bag of garbage would be sweet and beautiful when compared to the piece of garbage that Solomon turned out to be when he was an older man. After learning this about Solomon, I became ashamed that I've even heard of Solomon. Mom did what Solomon wouldn't. She didn't betray God and she listened to him and took his advice.
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Good story of how God helped your mom not hate. Yes, I agree, God tries to intervene and help us. Some of us listen and some of us don't. Thought provoking story. Daniel 4: 28-37 tells of King Nebuchadnezzar who bragged he built a royal capitol, Magnificent Babylon by his own mighty power. Before he finished his sentence, a Voice from Heaven told him he would lose all he had and driven from human society to live with animals. He was. He later realized his false pride, and everything he had came from God. God forgave him and gave his splendor back to him. Thanks for your story.