
Murdoch et al: "You need to wash your hands with sanitizer"
Me: "Why?"
Murdoch et al: "Because you might catch Covid!"
Me: [starts sanitizing]
Murdoch et al: "You need to social distance."
Me: "Why?"
Murdoch et al: "Because most sanitizers don't actually work on Covid"
Me: [social distances]
Murdoch et al: "You need to wear a mask."
Me: "Why?"
Murdoch et al: "Because otherwise you might catch Covid!"
Me: "I thought you said to social distance?"
Murdoch et al: "Yeah but the truth is 2 sq meters doesn't actually keep you out of the line of fire, which would actually be more like an 8m bubble."
Me: 😷
Murdoch et al: "You need to vaccinate the most vulnerable?"
Me: "Why?"
Murdoch et al: "Because sanitzing, social distancing, and masks don't actually stop Covid!"
Me: [vaccinates the most vulnerable]
Murdoch et al: "Keep your mask on."
Me: "Why?"
Murdoch et al: "Because we said so. Oh yeah, and get the vaccine."
Me: "Why?"
Murdoch et al: "Because you need to protect the most vulnerable."
Me: "Wait, I already had them vaccinated like I do my household pets every year."
Murdoch et al: "Yeah... point?"
Me: "Well, does the vaccine work or doesn't it?"
Murdoch et al: "Oh it works. We've spent trillions convincing everyone it works."
Me: "So I don't need it if the most vulnerable are already vaccinated."
Murdoch et al: "Oh hell yeah you do!"
Me: "Why?"
Murdoch et al: "Because we need to make our mo... I mean because if you don't, your loved ones might die!"
Me: "We just established that; my loved one's are already vaccinated."
Murdoch et al: "But they still might get Covid."
Me: "What?"
Murdoch et al: "Look! If you don't get the jab you will also not get the Passport!"
Me: "Excuse me?"
Murdoch et al: "Yeah you heard right, we will restrict you and make you a LITERAL (not a figurative) Second Class citizen."
Me: "WTF!?"
Murdoch et al: "Still don't wanna comply?"
Me: "No!"
Uber-Feminists: "Hey buddy! Just because we can terminate a full-to-term living child because OUR BODY has priority doesn't give YOU the right to reject this vaccine from the body you're wearing, which belongs to the State!"
Trans Community: YEAH!
Me: "Wait, 🤔... wouldn't that make your body belong to the State too? Like, your birth certificate gender is their property--smthn like that?"
Trans Community: "Oh...?😬🤐"
Uber-Femenists: "Oh, well....erm, your body doesn't belong to the State per se, but your apparent apathy could have serious repercusions that take away an innocent life!"
Me: 😶
Pro-Euthanasia Squad: "YEAH EAT THAT!"
Me: "I'm sorry? Erm, like... what if I self-isolate, self-medicate, and just take the risk of dying alone should I contract Covid?"
Murdoch et al: "No, you can't do that!"
Pro-Euthanasia Squad: "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
Me: "Why not?"
Politicians: "Because we need your
Murdoch et al: "MONEY!"
Politicians: "Allegiance. We were going to say, 'your allegiance'."
Murdoch et al: "GDP? Super?"
Politicians: "No Murdoch et al, good old fashioned 'Aussie Spirit' was in the brief... right there, see? Just follow the God-damned script!"
Murdoch et al: "Oooh right. Yeah, that."
Me: 😶....
"So, guys, erm... what actually does stop Covid?"
Me: 😶
Everyone: "...and... maybe, we mean ah DEFINITELY the new vaccine, of course. Well, ... mostly."
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Super creative delivery while still getting your point across in which I agree with .
Thanks bro. We are living in very sad times 😔😪
I hear you, and as you know, can sympathise. These restrictions are stupid, like hell there`s gonna be compliance if we get another outbreak... I just don't understand it. Awesome and clever write.
Thanks Max,
Yeah, it is typical of bullies who like to confuse their abuse victims with shifting information. I know because I was once in a toxic relationship. I neither realised my own abusive behaviours, nor those of my spouse. I was all about mind control; for her it was body control. Now I can smell abuse from miles away. These measures and communications that are out of control are psych 101 just on a collective level.