The Interception of Orestes

Mother: Sometimes I think you are an angel; other times the Devil incarnate.
Son: Oh yeah? Well sometimes I think you are a goddess; othertimes God.
Mother: How so?
Son: When I shine I see myself as a star in arms of the Queen of Heaven; when you smother me in coldness I wish to crucify you!
Son: There! That silence. Silent when I hurt you. It's so infuriating!
Son: FFS say something!
Mother: You have no idea how many battles I have fought, so many hurdles I have had to keep jumping to exhaustion.
These blades you are trying to provoke are formed by waves of my love that turned to fury in the act of protecting my treasure.
Behind this rose is a long history of war you need know nothing about. It is these delicate petals that remain so I might see your sunshine break through the clouds of darkness that have wrapped me my entire life.
These thorns are not for you. And your bumble bee stinger is not for me. Go take your hate elesewhere and do not harm another blooming bud, especially the one that longs to catch you as you die to your rage.
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