Story -

My Best Friend's Brother

The pleasing breeze blew my blackish-brown hair back as I took steps down the sidewalk. I was heading to my best friend, Delilah's, house. It was the weekend and she told me to come over so I decided to stop by. Her house was ten minutes away from mine and the weather was nice so I could use a good walk.
As soon as I saw her house, I ran up to the door and rang the doorbell. I waited five seconds until she opened the door. We greeted each other with the usual, goofy nicknames we give each other.
"Hey, Mustard!" Delilah said.
"Hey, Ketchup," I responded.
I stepped into the house. It was like a second house to me because I was always there. The brownish colors all over the inside of the house created such a drab mood. But I had gotten used to it. The kitchen was the first thing you step into when you enter the house. Right by it was the living room. And sitting on the sofa, I couldn't help but notice Delilah's fraternal twin brother, Kent. I met him the same day I first met Delilah when I was eleven. Ever since, he's been like a second best friend to me.
"Wow, those are nice choices of condiments," he commented.
"Yes, they are," agreed Delilah. "That's why you're tartar sauce."
Kent rolled his eyes; I laughed. I entered the living room and fell next to him, sitting on the left side of the sofa. I felt Delilah staring awkwardly at me when she also came into the living room. She stood in front of the sofa and squeezed herself in between Kent and I.
Kent looked at her weirdly. "You can't sit on the other side?" he asked.
"I want to sit with my best friend," admitted Delilah.
"I want to sit next to your best friend, too."
Delilah turned her body towards me. "He's just hating 'cause we're sexy senoritas and he looks like a Jonas Brother."
"I like the Jonas Brothers," I shared.
"Oh!" Kent exclaimed. "Hear that, 'Lilah? Trish just said she likes me."
"Don't go way over your head," glared Delilah.
"Oh, Delilah, you promised me that I can borrow your waist coat," I just remembered.
"Oh, yeah, that's right," my friend remembered, too. "I might have it on my bed somewhere." She stood up and said, "Be right back."
"Don't worry, 'Lilah," said Kent. "I'll keep Trish company."
"Don't do anything slick or I'll scoop your eyes out," she said before leaving the living room and going upstairs.
I chuckled. "What does she mean by, 'Don't do anything slick'?" I asked Kent.
"I don't know," he responded. "She has this thing where she doesn't trust me at all."
"What did you do to her?"
"Nothing. Just a couple of pranks. Maybe one-hundred-fourteen but who's really counting?"
"You may have played one-hundred-fourteen jokes on Delilah but you're still sweet."
Kent smiled. "Thank you. And do I really look like a Jonas brother?"
"Better than the Jonas Brothers."
I giggled at his goofiness. He looked nothing like a Jonas brother. But he was cute; he had a nice smile and everything. He was wearing this light blue beanie; he was always wearing beanies. He was special. Maybe because he was Delilah's brother.
Speaking of Delilah, she walked down the stairs and into the living room.
"Okay, I can't find the waistcoast," she said. "I think I left it over at Debra's house."
"Maybe you should go over there and get it," Kent recommended.
"Right now?"
"Yeah. I mean Debra lives, like, five minutes away so you can just walk over there and get it."
"I don't think Trish wants me to get it now."
"Yes, I do," the words flew right out of my mouth.
"Really? O-Okay then. I'll just go get it then. I'll be back."
"Okay," said Kent.
"I'll be right back." Delilah stared daggers at him.
"Okay, it seems fair."
"Don't do anything slick."
"I promise."
"Yeah, right," Delilah muttered, rolling her eyes.
Soon, she left the house. And Kent and I were alone together. We just sat in silence. It was kind of weird. When a minute approached, I decided to break the ice.
"Quiet in here, don't you think?"
"That's what happens when 'Lilah's not in the room," Kent said.    
I laughed. "That is true."
"So what do you want to do?"
"What do you want to do?"
"I want to do what you want to do."
"Well, I want to do what you want to do."
"Do you really want what I want to do?"
"Yes! What do you want to do?"
"There's kind of something that I want to do but I don't think you'd do it with me."
"Come on, Kent. What is it?"
He sighed. "This." He picked up the remote control to the CD player on the coffee table. He pointed the remote to the CD player and pressed "Play". On the player, the song, "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye came on high volume.
I made a face. "Marvin Gaye?" I questioned. "Really?"
"Yeah," Kent responded.
He was all fidgety. Suddenly, he began taking my legs and putting them over his lap.
"Kent, what are you doing?" I asked with a giggle. It was a nervous giggle.
He adjusted himself so he could get closer to me. "Just don't talk, please," he politely demanded.
He began stroking my cheeks, which got my heart racing. My skin was boiling; I was just flustered.
"Kent--" I whispered, getting lost in his green eyes.
His face moved closer and I was going to let it happen. Then I heard a girl call my name. Kent and I immediately looked at the door and saw Delilah standing in the kitchen. I've seen that she didn't get my waistcoast.
"What are you guys doing?" she shouted, coming closer to the living room.
Kent dropped me on the floor. I didn't take that much of a hard fall.
He stood up and turned off the music with the remote. He stepped closer to his sister, saying, "'Lilah, relax. We didn't do anything... yet."
"This is so like you," Delilah almost growled. "Trish is not like any of those tramps you keep bringing here."
I stood up and walked next to Kent. "What tramps?" I asked.
"Trish, my brother is a full-on player."
"I'm not a player," Kent defied. "Trish, I am not a player. Unless you want me to be since Delilah told me."
"Told you what?" I questioned.
"That you were a cheater."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?! I'm not a cheater."
"And you're not," said Delilah.
"But that's what you told me," Kent snapped at his sister. "'Lilah, I can't believe that you complain about me for my 'deceitful ways' but you're no better."
"Listen," I stated. "Until you guys clean up your stories, I'm out of here."
I stormed past Delilah and headed for the door. I could feel the twins' eyes on me as I left the house. I walked far away from that house. I didn't want to go home yet. I just wanted to be far away. I walked miles and miles until I found a bench for the bus. I wasn't going to take the bus but I needed to sit down. I just sat for a while and thought about things other than my friends. I just needed to enjoy the warm weather and calm down.
Later, I heard a guy call out my name. I looked to my left and saw Kent running up to me. I stood up when he got near.
"Hey," he said, out of breath.
"Hey," I responded. "How did you find me?"
"You're my sister's best friend. I kind of can tell where you are at all times."
"Wow, that's... creepy."
"Yeah, it is. But I guess I'm creepy because I like you. And I got to do this."
Quickly, he cupped my cheeks with his warm hands and interlocked his lips with mine. It literally took my breath. It felt like something I needed to do for a long time. Just the feeling made me smile. And I could feel him smiling, too.
After breaking away, Kent said, "I've always wanted to do that."
I giggled, which made him chuckle. Or he might have chuckled when he saw my face turning red.
"Trish, I am so sorry for chasing you out of my house. Of course I've dated girls but I never used them or anything. They just weren't the one. But you, Trish, I can never stop thinking about you. I liked you ever since I met you. I tried to ask you out but 'Lilah kept telling me not to go after you. She said that you weren't loyal in your relationships."
I looked down for a second. "Why would she say that?"
"I think it's probably because if you go out with me, you'll probably stop hanging out with her."
"But when she says things like that about me, that makes me not want to hang out with you."
"She just wants you all to herself. Don't be so hard on her."
"Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow but I just can't look at her today."
"That's fair."
"So... I have a question."
"If Delilah told you that I cheat on my boyfriends, then why did you still try to go after me?"
"Well, I never had my heart broken before. But if it's going to happen, I want you to be the one to do it."
I smiled. That was very sweet of him to say. And saying it made him smile. He had such a nice smile. But I already said that.
The next day came, entering the weekend. I waited until the afternoon to head over my best friend's house. I was ready to talk to her about the whole Kent situation and also tell her how I feel about him. I've known Delilah for six years so I knew how she was going to react to everything I got to say. When I was an inch in front of her house, I rang the doorbell. I waited for five seconds until Delilah opened the door.
"Oh, hi, Trish," she said. She wasn't expecting to see me.
"Hey, Delilah," I responded.
"Come in."
I walked inside before she closed the door.
"Do you want to sit in here?" she asked.
We walked over to the table in the middle of the kitchen and we each pulled out a chair that was on the same side. We sat down at the same time.
"So did you stop by to tell me how much you hate me?" Delilah asked, playing with her hands.
"I don't hate you," I said. "But I am mad at you. Why would you tell your brother that I cheat on guys and tell me that he cheats on girls?"
"I didn't say those things to be deceitful."
"So why did you say it?"
"Because he likes you and I don't want him to like you."
"Why not?"
"If you start spending time with him, you'll stop spending time with me."
"That's not true, Delilah. I've been in relationships before and I still hung out with you. You're my best friend. I can never just stop being with you."
"I'm sorry, Trish. I just got scared."
"I will forgive you... if you let me do one thing."
"Let me go out with Kent."
Delilah made a roof with her hands on her forehead. "Oh, my God. Why?"
"Delilah, you seriously couldn't tell that I liked Kent, just a little bit?"
"Well, I'm in love with your brother."
"Did you just say 'love'?"
"What's with all the screaming?" Kent asked, running down the stairs.
"Hi, Kent," I smiled. Just seeing him made me light up.
"Hi, Trish," he smiled while blushing.
He walked over to me and pecked me on the lips. Seeing that made Delilah sick. She made a face of disgust and loudly gagged.
"I can't watch this!" she said, standing up. "I got to go to the bathroom."
She headed for the stairs and ran right up. Kent and I were once again alone.
"Quiet in here, don't you think?" I asked.
"That's what happens when Delilah's not in room," responded Kent.
We laughed because our words sounded very familiar.
"Do you think Delilah is going to get used to our... thing?" I asked Kent.
"Eventually," he said. "Not now, but eventually. She's kind of stubborn."
"Ha, you don't have to tell me. I've known her for six years."
"I knew for seventeen."
"You win."
"Oh, I win? Do I get a prize?"
"You get me."
"The best prize I can ever had."
I giggled before standing up and wrapping my arms around his neck. He did the same to my waist and we just stared into each other's eyes for seconds. Then we leaned towards one another and started kissing. Just the warmth of the embrace and the softness of his smiling lips let me know that I was going to enjoy this for a long time.

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