My bestfriend's house is haunted

There was always this attraction
to things that might be otherworldly
I know you may not have a good reaction
But I've got a good story
The story of a huge farm house that had been renewed
but the land on which it stood had not been viewed.
A young girl lived there with her parents
and was allowed sometimes to invite friends
and have sleepovers.
The girl, that night, shared her bed with one of those friends,
she slept peacefully but not her young sleeping mate.
As she turned in the covers, she was startled by some strange noises
while the other girls, in the other room where frightened by ghostly voices.
The first stood girl stood in the bed only to see
the chair from the desk slide back in front of her
the force pulling it was surely thinking no one could see.
So the girl hid in the sheets and tried to forget the scene,
only to be woken up again by the dressing doors shaking uncontrolably...
The other girls, in the other room, could not close their eyes.
They were shaking like leaves, listening to the slightest sound.
But where was the little girl, the haunting singing voice was coming from?
Was it actually a little girl humming, or something else more frightening?
Because the house, you see, had been built a long time ago.
But on the ground where monks used to live.
And to be more precise, where their cemetary was sitting.
(Just so you know, this story really happened to my friends and I...)
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Hi Sam, hope you are very well. These two tales are fascinating and enjoyable to read. I have always been interested in and have had several encounters with the supernatural. I like to approach these matters with an open mind. Thought provoking writing, thank you! xx