The legend of "La Bonne Dame", France, the place where I grew up.

I grew up in the countryside and certain landscapes and places have always attracted me. In front of the house in which I grew up, there is a chapel with an eventful but very pretty history and which has always fascinated me: the chapel "Notre Dame des Anges". One of my best friends has a gift and perceives things sometimes. Once, while walking with her around the stream and the wood near my childhood home, she explained to me that she perceived the energy of creatures in the wood. There was an elemental. Then, at the edge of the stream, between the tall grasses and the frogs diving into the clear water, my friend stopped near a dead shrub. It was a mulberry tree. He was covered in mistletoe, which must have smothered him and slowly killed him. But... According to my friend, if you came at night, little balls of light twirled around the branches. Apparently they were fairies. A little further, near the shrub, branches of brambles and other trees intertwined and created an arch, a portal. That's where the creatures came from. My childhood home is a few hundred meters from this stream and this little wood. It has been a famous place since the Middle Ages thanks to the underground springs found there. It was even said at the time that the springs had dug sorts of caves, or caverns, where other creatures would live... So, what do you think? Do you believe in this kind of thing? Do you, too, have legends around your home?
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