My Life In The Year 2040...juiced a CRISPR snippet
Ah...yeah...exhaustion as previously related awoke from extensive frantically grabbing handy anchor rites, while aswirl within a vortex of time stream. Nonetheless, aye did manage to get a sneak peak at my future twenty two years from now. No more coming and going back to the the future! Just by the amazing Grace (slick ride on a outdated Jefferson Aeroplane) found this beastie boy pitched thru of an unforgettable journey, now among familiar village people, who comprise his literati culture club. This doggone rough draft (written a tad more'n one score years from present) summarily sketches mein kempf among a raft taking heads, sans family, especially goo goo dolls grand kin.
Let young-bloods zip (per) across milieu of spatial time fifth dimension! This veritable unknown widower felt the mood of nostalgia, hence he took a mental stroll back many decades where at sat at the laughably now primitive macbook. He wistfully experiences snippets of flashbacks pertaining to his rather bland humdrum life.
The recurrent pallor of despair hung like a virtual "iron curtain" shutting out capacity to enjoy life to the max. Social anxiety the pernicious pet peeve that induced much chunk of time to be voluntarily shuttered inside a soundproof stainless steel bunker carved deep within the bowels of the earth. Oft times longevity seems like a curse with unforgettable past...
(particularly prepubescent days of yore –
revenant sans deep pressed matinee with grim reaper hid as alloy
well…sit back and enjoy this vignette – many moons since mine being a boy
a core sampled striated fragment of existence from a Semitic goy
my life in the year twenty forty ah hoy
interspersed with a sprinkling of joy
some re: dears may bow out and i.e. averse to this lyrical ploy.
I celebrated my eighty first birthday this past January thirteenth. Just nineteen more journeys for the big bright wheel in the sky to turn before this curmudgeon reaches centennial milestone. The coterie of grandchildren (Arial, Castellar, Cooper Black, Georgia, Pristina, Ravie, Rockwell and Vivaldi) apprised me as their favorite Zayda...
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