"Nightmare of another life" By Ben Goode 2018 (c) (image isn't mine)

Nightmares of the same place, over and over. Even in sleep I cannot escape.
An old European town, seemingly wartime. An atmosphere of terror.Β
The rain never stops, a heavy grey fog seems to hang in the air. The roads are mostly gravel and the houses seem mostly abandoned.
People are frightened, and hidden away.
It's definitely like I'm in a different life. And it's not me, but it is. I am a scared kid on my back, hiding away under the floorboards of an old house.
Trying to bury myself under the dirt. I don't care if the dirt gets in my eyes.
The men after me are distinctly dressed in uniforms with harsh red SS symbols, talking in an indistinguishable language I can't understand.
One of them is in a jet-black uniform, and he seems to be hunting me in particular.
With two other men, he invades each house in the town looking for me.Β
Until he finds the house I am in.
Someone must have told him? Perhaps too scared not to.
I hear door of my house being barged in by them.Β
The noise is horrific in itself.Β
Crack, crack, crack, begging and screaming. Crash. Gunshots, and bodies falling. My family?
Knowing the monsters have come in so easily.Β
Apparently unstoppable.Β
I have to cover my mouth for fear of screaming.Β
Shaking from the cold and fear.
I hear their footsteps on the floor boarding, I can see them through the gaps in the floor-boarding, praying to God they don't look down.
I try to bury myself further into the dirt further.
But without warning several crowbars are ploughed into the boards above me.
They know where I am.
The woods splinter everywhere, falling onto me as I whimper.
Black gloved hands reach for me through the holes in the floor.
Reaching out like tendrils from everywhere, as I try to bury myself away.
Their hands all grip onto me like a vice....
Beautifully crafted piece
Thankyou :) that's an awesome comment