Ode to Henrietta Leviatt - A tapestry of light

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Discovery of the earth
With its perfectionAnd imperfections,
Small and beautifulYet large and ancient
How is it so that
Our place in the universe
Is so simple yet complex-????????
Parallex, when looking at the stars
We can see how far the stars are -
Measure the brightness of the starsAs did the astronomer
Henrietta Leviatt (1912) who examined
The relationship between stars by
Measuring the rate of change of star brightness in the sky and
The distance betweenStars and faraway galaxies ....
So where do all the stars come from
Where does it lead to...
Head to a
NASA vacuum chamber - an
Airless chamber
Built of aluminumTo perform a
Galileo experiment ~
Feathers drop slower than a ball due to
Air resistance
Remove the air
Drop the ball and the feather simultaneously and
Without air resistance this timeThey come down together at the same time
Newton said it was gravity but
Einstein said they are not falling
They stand still instead
The force of gravity is an illusionWHAT!
General relativity - a theory
The death of giant stars
Suns eaten by black holes in a
......beautiful universe
With a perfect moon
And God said let there be light
In our constantly changing universe
Babies growing up
Adolescents shooting up
Adults growing old
Into the birth of the cosmos????????
Discovering the lights of the ancients
The afterglow of the Big Bang is
The birth of the first atoms and light
This is the story of our earliest origins
A tapestry of light and our ultimate destruction