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Coffee Table online sketch poetry is not a novel concept in literature, but it is considered as the blossom and the fragrance of all human knowledge,  thoughts,  passions, and emotions, depicted through cute drawings and short words. It is that kind of writing to formulate a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sketch, and drawing
It is the supreme expression of the noblest human emotions: of love and sympathy; of awareness of the infinite value of life; of the realizations of the eternal truth through the strokes of individual talents of creative genius. Yes, it is true to say that sketch poetry is all these together in a single volume of human brilliance! And a poet’s life is the extension of human consciousness into the eternal essence of life and sympathy!
Sketch poetry is a literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive sketch style and life rhythm. Imagination is the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful and can be active without worries, such as fearing something, for every word has its own meaning, detached from the actual word it’s described by.
This carries a  different level of understanding by allowing us to really experience life through the emotions and experiences of others as poetry is a blend of imagination and truth; it is a diverse form of communication and there are vast arrays of elements that make up this very unique and specialized form of writing. It is the art of apprehending and interpreting ideas by the faculty of imagination; the art of idealizing in thought and in expression.
We are much elated to present our new coffee table online sketch poetry book. Happy reading.


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