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POET'S PEN: WILLIAMSJI MAVELI writes on Maaya Dev’s poem:The Solitude

POET'S PEN: WILLIAMSJI MAVELI writes on Maaya Dev’s poem:The Solitude


  • Maaya Dev’s poem:The Solitude


  • The Solitude
  • By Honorable Poetess Maaya Dev
  • Copyright to Mayya Dev


I am just wondering..
What is happening?
Oh! 'A UNION' is budding,
That looks promising!

(In any type of environment in our life, loneliness is a kind of pain and agony both physical as well as mental)

The embrace is surprising,
And aura seems comforting.
This 'BOND' I was longing,
Would savour its blending.

(Deep silence finds immense pleasure in its uniformity with cosmos even in a single entity. People with highest level of wisdom attained enlightenment through uses of spiritual rumination, depriving sensory input and bodily necessities, namely outside desire sought throughout social interaction)

It's presence is amazing,
I could feel it deepening.
It's silence is soothing,
I could hear it whispering.

(Solitude is the achievement of bliss from within, rather than seeking it in the external world.  Psychologically, introverted individuals require spending time alone away from people to recharge, or are simply socially indifferent might find it a pleasurable environment with solitary preoccupations)

It's caress is alluring,
I could sense it seducing.
It's touch is so caring,
I could share my feeling

(Solitude is not essentially a negative thought or concept, it is alluring and pleasure giving when taken into account on the basis of both human passion and lust)

It's serenity is enduring,
I could merge my being.
It's peace is enriching,
I could cleanse my thinking

(Solitude can enlarge liberty and independence, and moreover, freedom from distractions has the potential to spark on creativity, excellent depiction of loneliness among human, Congrats dear Poetess Maaya Dev)

Simply I am enjoying,
what is happening,
Slowly, I am realizing,
'SOLITUDE' is mesmerizing!

(Seclusion is painful when one is immature, but delightful when one is more mature as well as more aged during twilight's of life)




Solitude-in both ways, positive and negative contributes different effects.  Much of the time, these effects and the longevity is determined by the amount of time a person spends in isolation.  The positive effects can range anywhere from more freedom to increased spirituality, while the negative effects are socially depriving and may elicit the onset of mental illness. While positive solitude is often desired, negative solitude is often involuntary or undesired at the time it occurs.

A person’s inspiration as well as imagination can be sparked when given freedom. Solitude can increase freedom and moreover, freedom from distractions has the budding to spark creativity.  Another proven benefit to time given in solitude is the development of self. When a person spends time in solitude from others, he may experience changes to his self-concept. Loneliness also provides time for thoughtfulness, growth in personal spirituality, and self-examination. In these situations, loneliness can be avoided as long as the person in solitude knows that they have meaningful relations with others. 

Loneliness expresses the soreness of being alone and solitude contributes the real glory of being alone. In solitude the mind grabs power and learns to lean upon it. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so comfortable as solitude. Please accept my congrats dear Poetess Maaya Dev. May God bless your magic pen to pour more and more poems of this kind




ABOUT POET'S PEN: Williamsji Maveli writes a column titled "Poet's Pen" in view of bringing connectivity between the author and reader for a better understanding of poetic aspects in creativity perspective. This column will highlight on the content of a poem picked at random by the author, which will be appearing on daily basis as and when the authors feels to upload the posting.  Reader's valuable comments, both positive and negative are most welcome and will be highly appreciated by me


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Maaya Dev

Dear Williamsji, I loved the way you interpret 'Loneliness and Solitude' . Both word may sound or mean same superficially, because of the common element/experience of Silence, but the feelings are very different as you said one is negative and agony, other is positive and enlightening. Silence is a space where we can have a beautiful introspection of our own self, it helps us to grow maturely by having lots of insights about life and its intricacies. It is the space we can get in sync with our creative side where we require utter concentration. When I had written the poem 'The Solitude' my aim was to highlight the beauty of solitude which you with your detailed explanation made it more narrative and audible for the readers. Thanks once again to review my poem and find it worthy enough Sir

Greetings and regards



Honorable Poetess Maaya Dev,

Being so much inspired by your above verse, so simple and humble in nature, I wish to scribble my four lines (to be posted shortly in my new inspirational poetry column titled " MISTY MOODS-a series of 101 short poems based on Poetess Maaya Dev's "SHIMMERING CHIMES " and other poems too

Only in crystal clear eyes do faces mirror themselves factual,

 Just in a silent mind is sufficient for an insight into the actual,

Solitude provides more opportunity to rediscover our sacred love,

 Life is whittled away and re-formed by inner voices from above


Regards & Respect




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