Raindrops: A Story of Life and Circumstance ; Chapter Six: The Water Bearer (( Part 2/2 ))

To be honest, the walk was much easier than I'd expected. Natalie, despite her Full-Bodied figure, weighed about as much as I did. The slope created its own difficulties, but after several heart stopping moments of imbalance and embarrassing repositioning, we'd finished the climb. At the same time, I fervently preyed we wouldn't run across anyone else. As much as I didn't care what other people thought, it was rather incriminating to be carrying another girl bridal-style, with her gently resting against my chest. Even I would not be immune to that level of gossiping glares and whispers. Not that I particularly cared, but Natalie might.
It was relatively quiet on the streets though. All of the people were either out around the city, or towards the North Side of the campus, exploring the venues the school put on for the students. Which left our path, mercifully, empty. All except for two guys walking towards us. I tried to calm down. They looked nice enough. They didn't look like the gossiping type. But still, one of them, a black-haired boy, looked at me and a strange sense of relief passed over his face. I was highly confused at that. Did he know Natalie? As I was walking, I became very much absorbed in trying to figure out the possibilities, and circumstances in which we might have seen him before. So absorbed I didn't see the missing chunk in the concrete slabs beneath me as my foot fell into it, causing me to begin an inexorable stumble. Only to be caught from in front, two strong hands taking up positions on my hips. I looked up to see the black-haired boy, holding Me and Natalie up, concern written over his face, as well as a rather cute flustered look on his face, as if he'd definitely not thought this through.
I certainly hoped he hadn't. My face began to burn horribly when I thought about the situation, and his hands... As if in response, he focused in on me, and as if recognizing the position he'd put himself in, his face turned deep red as well.
"Uh... H-Hi... You okay?" I nodded much too embarrassed to speak. He still hadn't moved his hands. Was he that dense? I coughed and straightened myself up. Still nothing. Natalie stayed motionless, a slight smile breaking out on her face. Was she seriously pretending to be asleep!? I took a deep shuddering breath, drawing up the will to speak.
"Yes, I'm... We're fine. Thanks." He nodded. His hands were still there. "Would you mind too terribly not holding onto me like that?" He flinched and quickly withdrew his hands. I let out a sigh of relief. Much better. I thought I saw Natalie open one eye slyly, but I disregarded it as I cleared my throat. "Well, we'll be going now." I quickly tried to walk away, but he followed me.
"H-Hey, if you need someone to help you, I could carry her for a while." Natalie squeaked slightly and I took that as a definite 'no'. I kept walking.
"I've got her. Besides, I don't think she'd like being handed over like a sack of potatoes." Natalie had her eyes opened now, of course. He, on the other hand, stopped somewhere behind us, his face fallen slightly.
"Okay, see you later, I guess..."
"Yeah, we'll see you around." I called over my shoulder, not bothering to wait for his reaction. I had to get away with some dignity left. Natalie giggled in my arms, but I ignored her. The library was right around the corner. So close. I kept walking as quickly as I could to the doors. They, much like the rest of the building, were glass and metal, artful swirls and fogged portions creating patterns and designs within the door. Natalie shifted in my arms slightly.
"Okay, you can let me down now." I sighed in relief and helped her down. My arms were burning, but she seemed happier. Natalie stretched, and sighed contentedly. "You know, it might have been wrong to use you like that, but it was worth it to see your face back there." I blushed again.
"Just get in the door." She laughed and pushed through the door into the heavy, still air of the library. Of course, no one would be in here. Only crazy people would spend a nice day like this inside with a pile of books. Guess I knew where we fell in that statement. But regardless of our sanity, it would be nice to spend a relaxing day with some books. The main area was very much plain, with a small desk at the front that flanked the long rows of bookshelves extending in all directions behind it. The librarian, an elderly man whose white hair was considerably thinning, looked in mild surprise as we came in through the front. A small smile appeared on his face, however, and he walked out from behind his desk.
"Morning kids, how can I help you?" Natalie took point, quietly sliding forward and greeting him with an airy smile.
"Nothing much, we were just hoping the library was open this early. Is it?" He stood there, pondering, but quickly made up his mind about something.
"Well, I'm not allowed to lend books until the semester starts, but if you two want to browse, as long as they don't leave the building, we'll have no problems." Natalie nodded quietly.
"Of course. Thank you, Sir." He chuckled raspily before sitting at his desk and picking up the old, battered paperback he'd been reading before we came in.
"You can call me Mr. Greene, go have fun." Natalie nodded and took my hand before leading us deeper into the building. The whole library was arranged into a series of concentric atriums surrounding the four floors, each one being recessed slightly more than its predecessor. The effect was a massive reading space in the middle, populated by chairs and large lounge sofas, with an uninterrupted open space stretching up to the massive, oblong glass dome above. From the center, a staircase wound around the atrium, connecting to the four floors, which, from the perspective of someone in the atrium, appeared as a series of balconies recessed into the walls. The glass dome let in a flood of natural light, but quietly tucked into corners were lights, ready for nighttime readers to use, if necessary. Bookshelves were arranged radially around the center, Labels and categories facing inwards toward the space.
"So, will this do?" Natalie nodded, awestruck, as we approached the couches, looking around with a look of wonder on her face. She quietly walked over to one of the peripheral shelves and perused the covers of the books on each level, silent in her intensity.
"So many..." I debated laughing but decided against it. Instead, I left her by the shelves to find a book so that I could look around. I looked over the category plaques beside each shelf. Sciences, arts, biology, language, and other categories spread about, full rows of shelves waiting for someone to delve. I peeked down the art aisle, curious. I quickly glanced over each cover. It was as I'd thought. Histories, commentaries, and collections galore, but nothing on music. I frowned slightly. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. However, I noticed a small book on a pedestal and walked over to it curiously. From the looks of the long lines of text and numbers, it was a directory of sorts. I flipped through the pages, alphabetically listed categories printed neatly upon each. I stopped on the third or fourth page, where 'Music and Instruments' was listed in small black letters next to the number 45. I assumed that each aisle was counted as one number, and peeking around the corner again, my suspicions were confirmed. Each bookshelf had a small number next to the descriptions. I looked around the circle, but the last category, Foreign Studies, was only number 15. That seemed wrong, unless...
"Hey Natalie! I'm going to go up to the next floor for a little bit, okay?" She looked from her shelf, which she had already relieved it of several old books. She nodded, and I started up the glass staircase, not daring to look under me. The next floor was like the first, couches overlooking the atrium at a safe distance from the railings. I carefully noted each shelf on this level. This floor only went to 35. Logically, then, the next floor should definitely have 45. I walked to the staircase and took a deep breath. I wasn't particularly fond of heights and looking down at the thirty-foot drop from the bottom did not help the situation. Glass is a horrible choice for stairs... I shook my head and climbed up the stairs as quickly as I could, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, not the view from under and to either side of me. Mercifully, I stepped onto the floorboards of the third floor. This floor was like the other ones, but definitely different. There were several separate seating areas scattered about the floor, and in the middle of one of them, something caught my eye.
The piano was gorgeous. I couldn't help but walk over to it and run my hand over the smooth, glossy cover. I was pristine, not even dusty. I smiled quietly, before looking at the aisles around me. Directly across from the Piano area, aisle 45 sat. I strolled into it and smiled as I began to see the names of songs and concertos. One called to me, and I took it reverently from its shelf. it was one of my favorites. I wondered if the librarian would mind if I played just a little... I slowly walked over to the piano and pulled out the bench. Gently, I tapped a key, and a pure, clear note echoed around the room. Obviously, someone had expertly perfected the acoustics of the listening area. Tentatively, I sat and tapped another key. Like before, a clear note rang out.
I carefully opened the music book, mindful of its age, I withdrew the sheet music from it. Setting the yellowed pages on the stand, I began the first portion. It wasn't overly complicated, but there was a beauty in its simplicity. The notes flowed like water through the air, quietly fading into nothingness after a few suspenseful seconds. I struck one of the lower notes, and a mellow tone echoed, a higher one, like a bell. Following the flow of the melody, I set the whole room echoing with a stream of harmonies, each more complex than the last. It was good to play piano like this sometimes. It was one of the few things I still continued to enjoy after the accidents that changed my life forever. The tune dipped down, and I wondered to myself what exactly I would've done without those accidents.
It wasn't an easy question. Perhaps things would've ended the same, with me here, but so many things would be different. I would be here with Chloe and my boyfriend, or perhaps he would have proposed and became my fiancé... My heart dropped a little as I remembered the ring in my pocket. I never went anywhere without it. He, of course, would've found some ridiculously crazy way to propose. Out on the lake, or lighting up an entire skyscraper, like that one movie he'd been so fond of. That was one of the things I loved about him. he was always willing to be so silly at times, and yet solid when you needed him.
Without realizing it, the tune I was playing had changed. Instead of the piece I had picked out, his favorite tune echoed into the air, as soft and peaceful as the day he'd taught it to me. It wasn't one I played often, it typically brought out too many memories. But at the moment, it was just me, alone in the room. I could afford to feel for a little while. It always felt good to release a bit of the emotions I usually bottled up inside me. On I played, riding the little ups and downs it contained. I could still remember the day he'd taught me. He was very patient, if not a little dense, for not realizing that I was intentionally playing dumb so he'd sit next to me longer. I laughed quietly to myself. He was so frustrated that day, he'd had the most ridiculous look on him until I'd broken down and kissed him. Sometimes, I still couldn't bring myself to remember, but I let him be there with me, if only for a little while. The world swirled and slowed, and another set of notes joined mine. I moved over on the keys, taking up the higher part of the melody, while the bass played beside me.
I didn't need to look over to see him. I'd always know his face anywhere. I scooted closer to him, quietly enjoying the silent companionship. If I looked, he would disappear, If I stopped playing, he would go. Even then, I would stay with him until the song had ended. A small moment in the wide grasp of the world wouldn't kill anyone. The song took almost an ethereal quality as our parts played a constant harmony, ringing in unison throughout the room, filling it with our music. It was something just for us. I allowed a few tears to wander down as the catharsis grew within me. Slowly, the end of the song built up, crescendoing and climaxing once, and then again, the final notes echoing away as the feeling faded with it. I softly played the first part again, forlorn and yet blissfully happy. It was one of the few times in my life when I could escape the weight of the world.
"Beautiful, as always." The voice whispered softly beside me, but I didn't bother to look behind me. A satisfied hum echoed before fading into silence. I smiled slightly. He just couldn't leave me, could he? Although, I really didn't want him to... I was startled out of my revelry by the noise of Shoes on glass as someone mounted the stairs, followed swiftly by another. Clumsily, I backed myself out of the piano, sliding the bench into place as a tuft of white showed over the railing. The librarian climbed over the last step before catching sight of me and smiling.
"I thought I'd find you behind the keys." I smiled softly and held my hands in front of me.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." He smiled and chuckled lightly.
"No need to apologize. You played beautifully, I just came up to give my applause in person." I flushed slightly.
"Wait, you could hear it all the way down there?" He nodded
"This one piano can reach this whole half of the building." He pointed at several apertures in the ceiling of the room, directly surrounding the piano. They were horribly conspicuous, and I was rather ashamed I hadn't noticed them earlier. "Most people don't know, but this is a performance area for our music classes. It's not open to all students, but I think I'll make an exception for your talent." I nodded gratefully as Natalie's blonde hair peeked over the edge, followed immediately by her eyes, curious and wandering. She saw me by the piano and her eyes lifted in surprise. The librarian walked back down the stairs, while Natalie walked up cautiously to me, a small pile of books in her hands.
"H-Hey Maddie, you played ALL of that?" I nodded, blushing again. She quietly walked over to one of the couches and set down her books. She moved back over to me and looked down before asking her question. "Could you... play that again?" I looked at her surprised. She lifted her head slightly, hope gleaming in her eyes. I sighed before reluctantly pulling out the bench and sitting again. I motioned, and Natalie sat next to me, folding her hands in her lap as she waited for me to start. I was feeling slightly on the spot. I didn't typically play for people, at least not people sitting right next to me. I took a breath and started again. The notes began again, and I quickly forgot about Natalie sitting by me as I became swept away in the music. As the last notes echoed away, Natalie took a shuddering breath. I looked at her curiously, and she had a very thoughtful look on her face. I suddenly felt a little self-conscious. Had she not liked it?
"That sounded different than the first time." I paused, thinking. I hadn't done anything different, had I? I reviewed it to myself, before I slowly started to play the high part. Maybe that was she meant? She tilted her head to the side, as if absorbing the music. After I'd finished again, she nodded quietly to herself. "I thought so. Is there another part besides this one?" I nodded, not quite understanding. "Is it possible to play them both?" Another nod. I placed my hands on the appropriate keys, carefully reaching over Natalie to the lower notes. It was much more complicated to play the two complementary parts simultaneously, but possible. With as few stumbles as possible, I ran through the whole piece, which seemed to appease Natalie's curiosity.
"It was really beautiful, you know. Do you play often?" I nodded as she stood up, walking over to sit on one of the couches. "Well, don't mind me. I'll just read here, if you don't mind, of course."
"Nope, no objections. I'm going to try and learn something new, and you might get an earful of my mistakes, so stay at your peril." She laughed quietly, shaking her head and opening one of the books spread around her.
I picked up the music sheet book and pulled a piece out at random. It didn't look too hard, so I set it on top of the sheet already there. And I began to play.
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And so the first encounter occurs! Let the drama begin, in a chapter or two...
: ) Hope you guys enjoy the first sighting of Matthew.
Have a nice night!
Absolutely insane!
I actually really enjoyed that chapter and Maddie being able to play the piano was a nice surprise and it really added to her character.
Awesome once again, I can't wait for the next chapter :)